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A Second Chance?

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 11:42pm by Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot & Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:18pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: ZuluBase
Timeline: 2388/08/17 2030 (August 17 2388 2030)

After being cleared of any illness, Rachel had been released from Sickbay and was heading toward the temporary quarters that the cadets were staying at until they left for the campus. She'd been thinking back to the bar with her conversation with Liam, wondering if she'd been too hasty in her assumptions about him when she nearly ran into someone on the pathway.

"Oh....I be terribly sorry..." she said looking up to see who it was and smirked when she noticed it was Liam. "Hey....Im sorry about back there in the bar. You are fun....think we could start over so to speak?" she asked, wondering if he had any ideas of some fun.

"Depends on what you've got in mind." Liam replied with a wolfish grin despite his recent dressing down by Bannerman.

Rachel chuckled, "Know any good beach spots? I love to swim and there has to be a few spots on this base...." she said, with a coy smile on her face.

"Must be a holodeck around here somewhere." Liam replied as he eyed her thinking that his night wasn't a total bust after all.

Rachel smirked, "Im sure there is...and surely we have access ta them. I mean I dunnae think they expect us ta sit on our hands the whole time we be here." she said with a laugh as she gave him a coy smile.

"Well how about we go see if we can use one?" Liam suggested as he held out a hand to her.

"Sure..." Rachel replied, taking Liam's hand. She had to admit, he was a lot of fun.

"Excellent." Liam squeezed her hand and then said "So for this swimming, are costumes optional?" he waggled his eyebrows at her as his eyes slid down her body suggestively.

Rachel grinned, "Maybe...lets go find that holodeck." she replied as she gave his hand a squeeze.

"No argument from me." Liam replied before setting off at a semi run along the corridor.

Running along behind him, Rachel saw some double doors. "There's one..." Rachel said, pointing at the double doors, a coy smile on her face.

"You pick the location." Liam stood aside so that she could use the control panel.

"Okay..." Rachel replied, stepping up to the control panel and entered in the information for one of the exclusive beaches on Risa that she'd heard her cousin Julianna speak of a few times and gave one last tap of the panel. "That should do it...I've heard interesting thing about this beach...the waters are crystal clear blue and there's two suns...not to mention the whitest sand you've ever seen."

"Good choice." Liam stepped inside and looked around, "So what other interesting things have you heard?" he sidled up to her and watched her closely.

She smirked, "That they have the warmest waters and a do call it...sensual qualities." she said, looking back at Liam with a coy smile as she walked inside. The minute she walked inside, her cadet uniform transformed into a teal two piece bikini with a white bow in the middle of the top and one on each hip.

"Sensual qualities huh?" Liam grinned his eyes raking over her as she changed into the bikini.

She looked back at him with a smirk as he watched her, "Aye..." she said, walking further inside.

"Computer, swim shorts, blue." Liam ordered as his clothes too shimmered into his request and he jogged to catch up with her.

Feeling the warm white sand under her feet, Rachel smiled back at Liam. "Nice shorts..." she said as she made her way towards the crystal clear blue water, feeling it wash over her feet.

"Thanks." Liam replied as he jogged down the beach to join her and added "Well what are you waiting for?" And with that he continued on past her and waded out into the warm, crystal clear water.

Rachel smiled, "Right behind ya." she said as she dove into the water, swimming under him and coming up to the surface again ahead of him..

Liam swam towards her then treddled water as he watched her closely, "So sweetcheeks, now we're here what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know...I suppose I hadnt thought that far ahead. Do you have any ideas?" she asked, knowing full well he probably had at least one or two.

"Oh I can think of a few things." Liam grinned wolfishly as he looked her over.

Rachel grinned back at Liam, "Ohh I'm sure you can. Care ta elaborate?" she asked, giving him a coy smile.

"Well..." Liam moved into her personal space and lowered his head to her ear, his breath softly caressing her skin as he whispered "How about we start with a kiss?"

Rachel smiled as she nodded slowly, "Okay..." she said, feeling his breath on her skin.

Finding her lips, Liam kissed her, keeping it deliberately soft and undemanding for fear of scaring her away. Perhaps the evening wasn't going to prove such a bust after all.

Returning the soft kiss, Rachel was a little nervous, but was trying not to show it. He was cute after all and kinda fun to be around. Right now he was truly fun to be around.

Pulling her flush against his body, Liam deepened the kiss, testing to see just how receptive she was going to be to his advances.

Rachel felt Liam pull her close against his body and deepen the kiss. She wasn't sure if he was the one night stand type or not, but decided ah, the heck with it in her mind and returned the kiss with the same depth. She'd just have to take that chance, she thought to herself....she was only human after all and couldn't help the way she felt at that moment.

After some time, Liam finally pulled back and grinned "Wow...where have you been all my life?" The charm came to him as naturally as breathing as he buttered her up, hoping for more.

Rachel smiled, "Waiting for you I be supposin..." she replied softly.

"Well then..." Liam played with the tie behind her neck, "What do you say we lock these doors and find each other?"

Rachel smirked, "Sounds like it be a plan." she replied in a low tone.

"I was hoping that you would say that." Liam grinned before calling for the computer to lock the doors then claiming her lips for his own as he pulled on the tie and undid it. It was definitely going to be a very good night after all.

Liam Pardot
Magellan Academy

Rachel Gallagher
Magellan Academy


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