Reboot changes - medical

Created by Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton on Sat Sep 7th, 2019 @ 5:28pm

The differences between the two medical departments and changes made towards the Student Body.

The two medical departments, where one is a major hospital, and one is a Medical Center that is a branch of the hospital and is responsible for two clinics.

On the Campus manifest is Phlox Medical Academy. This includes Phlox Medical Hospital, the teaching hospital for the medical academy. This is also the main hospital for all of Serene. Those who live and work at Magellan Campus will go there for all their medical needs, even if its just for a checkup.

Over at Magellan Station's manifest, you'll see Piper Medical Center, which is a branch of Phlox Medical. Located within Magellan Station, it's medical department is responsible for the physical health of the Station crew. It has a clinic located on the Station's promenade, and another is located within the civilian populace outside of the Station. There are also band-aid stations scattered about.

Now, major surgeries and traumas for all of Serene will be handled at Phlox Hospital. Because of it's specialties in these areas and in support of those training there, those who live at Magellan Station and Serene Colony also come to Phlox Medical for obstetrical care and physical therapy.

Both the Hospital and Center have a research sub-dept. Each of these are responsible for different types of research. Better decripts of all of this is on department and position page on the site. If you have any questions, confusions, on where your characters would go for what, let me know. I think it'll become clear.

The CMO is in charge of the Medical Academy, and has two Assistant CMO's under her/him. One there at the Hospital, and one in charge of the Medical Center at the Station.

Next..the Student Manifest.

Quite a few changes have been made from the old to here in regards to degrees offered.

I've added in not only Pre-med, but the full medical academy. Full Medical Cadets will need a pre-med degree in order to enter the Medical Academy. Pre-med undergraduates will need to have primary degree as well as specific required courses in order to be accepted into the Medical Academy after they graduate.

Dean Connor McKinney is offering a special program cutting the pre-med degree in half, making it two years instead of four to enter the medical academy. There'll be more details on that later.

There is also Pre-law available for future Jag officers.

Please note: Command Cadets are future Strategic ops officers, Mission Specialist, & Command dept Bridge/duty Officers. If you're confused by this before i have all the individual cadet degree descriptions up, please come to me and ask.

Intelligence degree: This is only what is taught to those who will become Intelligence duty officers on ships and stations. No covert intel training is done here. Covert training would be done in another location by Starfleet Intel themselves, who approach people or accept people after they've graduated the Academy.

Full list of Primary, secondary, and medical degrees are listed on the bio/join form right now and eventually will also be listed on the wiki. Any questions, just ask.

A few more things:

1. There will be ways for cadets to earn their own awards and rewards. I'll be getting that together and posted too.

2. Cadet players, in order to claim a grade for your cadet, you'll need to earn it. Failing or passing has to do with how much you participate in a post, such as just having your cadet come in the class and sit down, with no other participation is not going to give them a passing grade. Claiming a letter grade is given by choosing and completing certain 'assignments' given by the instructor player and/or myself. No worries, as a sim this is more about writing and fun than actual homework.

3. A reminder that its always been a rule on our join app that all cadets are required to be played when pulled into an academic post, even if they are a NPC. Like any PC position, if you are unable to participate, let the instructor player or myself know. that all of this has been said, I'll now be doing a cadet role call to find out who wants to continue to play a cadet, which ones, and who no longer wants to, who's changed their mind either way.

On the student manifest, at the bottom, is a list of cadets that will be fading into the background, will no longer be played once we become current. If your cadet is on that list and you have changed your mind and want to continue to play them, please let me know asap.

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