Beyond Shipmates, Beyond Friends part one

Created by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD on Thu Dec 1st, 2016 @ 4:35am

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Commander Ta'mas & Lieutenant Commander Paige O'Halloran "BANSHEE"
Mission: Future Mission TBA (Pegasus mission never named)
Location: Paige's Quarters
Timeline: Current (at the time for the mission timeline) posted March 12, 2012

Ta'mas had left the party with the intention of retiring to his quarters, only to wander around the ship, finding himself on the station in front of a nightclub. Caught in the grip of physical desire, he observed patrons coming and going, some entering alone to leave with another. A desirable female, an appealing male; he imagined how easy it would be to succumb to the demands of the body. There was a time it would have been so easy for him to handle what was happening with a casual liaison, seeking help from a skilled Vulcan to then meditate. But now, it disturbed him. Even so, he found himself considering it. It was his heart that lead him away.

Paige finally made it to her quarters after the awards ceremony/party. It had run later then expected and Paige had been busy, talking to friends and all in all not hating the experience. As the night wore on, however, there was an under current she couldn't place. It made her restless and she wanted out of this monkey suit, so she made her goodbye's and left. She entered her darkened quarters and moderated some lighting. She placed the sword and its scabbard on a nearby table and unbuttoned her jacket so it hung open. She unbuttoned the top button of the collarless button down shirt she wore underneath. With a sigh of relief, she pulled her hair out of its french braid and it hung loose around her shoulders as she kicked off her shoes. She sat for a few minutes like that, savoring the sense of freedom. She'd been feeling vaguely like she was going to jump out of her own skin and wasn't even entirely sure why. These things with the dress uniforms and best behavior always drove her a little nuts, but that didn't explain this level. She closed her eyes as she leaned back in the chair as she tried to mull it over.

Ta'mas stood outside Paige's quarters and pressed the door chime..once...and then again. Impatiently, he ran his hands through his hair, the tension persisting inside of him. Damn it is hot out here.., he had thought to himself, pressing his forehead into his arm as he leaned against the door frame, attempting to discipline his mind to regain some control.

It took her a moment to realize her door was going off. "What now?" She muttered "Enter" she called and stood up, turning to face the door.

The door opened and Ta'mas stepped inside slowing his entrance as he took her in. It was not often he would catch her with her hair down. Her clothes partially undone only added to the difficulty he was feeling. His hair was a mess, and he was perspiring, his own dress uniform jacket having been tossed somewhere on the station. Swallowing hard, he stared at her, "Is this a bad time?" was all he could think of to say.

Paige looked at him immediately drawn out of her own concerns, he looked terrible. She didn't reply but lightly grabbed his arm and gently shoved him into a chair. She placed the back of one hand at his forehead, "You're burning up, I'm calling medical..." She removed her hand and made as if to straighten back up.

"No, you're not," he forced out, grabbing her arm as he pulled her down into his lap. He was suddenly kissing her, his free hand grabbing the back of her head as he held her to him with no intention of letting her go.

Paige was not expecting that action but she was not frozen by shock or fear. What locked her muscles for the initial reaction was competing instincts. So she allowed herself to be pulled down, adrenaline flooding her system. The combative side that was an ever part of her nature was already planning a few moves of their own to get him to let go, there were weak points in his neck, sides etc she could exploit. Then there was the other half, the half that was deciding this was a fine place to be. And this was Ta'mas, she didn't want to hurt him. "Something must be wrong.." She thought when her brain could form a logical sentence, he was feverish after all. She needed to do something about that and she just a second....

Not without regret she pulled back, "What the Hell Ta'mas?" she said, getting her breath back. If it'd been anyone else she would of ripped out their spine for attempting what he just did.

He was still holding her, their faces mere inches apart, "You taste as good as I knew you would", he answered, his reasoning temporarily gone.

Paige's eyes widened and her mouth went dry. She tried to ignore the fissure of warmth at his words that seemed to spike in the center of her being to focus on what was happening. "What the hell do I say to that?" Came the odd thought and she struggled for logic and after a moment replied, "Ta'mas somethings wrong, your fever, you have to talk to me.." Her eyes locked with his, her voice firm and she didn't move, sensing it would make what little control he seemed to have vanish.

He pulled back some, his eyes caught by her as a realization slowly began to wash over him. He loosened his hold on her, "You answered your door too quickly. I was in the middle of..." his eyes suddenly focused on her mouth, "...ummm...regaining some control."

Paige slowly and gracefully moved until she was sitting next to him. A hand still over one of his, it was an impulse she couldn't explain but it seemed important to maintain a connection. The physical distance helped clear her mind a bit more, though it still felt sluggish. Maybe it was all that alcohol, or something. "Whats going on?" She asked her voice gentle.

Images went through his mind of the two of them; his mind and body aflamed, violently aroused...

He ran his hand over his forehead pulling away, quickly crossing the room to get away. Keeping his back to her, he leaned with both hands on her desk, "It wasn't suppose to be like this!"

Confused, and not a little out of sorts, "Just talk to me.." She said standing.

"Okay", he nodded, determinedly, "I will", and turned around folding his arms tightly in front of him, "After we both talk about what has been going on...happening between us."

Paige blinked, she couldn't even pretend she didn't know what he was talking about. "I don't know if this is the time, something is obviously going on with you.."

He raised an eyebrow as he held himself back from shouting, "This 'is' the time, Paige."

Paige felt the weight of his heated gaze. It made her very aware of being a woman, something that wasn't often in the forefront of her consciousness. She fought the urge to step back. She felt a primal knowledge hover in the back of her mind, deeper then instinct. Even never having noticed it before she knew that look, every woman knew that look. "Oh hell..." she muttered.

Ta'mas continued to stare, his composure lessening, his hope diminishing, his eyes filling with emotion. "You are not ready."

"I.." she stopped trying to order her thoughts which seemed to be scattering to the wind. "I don't even know whats happening, how can I know anything?" she fought the impulse to go to him, he was suffering and that bothered her but she needed answers. She fought to keep her mind clear, "It shouldn't be this hard.." she thought to herself...

Feeling his heart pounding harder, he looked away from her, unfolding his arms to run his hands down his face. He breathed in deeply, looking back towards her as he struggled with the words, "What is happening is...I am experiencing...Pon Farr."

Paige cast her mind through her knowledge, she knew that term but from where? Her mind ran through what she knew, it seemed a frustratingly slow process. Finally it clicked and a sense that she was right followed it. She didn't know everything, Vulcan's were notoriously closed mouthed on the subject but they'd been around for hundreds of years and well information leaks. She didn't know the details but the basic yeah she knew. "Oh.." was her someone stunned and eloquent reply.

"Oh", he mimicked her, raising both eyebrows as he tried to hide how upset he was feeling. His facial muscles tightened as he continued to fight the desire to grab onto her face. For months he patiently waited in hopes that she would come to feel the same for him as he did for her. He was at the end of his rope, he could wait no longer. "I will be going" he added, and headed towards the door.

"This explains a lot" She thought to herself even as she said"Wait!" She took a step, not even entirely sure what she meant to do. "That's not....I mean its not....Oh Hell..." She said frustrated, finally she managed to get the words out, the ones that had been building for months, the ones that did not crystallize until this moment. This may not of been how she wanted to go about things or even something she had a lot of experience in but damned if she was a coward. "You don't have to go.."

He stopped, and swung himself around, his inner brows going up as he walked back to her, "Paige, yes I do. This may be the last day I have to make a reasonable decision. Either I have sex with you, or I have sex with someone else." he paused, staring at her hard, "There is no other choice."

She opened her mouth to speak closed it again, "Well that was blunt." a part of her thought wryly. Coming from another species and she would of shown him the door. But as she kept accidentally linking with him, and don't think she still wasn't trying to figure that one out, she knew that he wasn't kidding. It was that or death. His words brought to mind of him with another and something primitive awoke within her and growled "mine..". She looked back at him, spine straight and meeting his gaze with a powerful one of her own. "One thing you need to know about me." She stepped forward and their faces were inches apart, "I don't share..." Then she kissed him with everything she was.

That kiss was more than he had ever imagined. His mouth hard and hungry, he immediately returned it with unrelenting passion. He was trembling. This was so unexpected, for he had...only hoped. Knowing she wanted him, was willing, the fever had lowered only slightly then flamed back up even higher. Images flashed in his brain, almost danced in front of his eyes of what he desired.

Images flashed through her mind, desires she never knew she had, desires that couldn't of come from her but it was impossible to tell where one left off and the other began as desires from both began to flow together. Paige held on to Ta'mas as one would hold onto the only steady thing in a spinning world. By the gods he could kiss.....

His hands stroked down her back, over her hips, up her sides, grabbing her arms when he pushed her hard up against the closest wall, breaking off the kiss.

Paige felt his roving hands through her uniform, her skin tingling. Her own on his neck and in his hair. She barely felt the wall her attention was...elsewhere. Family photos shook but did not fall as she hit.

Her firm breasts collided with his chest, sending electricity surging through him. It took everything inside him to keep from moaning. "Paige...", he breathed out, "I am so sorry." Having been holding her up by his legs with his hips pressed hard against her, she could feel his full arousal. His forehead touched hers, and he closed his eyes. "Your last chance", he whispered, fisting his hands into her hair, "to send me away."

She burned in the core of her as she felt him, all of him, pressed against her. She laid one hand on his cheek and forced her mind to be coherent, "I don't have that strength...", her usual shields dropping, the words were unguarded. She fought the urge to rub her face to his like a cat, there were things she needed to say, important things. This Pon Farr and the odd connection they seemed to have forced the issue but this had been a long time coming.

She gave a light push and he lowered her feet to the floor and stepped away but kept physical contact. Now that she could no longer feel all of him her mind cleared, "I didn't see it, I don't know how I missed subtle... I think it started with that trip to your home...when I started to really know you." This was difficult, she was still feeling her way but she knew it had to be said, in so much as she knew anyway. And by the Gods O'Hallorans were not cowards, in any part of their lives. "I couldn't unsee...then you were hurt, nearly died right in front of me." She looked into his eyes, "Beyond shipmate, beyond friend and I didn't see it..." Fortunately the universe seemed to realize just how big a 'clue bat' was needed to get Paige's attention.

He was shaking now as he took in every word. He knew it would not be long, he'd lose all control of his thinking and start acting on instinct. Didn't see how much I love you, he thought. He took a step back turning away, his voice shook, "This is wrong, I can not do this."

That is not the reply a woman wants to hear when she bares her soul. "Come again?" Paige said evenly, keeping the emotional roller coaster at bay with force of will.

"This is not me, Paige!", placing a hand on his head, he sounded angry, "It is the plak tow. When I immerse fully into it, there will be no tenderness. It will be all about me and the need to mate. I might hurt you."

Paige took a deep breath and let it out, asking to her the most important question "Do you care for me beyond this Pon Farr?" She asked, looking at him with a tender but serious expression.

His eyes teared up as he turned back to her. His voice rang deep and strong with emotion, like steel, "I love you!"

Paige blinked back her own tears as she took in his words, she sensed the truth of his words, could nearly feel the emotion from him that lay behind them. She stepped closer and gave a wry smile "Then we can do this, I survived combat on planets, in space, defended this ship. I've been shot, stabbed, have bled and broken bones, I survived bombs and spies. I am a big girl and I know what I'm doing." She started to say more but things were too new, she needed more time before she made them 'real' by saying anything out loud. She tossed off her outer jacket on a chair and stepped forward laying a hand on his chest, she looked up at him, unafraid. "I know what I'm doing.." she repeated firmly. So what if a small part of her mind was asking just what in the hell she thought she was doing, this felt right and that small part could take a walk out an air lock for all she cared.

Ta'mas was on fire, burning up, and every muscle in his body was tense. Her words had seared into him feeding the flame, and her touch ignited him even more. His hands grabbed her face, his mouth taking over hers hungrily, releasing her, only to capture her mouth again in an even deeper kiss. He wanted to taste her, to touch her flesh, to possess every part of her. Releasing her, he gripped her shirt, and ripped it open, pulling it back to her shoulders.

Paige held on for dear life, it wasn't surprising he was so hot, she thought she was going to go up in flames right there in her quarters but what a way to go. A thrill went through her and desire spiked further in her eyes as he ripped open her shirt. Something deep within her raised its sleepy head and purred. A shifting of her arms and her shirt pooled on the carpet.

His eyes following her every move, he slid his palms around her waist, his sensitive fingers sending sensations through out her, caressing her skin like little kisses as he pulled her closer to him. He leaned into her, breathing into her neck, "Paige...I'm so me."

As he nuzzled her neck she did the same to his, taking in a scent that was uniquely his. "I'm here Ta'mas.." she said as she reached for his shirt and ripping it open as well but she didn't stop with the shoulders, instead removing it completely. Her hands roved, everywhere finding tone and muscle but just enough give to feel right. "Not bad for an engineer.." she muttered, obviously pleased. A thought flashed irreverently through her mind that she wondered if drooling would be considered 'not sexy'. Then she was beyond caring, he'd asked for help and help she would. She gently pushed him until he tripped backward onto her bed and her hair, always long, tickled his chest as she leaned over him. She had a smile that managed to be both mischievous and appear as though she knew some secret knowledge. "Hows that for help?"

Holding back as she touched him had been agonizing and Ta'mas knew he could hold back no longer. Reaching up, he tangled his fingers into the satin thickness of her hair, his eyes taking in her beautiful face; her cheeks flushed, her lips swollen and slightly parted. He ran his fingers along the line of her jaw, loving the soft feel of her smooth skin beneath his hand, "It helps", his voice husky, he smiled back, "I need more.." his fingers running down her neck, along her collarbone, feeling her peak under his fingers through the cloth of her bra. "I need to feel your skin on mine", he swallowed hard, the lines blurring as he unlatched the front of her bra, pushing it off, then pulling her down with him as he laid back on the bed, "I need to feel myself inside you."

At his last words, Paige's heart beat faster and the temperature seemed to climb, need spiraled out of control as she seemed to feel the words resonating deep within her. She reached for his belt with one hand as the other rested on his chest and she whispered in his ear, "Burn with me....."

To be continued...

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