Reboot Notes 2 - Character Changes

Created by Ambassador Geminik Odar on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 10:31pm

Originally posted Sept of 2016

Changes with some characters and storylines:

*I almost was going to have it that Devin and Joey were never part of Sapientia's past. But, as they are too much of an important part of a story that is staying, some changes are being made instead. There is no background Intel story going on at this time. This means many of Devin's post won't be brought over, which includes the majority of his with Teri. This is okay with Jen. Joey's K-9 unit won't be here. Maybe we'll have k-9s in the future, who knows. (edit: we have one now on the Starbase roster.)

*After all his post we are keeping are posted, Devin will fade into the background until we get a new Intel academic dept head. If we do end up rping any intel classroom scenarios, they will be taught by an NPC intel instructor from his dept.

*Because there's been too much of an IC Department head turnover in too short of time, Lil's characters Bejal and Jonas never existed here. Sonia happens to be what Joran's dept was, so we'll just make it that Sonia was the academic security dept head from the beginning. They've been waiting on a Tactical head, and so Sonia was covering both til this person arrives.

*Because Bejal never existed as Campus Security, I'm going to have it that BJ was placed as Interim Csec while they wait for their Csec to arrive. BJ was made Interim for that reason and with the goal in mind she was to get involved with the SAR training. Joey was made as BJ's Interim Assist. Chief because of all of this. I'll be editing in, changing the conversation, on what happened up at the Starbase during the weekend ep, to reflect that there was a decision that the training was going to be on another planet. Hence, BJ leaving, and we'll have it that Joey transferred with her. Cole and BJs relationship never happened.

*Miach and Kasia Tinsha will be brought over when it's time for them to be introduced, and after their last post, fade into the background, so to speak.

*Cadets of those no longer with us will fade into the background after their final post are brought over. Dorm officer and DJ Ensign Ailyssa Wells will fade into the background.

*Along with Ivy, Bejal and Jonas, Varra never existed. He didn't end up getting played much, so no harm in that. We'll say that Thavanichent th'Dani has been the Engineering academic Dept head all along.

Some recently intro-ed characters won't have existed either.

*I'm still working on the Starbase and Colony manifest. Figuring out the depts and positions, etc. I do know that some positions wont be there because they are positions that are on the Main Command Starbase in the sector aka Federation's DQ foothold, which is Starbase Phoenix.

*While Greg has been the head of the SCE with Magellan being the hub, he's taking over as CO of Phoenix base, making Phoenix base the SCE hub, yet Ta'mas will be working for him as Head of all SCE projects and Missions on Sapientia/Magellan Station, and colony.

Originally posted 2-14-17

*I have also made and will continue to make, minor edits, very carefully, where needed for any that have characters that we have decided were never here. For example..on Finding Friends at the beginning of the post where it has "A young woman in a Starfleet uniform gave the girl a hug." use to be "Bejal gave the girl a hug." But Bejal is not a part of the reboot. And I didn't ask Kinsey's player to edit it herself because she is no longer with us. It works out and harmlessly.

Categories: Reboot Notes