Timeline Format

Created by Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton on Tue Apr 9th, 2019 @ 6:41pm

The format we'll be using for the timeline is this: YYYY/DD/MM HHMM

Aka the year, day, month, hour, and minutes.

For example: 2388/08/31 1453

The spacing is very important. If not spaced right, it will affect the timeline mod and cause the post to be out of place in the timeline.

It must be the following: YYYY/DD/MM(1 space)HHMM

If you plan on copying and pasting over from another post, then to only need to edit when using, remember that there is no spacing in front of it. Meaning this: (no space)YYYY/DD/MM(1 space)HHMM

Otherwise, it will screw it up.

Next, a space after the format we're putting in parenthesis the Earth calendar conversion date for this.

Such as (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 2:53pm) What is inside the parenthesis does not affect the timeline mod.


2388/08/31 1453 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 2:53pm)

Military time conversion chart: https://military.onlineclock.net/chart/

I know this is confusing for some people. I am more than happy to help anyone figure this out for each individual post, just ask.

Categories: Rules