Pet Rules

Created by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD on Sun Apr 2nd, 2017 @ 12:48am

Pets are definitely allowed, but there are some rules:

Personnel must keep their animals confined to their homes. There are some exceptions for exercise, but having your pet out of your quarters should be very limited and should only happen if you're taking them to: a specified holodeck, pet park, visiting someone at their home, or going back home. Then they would be restrained in some way: on a leash, in a carrier, etc.

For those living in houses, pets may be outside in fenced-in areas when their owners are home. Horses and colony working dogs may be out in fenced-in areas even when owners are not home.

Do not bring pets into any public areas that you are not normally allowed to bring pets, such as businesses, medical facilities, etc.

Departments Heads may have a well-trained pet in their office. There are exceptions, such as Sehlats. Ask if unsure.

On Campus, only small, slow pets that can be contained in a small cage can be kept in the dorms are allowed. These include pets like fish, small lizards, turtles, etc. It does not include birds, cats, dogs, fast rodents, etc.

When it comes to shared quarters between enlisted and ensigns, if both roommates are in agreement and both take responsibility of the pet, they may have the larger/faster animals, as well as those who have their own quarters.

All pets must be cleared by the Colony Veterinarian. This may be done through paperwork on common pets already granted permission on Starfleet Starships and bases. Some pets will be required to be seen.

Breeding may only be done if granted special permission by the Veterinarian. This may be limited, done only for purebreds of certain breeds, depending on the reason. Or scientific reasons by science personnel in the science dept, such as if a breed is being changed for adaptation reasons. Otherwise, all pets must be spayed and/or neutered upon arrival if not before.

Be reasonable with your pet. If you RP your pet getting loose/attacking someone/harassing someone etc. you run the risk of having the pet taken away.

Exceptions to some of these rules, with their own set of rules, are K-9s and natural Symbiotic animals, such as Elliciean Grakens. Horses in areas designated for horseback riding. Permission must be granted for each of these exceptions listed.

Species native to Sapientia - Only those that have been cleared as such, may become pets. A list will be on the wiki eventually, updated regularly. Any native animals specifically created need to be okay-ed by the GM.

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