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No Sneaky Sneaky

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2017 @ 5:49pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:44pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Magellan Dean's Offices
Timeline: 2388/08/18 1508 (August 18 2388 1508)

Getting out of the shuttle after the trip from Starbase Eight Nine Three, Devin stretched out his six foot, two inch frame and looked around as he breathed in the fresh planetary air. "Aw man...I missed air that hasn't been recycled a hundred times."

Taking another glance around, he looked at the PADD in his hands that had a layout of the campus and started making his way to where it indicated the Dean's office would be. Halfway there, he nearly walked into a small stream and had to backtrack a bit. "Okay..definitely not used to that unless it's in a holodeck. Better pay attention, Mister Intel, or they'll replace you before you set foot in a classroom."

Ten minutes later, he came into the Admissions building and paused as he spotted a Yeoman. "Excuse me? I'm Lieutenant Commander Devin McCall, reporting to Dean McKinney." He handed the young woman a PADD with his transfer orders on it.

Glancing at the padd, the young woman looked over the transfer order before looking up at him. "Sorry sir.. you'll have to report directly to Dean McKinney's office. " She pointed to where he needed to go while adding, " His aide Chief Petty Officer Lane will take care of this sir and make sure you settle in."

"Thank you," Devin smiled and made his way to the office area he was directed to. At the door, he paused and rang the chime, waiting to be admitted.

Teri glanced up from her desk with an eye roll. "Seriously.. when did it get locked?" She muttered and unlocked the door causing them to swoosh open. Either she was accidentally locking them or they were screwing up. It was a pretty good toss up considering how her day was currently going.

She smiled lightly with an eyebrow raised inquiringly at the man that entered, taking in his tall frame and handsome face. Another gorgeous vista..I'm so spoiled.

Devin automatically looked down when the door opened and caught himself looking into the eyes of a short, attractive brunette. He smiled and inclined his head to her. "I'm Lieutenant Commander McCall...I've just been assigned here as the new Intelligence Instructor and would like to check in with Captain McKinney."

Standing Teri came around her desk and extended her hand, "Welcome Commander," She appraised him and made no attempt to hide it. Wanting to get a good idea of the kind of person he was. When it came to men she could learn quite a bit from a handshake. "Doctor McKinney will be happy to know you're here. Did you wish to speak to him now or after you settle in? "

Taking her hand, Devin bent and brushed his lips across the back of it. "Thank you. If he isn't busy, I'd like to speak with him now...although I could use a tour of the campus by someone knowledgeable." He gave a self-depreciating grin. "I nearly walked into a stream getting here I was rubbernecking so bad."

Teri raised a brow fully up as his lips brushed the back of her hand. hmm... a ladies man perhaps? or old fashion gentlemen? Either way she decided arrogance wasn't one of his issues. "I can see if he is free. If he is I can show you around after. I'm due for a break from the ball and chain .." she inclined her head to her desk, indicating she meant it and not the Dean.

"Why thank you...." He arched an eyebrow, not having been properly introduced. Noting the rank insignia, he saw that she was a Chief Petty Officer, but addressing someone by their rank was crass. He released her hand and stood tall again.

Teri knew perfectly well she hadn't said her name. Mostly because his kiss, oh that sounds bad made her forget. "Teri Lane. You can call me Teri.. no need for the Chief.. it makes me feel like an old crotchety man. And Lane is my father.. " She smiled and went over to her desk to check the panel to see if Connor was free. Green light she hit the com, "Doctor, you have a Lieutenant Commander McCall here to see you."

A moment later, =A=Show him in, Teri=A=

"Thank you again, Teri," Devin said with a charming smile and a wink. "I'll see you after my meeting with the good Doctor." Turning, he headed into the office after being called in.

Noting that the door was made out of some type of wood rather than a standard metal door, Devin put his hand on the knob and gave a turn. Yay for correct guesses! he thought to himself a little sarcastically. It paid to have been on a few planets where people didn't use standard doors that opened on approach or voice command. Still, there had been instances where a door had been made to look old fashioned, but had been modern and left him looking and feeling like a putz.

Entering the Dean's office, he came to full attention. "Lieutenant Commander Devin McCall reporting for duty, Sir!"

Standing behind his desk as he finished rearranging a few things, Connor looked up at him, his brows having come slightly together. "At ease, Commander." and he pointed to a side table where there was a pitcher and a couple of glasses, "Help yourself...there's some melon water, 'n' have a seat."

Devin went to parade rest and inclined his head before going to the table to pour a glass of the offered drink. It wasn't something that he had partaken before, but he discovered that it wasn't harsh, too sweet, or unpleasant. Smiling, he took the offered seat. "Thank you, Doctor ...or would you prefer Captain? McKinney."

"Doctor." Connor answered, appreciating the man asking, his eyes remaining on him as he sat down in his seat, "I prefer to be addressed by my academic title 'n' not my rank."

"Very well, Doctor McKinney," Devin said, taking another sip of his melon water before resting it on his knee. "I know that a lot of people have little or no respect for Intelligence and think of the division I serve as a bunch of sneaky, low-life, underhanded villains who sneak into their quarters at night in order to plant bugs, and while that may be true at times, Sir, I can assure you that the only time that happens is when a very real or suspected enemy is about. With that being said, I am here to teach these young cadets here how to do just that, but for the greater good of the Federation and allies. If I catch any single cadet using what I teach them against a fellow cadet, instructor, or member of the Federation for their own personal gain, I assure you that I will take every measure possible to bring them to Justice."

While his speech had been delivered in a professional tone, his eyes and erect posture spoke volumes that he would do exactly as he said he would do and take it personally if he failed.

"That's bonza to hear, Commander." Connor nodded, having been observing him as he listened. His brows coming together again, he leaned forward looking down at his hands as they came together on top of his desk, "I may have more respect for Intelligence than most people..." he said quietly, and looking back up to him, "Be that as it may, instilling such information 'n' techniques into young minds is something that concerns me. So for those cadets who passed the entrance exams for selecting Intelligence as their choice degree beyond the core subjects...I trust you'll be more selective."

"I don't really have the choice as to who gets what, Doctor," Devin said. "To be honest, this is my first assignment as an instructor, and it's been a few years and then some since I last sat in a classroom as a cadet. However, I will vet each and every last cadet that comes through my classroom doors and make my recommendations on who should stay and who should be removed."

Staring back at him, Connor slightly nodded. He understood, of course, that once the entrance exam has been taken, based on placement scores or as prescribed by an academic advisor, cadets were then free to enroll in classes of their choice. Or they were limited. He had also seen the Commander's file, read it over several times, and he wondered...having a personal interest, needed to know, "Why would a rising Intelligence officer such as yourself decide to become an instructor way out the frontier?"

Devin gave a slight shrug, but not negligently. He paused and took a sip of his melon water. "I guess this is where they needed me, Doctor McKinney. Starfleet works in mysterious ways. I'm actually looking forward to it. While we may not be on a base or a ship, this actually opens new grounds for Intel work." Such as finding out why Section 31 wants you he thought to himself.

In regards to that, Connor sat back in his chair and continued to stare at the intel officer. Although he was fighting his usual internal battles, to satisfy his obsessive need for answers, thinking about it, he had to agree. "I can see that it does, Commander. This campus is a representation of the Federation out in a vastly unexplored area of space where we're meeting new races 'n' making new discoveries. While we have a foothold, it would be foolish to believe we weren't followed out here, nor that everyone is as welcoming to our presence as the Nebulians."

While Devin disliked lying to someone that he was assigned to protect, he knew that if he told the truth to the Doctor that he might start acting suspicious, which would tip off the enemy that all was not as it appeared. "I agree with you. The Nebulians are friendly towards the Federation."

"Aye...'n' that others are not.." Connor rose and came around his desk, "Welcome to Sapientia, Commander." he said. "Take the rest of the day to settle in, familiarize yourself with the campus."

"Thank you, Doctor McKinney," Devin said. "I do have one other question for you. Is there anything that is definitely on your Do Not Do List?"

For Connor that was an easy question to answer. "Don't ever lie to me."

Devin winced inwardly at that. "What if the truth were omitted for the greater good, Doctor?"

Connor inhaled deeply as he thought about it. Looking away at the medical building next door, he said quietly, "That's a hard question for me to answer..." For a man like Connor, still battling doubts, still needing assurances, it was.

"Then I'll make it easy and just not lie to you, Doctor," Devin said as he finished his melon water and came to his feet. "Is there anything else, Sir?"

"No." Connor turned back to him, extending out a hand for him to shake, "Dismissed, Commander."

Devin shook his hand, smiled, and headed out to start his new job.



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