Reboot Notes 4 - Manifest and Position Changes

Created by Ambassador Geminik Odar on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 10:48pm

Originally Posted 4-30-18

*Here and there over the winter I made a lot of changes/adding to the manifests, & rearranging as a result. I want to discuss some of those changes.

*Manifest #1 - Starbase Magellan: For those who Live and/or work on Starbase Magellan.

- Under the Starbase Command Dept I recently added a couple more positions: Special Operations Officer & Duty Officer. These positions don't have to be filled, but they are unique and if do get filled, will add more fun stuff to the sim. Their descripts are on the join app and on the Departments and Positions page.
- We've added in a K-9 sub-dept under Security. So, if you want to NPC a security officer with a K-9 in training, let me know. There is also a cadet job as a K-9 Puppy Caretaker.

*Manifest #2 - Special Ops & Projects: Because this skin makes text larger, the main manifest ended up longer, too long, as a result. I ended up moving a few sub-depts, creating this manifest. Depts are: Security SABRE Team, Search and Rescue Operations, Cerberus Station II Development Project, and a new one, SFI Covert Operations: Roma Unit.
- About Roma Unit. There had been a plan for Intel at the old site, but I had decided I didn't want to do that plan here, and I've been unsure of what to do instead, just knowing I wanted to do something. Well, I recently became inspired due to another Intel sim. Mostly not doing things the same as them (they have a whole different premise), but I became inspired and figured it out. Roma Unit is an Intel covert team assigned to Serene. Real soon here, the next few days, I will be writing out the reasons for a covert intel team to be placed there. They are good reasons, I feel.

For now: Next door to Dev's Place on the promenade is a branch of the Federation News Service, which is actually an Intel unit cover. And although it's how it appears, Deveron Raziel never retired from Starfleet to become a business man. His bartender Nick was to be an undercover intel officer for a story at the old site, and he is here too.

I've gone through every character's bio on this sim and have put on a list the ones with any kind of Intel background or experience. Because I want a limit to how many characters we have here with Intel backgrounds or experiences, I ask that starting now, no one adds in any Intel background to ones that didn't have it in their bios before. If anyone is interested in having a character as a part of this covert unit, either a new character, or one already on the manifest, even if they have no intel background at this time, let me know, I would love that, and we'll see if it works out for them to be. They could either be an actual member of the unit or do work/provide some expertise for the unit from time to time.

I also don't want anyone having their characters, even if they have an Intel background, being suspicious or discovering this covert team without running it past me, and I being okay with it. Otherwise, it makes it so the covert team isn't really that great at being covert.

To paint an image, (quoted from Unicorn Games) "exactly how SI has conducted itself over the years isn't clear. Many documents concerning SI operations remain classified, even a hundred years later. The general public knows very little about what SI did in the past, and even less about what it's doing today. Even those on the inside with all the right security clearances are not privy to all the details, but they do have a better picture of SI's development." Only certain characters will be aware there is a covert intel operation here, such as the Admirals in charge of Serene, and they are not in charge of this team nor know who everyone on it are. This unit won't be involved in other intel matters, such as when our command dept Intel officer position is filled. Nor will be involved with normal security matters that the security department takes care of. They have a specific assignment, which is what they will be focused on.

I will have more details soon.

Originally posted 6-7-18

*Manifest #3 - Colonial Affairs: Colony Personnel & Civilians. - The Colony Administration dept. At the old site, in the weekend episode, is a post where Admiral Samantha Frasier-Odar and Ambassador Geminik Odar are asked to come back to running Starbase Phoenix (Sam) and diplomatic relations in the DQ (Gem), but because of the changes here, before that post is posted over here, it will be heavily edited to reflect Sam being placed in charge of Serene/Sapientia replacing Greg, and Geminik will be asked to be the Colony's first Civilian Administrator, representing the colonist, forming a partnership. Why he was chosen for this, why the position is needed, will be explained in that post. Greg is to become the new Starfleet head of the quadrant, over at Phoenix. There are a couple other positions in this dept so far: Deputy Administrator and Minister of Commerce.
- Civilian Council Members is a sub dept. Certain Civilian and Colonist leaders can be on this council. Right now the colony veterinarian and Deveron Raziel are on the council. This is a third 'position' for Dev, so you don't see him there.
- Oceanic Department - had been intro-ed a little at the old site. We'll be 'diving' into a story/adventure with them eventually. Edit: for now the dept is off the manifest.
- Colony Civilian Affairs. Last but certainly not least. This is for the civilian colonists living in Serene.
The first position colonist descript reads like this:

In order to join with this position, you'll need to have your colonist there with a contributing purpose, that your colonist had to go through an approval process to be allowed to take part in establishing Serene Colony. Such as a shop owner, or a farmer. Place on your app within the personal history section of this form what this service is. You're character may have a family with them.

Once someone has done this, I'll create for them a position for whatever their service is. I'll also provide a bio for each of their families members if they want. I really hope we eventually get a few colonist here.
- Contracted Civilians & Employees - sub dept. Other civilian colonist positions, including school teacher, Veterinarian, Mining Engineer, & Miners. More on the mining done on Sapientia and one of her moons later.

*Manifest #4 - Magellan Campus: Both the Starfleet Academy and Starfleet Medical Campuses in the Delta Quadrant.
- First change has to do with getting rid of the Operations Academic Dept-Head position. I came to realize that it's a dept not needed as Ops cadets are taught their Ops technical skills by the engineering dept at the Academy. I am really glad that no one had taken this position so it was easy to do away with.
- Added in a position for Law Instructor. Yes, cadets now have the choice of a Pre-law degree to become future JAG Officers. More on that when I discuss the changes for cadets and the student roster.

Categories: Reboot Notes