Beyond Shipmates, Beyond Friends part two

Created by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD on Tue Feb 7th, 2017 @ 11:00pm

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Commander Ta'mas & Lieutenant Commander Paige O'Halloran "BANSHEE"
Mission: Future Mission TBA
Location: Paige's Quarters
Timeline: Current

The pace of their love making started out rough, there was nothing gentle about it. Ta'mas had always wanted, often imagined, their first time to be something special, tender and sensual, but he had run out of time. Paige kept up though her own eagerness matching his. Her hands and mouth moved over his body as though trying to commit it to memory. Though Ta'mas's blood continued to boil, some of his senses returned, and he rolled her over, towering over her as he leaned in to kiss her again, and then pulling back, "I want to lose myself in you," he whispered, finally accepting the inevitable "before it takes me over completely."

Paige matched him kiss for kiss but paused as he spoke. Her eyes gazed at him with a soft look she wasn't entirely aware of. At his words something deep inside seemed to just melt. She knew how hard it was for him to hold on to any sanity, she was having a hard enough, but he was trying for her. It said much about not just his feelings for her but his force of will. She touched his face with one had with a tender expression, it meant much that he would try so hard to make this right for her. "mo ionin aon"she said softly in the lyrical language of her homeland which translated loosely into ' My Dear One'. And he was. He'd become very dear to her and she was glad she realized it before it was too late. She'd had a lot of changes tossed at her at once and a lesser woman may of panicked but Paige wasn't the type to run if things were difficult especially if it was something she wanted. She had her one Truth, that her and Ta'mas fit. All else could be worked through. How could she doubt it when she could literally feel his love for her? It was the most unique and amazing experience she'd ever encountered. She kissed him, not hard but in gentle affirmation and murmured against his lips, "Come Home..." even as her hands moved over him.

Her words flowing through him, he captured her mouth, and when he lifted his head meeting her eyes, he smiled, before moving his lips to her jaw, up her cheek, to her temple. "Paige..." he whispered against her as they slowly merged into one, and he shuddered at the intensity of being inside her. "I love you." Paige didn't speak, couldn't speak so overwhelmed with sensation it was difficult to string a coherent thought together, in answer a hand gently pressed his lips then moved back to one of his arms.

The pace still slow, his breathing becoming shallow, the desire to let go of the tenderness, to possess and demand, to mate above all else burned even more. "Don't let me go." He fought hard to hold onto the tenderness, all the love flowing out of her to him. "Don't let me go..." he repeated. At this, she rallied enough to get out, "Never..."

He met her lips again, "You are beautiful," he breathed, his hand wrapped around her thigh to pull her closer against him. Their hands suddenly intertwining, the way she was responding to him, he managed to push his fears away...

And that's when his body took over, his mind barely managing to hold onto a thread of control. Time held no meaning as they lost themselves into each other. Suddenly increasing his pace he held onto her, their breathing quickening, he felt her release, her body jerking against him, ripping him apart as he shattered.

Opening his eyes several heartbeats later, Ta'mas looked down on Paige, watching her intently as she slowly recovered. Unable to let her go, he gently caressed some loose strands of hair away from her face, and leaned in to lightly kiss her, "Bond with me." Their love making had not lesson the plak tow, on the contrary it only increased it.

It took a few moments for Paige to even want to open her eyes, she was feeling very mellow but her somewhat sluggish brain kicked her. He was saying something important, she opened her eyes. "Bond?" she said slightly puzzled.

"Yes, a Vulcan telepathic bond", he replied. He was trembling. He knew if she said no, he would most likely force her, the desire for total unity between them stronger than he. "There is...some kind of bond already between us, I can feel it. Paige, I know you can too. It is not complete. It needs to be complete."

He was right she could feel it, it seemed to be there again off again, like it hadn't quite been secured. Something like a light with a loose wire. It was a big step she had some idea of what an empathic bond would entail. Somewhere deep within her mind though she could sense a part of her wanting to secure that connection. She looked into his eyes, this would lock in their connection and be more intimate then anything she'd ever done. A hint of fear flittered through her mind, not of Ta'mas or even the connection but somehow how him realizing this is all a horrible mistake and she wasn't the woman he thought she was. Emotions may be running high but it was the right move regardless, it felt right on the deepest levels. So not one to let doubts stop her, and secure in her knowledge that she cared for him and him for her, she nodded her head once with a determined expression that seemed to show both trust and a determination that if this was meant to be he could damned well take her as she was.

He continued to caress the side of her face, feeling all the emotions that went through her. His eyes revealed how moved he was by her determination, by what she was so freely giving. The fever pushed it away, and his eyes darkened. It wouldn't be long now. The want and the need still so strong, he pressed into her. Her breath caught. Her entire being focused and waited with anticipation. He looked down at her, with their emotions swamping him and now knew even in the height of the Pon Farr he could not truly harm her so strong was their bond already. Positioning his fingers he whispered, his gaze so intense, "Always remember, Paige, I will not harm you."

Paige looked deeply into his eyes, "I know..."

"It will not be the same as that shared by a Vulcan couple, but it will be just as intimate, it will be what we need. I..."His hold on her becoming firm, his eyes continued to search into the depth of hers, "...have to give into my instincts, I am not disciplined to do this with out them."

Paige mentally braced herself, she was nervous but having made her decision wanted it over before her mind could dwell on it too much. "I don't do half measures, I understand." Her features looked determined, her eyes steady on his own.

Ta'mas gave a small smile as he was reminded of one of the many reasons he loved her so much. "My mind will merge with yours, and as I continue deeper, it may feel... invasive. Your own instincts will be to pull back, to fight it. Paige...", his voice softened, "You are so tense. I need you to relax. Can you try?"

Paige blinked, how did he expect her to relax? "I can try..". She closed her eyes and tried to tune out everything and with his body so close that was no mean feat. It took every ounce of will she had to conscious relax her muscles. She had several false starts wherein she would try to relax only to tense up again. In desperation she started looping music from Enya in her head. Since she mediated to it for years it was an engrained response to relax. She found her calm place and tried to stay there, protected by the music as her features smoothed. She was still perfectly aware but finally much less tense, she allowed the music to fade but it flowed lightly in the background of her mind. She nodded one slowly to show she was ready. She was still tense, hard not to be considering what was happening and her position but it was enough. It would have to be.

Ta'mas pulled his hand away from her face, and kissed her tenderly. "You are mine", he said claiming her fully, placing his fingers back where they were before. Ancient words filled his mind and he whispered, "My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts. Our minds, one and together finally touching, first time... and for all time." With those words and the heat of his touch against her face, he sent out his consciousness, and felt his mind brush hers.

Firming his hold even more, he went deeper, cautiously, and carefully. It was hard to not focus only on the flame that wanted to take hold of him..them...wanting to take hold of them.

This was a distinctly odd sensation, it was a bit like when their minds linked before when she tried to help him to meditate. She struggled with herself not to slam shields up but it wasn't as hard as she feared. It was a more like a gentle wave, she willed herself to 'see' beyond the wave and she could 'feel' the powerful emotions that he kept in check through sheer force of his own will. Instinctively she attempted to 'shore up' his own defenses by picturing ones of her own. She had no idea if it would work only that he was struggling and she wanted to help ease the burden.

Paige opened up to him, the tentative beginnings of love, and more trust then she would of thought possible swarmed around him. Above all he felt her eternal nature, the feeling that whatever happened she would endure, her sense of loyalty in her very DNA. That when she gave her heart it was for all time, which explained why it was so protected.

The awareness of Paige moved Ta'mas more than he could ever imagine. He went even deeper, strengthening the meld; his own strengths and weaknesses, images, and events of his life, all that was him flowed into her. Their minds intertwining together, their bodies rejoining, the sharing they now experienced more intimate than they had ever known.

"Ashayam", he whispered the Vulcan word for beloved before all thought was gone, the Vulcan primal instinct to mate inflaming the both of them.

To be continued...