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Reflections and Recommendations

Posted on Sat Sep 23rd, 2017 @ 11:37pm by
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:27pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: ZuluBase Sickbay
Timeline: 2388/08/18 1052 (August 18 2388 1052)

After Doctor Dering left her room, Kelly looked at the PADD that she had been working on, then at the incredible chocolate bar that he had brought her. Yes, it had been blackmail and a plea when she had coerced him into getting it for her, but it was so worth it. Her part of the bargain was harder to keep up, though, but she was going to give it a shot. He deserved it and she wasn't going to let him down, even if he asked tough questions.

Setting the PADD down for a moment, she carefully removed the red ribbon that had Admiral Khan on it and laid it on top of of the bedside stand where it wouldn't get messed up. Retrieving the PADD, she thought on how to start what she wanted, or if she'd even get a response. "Computer, who is the Admiral in charge of Starfleet Medical?"

"Please specify," the computer stated. "Records have located a Admiral Hawkins, Daniel, M.D. as the current Starfleet Surgeon General, and Rear Admiral Solkuv, M.D. as the current Department of Psychiatric Health Head."

Kelly thought about it for a moment before deciding to send the letter to both of them. Biting her bottom lip, she addressed the letter to both Admiral Hawkins and Rear Admiral Solkuv and began to write.


While I am only a freshman cadet at the Magellan Campus in the Delta Quadrant and have become acquainted with Lieutenant Commander Brady Dering, M.D., PhD. while located at Zulu Station. He has taken me as a case due to my medical case.

I promised to write a letter to your esteemed presences to recommend a promotion for him based on the help that he has given me. Even though our counselling sessions have just began, I feel that he is a very compassionate man and deserving of a promotion based on his work ethic, his professionalism, and his ability to get real chocolate.

Please take him into consideration for a promotion to full Commander or higher during his next review.

Yours Truly,

Freshman Cadet
Kelly Khan
Magellan Campus

Smiling, Kelly sent it after a moment of indecision and lay back on her bed. It was done and couldn't be undone, but she wouldn't change a thing. Setting the PADD aside, she reached over for the candy bar and broke off another little piece to nibble on thoughtfully.

Thinking about what Doctor Dering had spoken to her about, she knew he was right about some things, but she hadn't decided on how he was right or wrong. The fact that he had shared the loss of his own mother touched her deeply, and it also brought back the loss of her own mother that she had never known. He had suggested expressing herself in her music, which she already did, but she couldn't do more without her violin.

Sighing, she picked up the PADD again and pulled up one of her other songs to play softly before laying her head back on her pillow and falling asleep while still thinking on what he had said.

Kelly Khan
Freshman Cadet
Magellan Campus


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