Reboot Notes 3 - Site Changes

Created by Ambassador Geminik Odar on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 10:37pm

Originally Posted 4-30-18

Kim: Hi everyone. I cleaned out some of what was in here, and I have some more things to discuss that have to do with changes made, and things added.

*First of all, I hope everyone likes that we moved the skin from the old site here, and that we also added 'Serene Colony' in silver metallic letters to the old banner. :) One of the things I really like about this skin is the default font is a larger. I love the blue when you highlight over the menu buttons. I think it just overall looks nicer than the Anodyne Nova Titan skin that we had.

*In the top menu that goes across under the banner, I added in 'Seasons'. This is the 'page' where Episodes will be divided into seasons. Like tv shows. :) If you check it out, you'll see Season One is from Late 2388 to Late 2389.

*Changes made on the Bio form. I made some changes on the join/bio form. The tab after Basic Info was changed from Personality to Character Details. The Personality section is still there, as well as an official info section. Also, under age, in the basic info section, I added Terran Birth Date-Month/Year. If you can't think up a birthday for you character, just do what I do, google the celebrity you use for your character's pic and use their birth date. The reason why we are doing this is because I'll be time jumping us from time to time, whenever we can make it work. As we go into each IC year, I want to make sure our characters age too. For example: Actor Tom Welling's birthday is in April, so I made it so Ta'mas was born in April 2356, making him 32. By the time we reach their IC 'summer' (or when it's summer on earth) Ta'mas will have turned another year older, age 33.

Categories: Reboot Notes