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The Grand Tour

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2017 @ 5:52pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:44pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/18 1525 (August 18 2388 1525)

Leaving Doctor McKinney's office, Devin put his most charming smile on and looked around for the young lady who he had met shortly before his meeting with the Doctor. Teri he reminded himself. Her name is Teri.

"You know one of these days you're going to request one of those luxuries and I'm not going to help." Came a threat from somewhere next to Teri's desk.

Devin paused and stood still for a moment, listening to the conversation. He wished he had his PCD (Personal Cloaking Device) with him, but if they didn't see him, he wouldn't need one.

"So that's where you want to bring this huh Lane?"

Suddenly back up in her chair and not yet having taken in Devins presence Teri looked at the comm screen on her desk. A wry smile playing across her lips as she held up the padd she had accidentally dropped to the floor a moment ago, though she had pretended she had filed it on the other side of the office.

"I've already brought it. You know perfectly well you won't see a drop until you do this. " She waved the padd at the screen, "I have the evidence right here.." The wry smile was much more like a threat now. "Do you want to test me? I've been told I have steel ovaries."

There was silence for a moment before a sigh was heard, "Fine fine. You win Lane. I'll let you know as soon as its done. " A mutter about steel ovaries and balls could be heard before the channel closed.

Beaming from her win Teri looked up sharply at Devin, finally taking in his presence. "Oh.. Commander."

"Teri," Devin said with a smile. "The meeting went well with the Doctor, and it seems I'm free to check out the campus. You wouldn't know of anyone willing to guide me, would you?" He made a mental note to see who she was talking to on the comm while he walked up to her desk.

Clueless to Devins inner thoughts, Teri made no attempt to hide her screen as she grinned at him. "I think I might know just the woman for the job. " She glanced at the clock. "I've some time and " She tilted her head to the side a bit, "Some errands to run. So grand tour coming up. "

She stood and picked up a couple of padds and a wrapped tuna salad sandwich, "You don't mind if I eat at some point? " She asked before joking , "I'm very good with the hand gestures, I excel at charades."

He laughed and gave her a smile before nodding at the monitor. "Someone you're having a friendly bet with?" Devin asked in a casual, offhand manner while stepping aside for her to come out from behind her desk.

Teri looked down at it and scowled, "I wish!" She exclaimed as she stepped beside him. "A few of the academies staff have special requirements. Some of which are easy to get and others not so much. I've had to branch out, threaten, and bargain to get these amenities and extras. "

"That's understandable, especially here in the Delta Quadrant," Devin said. "Lucky for you, I have no special needs at the moment. If I do, I know who to go to. The lady with the steel ovaries." He said with a laugh.

"You were there for that bit huh?" She blushed slightly before laughing and waving a hand, "You can't make it far in my line of work if you don't have bits of steel."

Teri nodded at the door, "So living accommodations first?"

"That sounds like a plan. I saw on the info PADD that Magellan treats its staff right when it comes to accommodations," Devin said. "It certainly has the prettiest staff."

With a mega-watt smile Teri shook her head, "And apparently handsome instructors who could teach a thing or two on the art of flattery. " Adding with a wink as she walked out the door, "Not that I'm complaining."

"Flattery?" Devin asked with a smiled. "It isn't flattery if it's the truth, Teri."


Teri Lane
Chief Petty Officer
Woman of Steel

Devin McCall
Intel Instructor


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