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Sister Of The Heart

Posted on Sun Oct 1st, 2017 @ 1:52am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane & Professor Melody Kingston
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:55pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Deans outer office
Timeline: 2388/08/19 1213 (August 19 2388 1213)

It was a good thing, at that particular moment, Teri was alone. It was also fortunate her tuna salad sandwich sat unwrapped; it was equally unfortunate it sat near her. It had already been slapped three times and lost its shape, and without the wrapping her poor desk would have paid the price.

"YOU can argue with me all you want," she practically growled at the mess on her screen, "but I'm not changing my mind." Obviously talking to a file wasn't going to give the desired result, but it made her feel more in control.

When the field she was trying to sort out clearly wasn't going to accept the input it was suppose to take, Teri slapped her sandwich again. Only this time realizing she wasn't hitting the surface of her desk. She looked down and blinked. "Okay well... a clear sign I should quit while I am ahead. Smacked tuna never budges."

Teri rolled her eyes.

Okay, the last bit wasn't exactly the correct saying but there was no one there to argue that with her. And it fit her mood.

"I'm glad the tuna was never alive to begin with. Otherwise that would be considered cruelty."

Okay, so not actually alone. Teri looked up to see her best friend, Melody Kingston, sister of the heart, leaning next to the door watching her with unapologetic amusement.

The blond archaeologist's unruly curls fit her personality, Teri thought.

Her friend smirked "Should I leave? Need to be alone?"

Teri gave her a sardonic look, throwing a glare at her screen."I'm done." She shrugged. "It was lunch..."

She put it far enough away that she couldn't abuse it any more. Who knew what else or who else would give her the smacking urge. "Shouldn't you be flirting with someone, somewhere?"

"I just was. Plenty of pretty faces on my way here." The look Melody gave her made Teri want to squirm. "Now what has you so.. Abusive? "

Teri inwardly sighed. "You know me and technology. Just a usual day." like being cursed to have every problem in the book.

"Ah, nothing at all to do with the fourth dating disaster? " Melody took a seat, lounging idly with her legs over one arm of the guest chair.

"Two, Melody. Two, and the last two... Whatever, weren't dates. One was me being stood up and the other just sparked and died before I even got to think about the dress." Teri replied in exasperation.

"Ohh, that is bad. At this rate I'll have to take you out on a date, someone should admire you in that dress."

"You bought the dress.. "

"I know." Melody grinned, the kind she did when she was amused at some private joke. "You looked good in it."

Teri shook her head, smiling despite herself. "Is that before or after I tripped?"

"Does it matter?"

"Mm," She gave melody a long scrutinizing look. Noting the slight signs of stress. Her friend hid them well. "So how is Thenar?"

"He's probably giving Doctor Zimmerman a migraine, bouncing off the walls. I doubt the good doctor has ever had anyone as enthusiastic as Doc." Melody replied readily enough, but there was something. Teri couldn't put her finger on exactly what.

"Probably not. I'm not sure anyone is quite like Doc." Her smile fell from her face at Melody's lack of playful ridicule she usually tossed out about her husband.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." Melody sighed when she glanced over at her friend. Not sure what to say exactly. "Honestly nothing is wrong. Well... Just.. He says he's fine, even seems fine but the nightmares have returned. And any attempt to talk about them.. He just avoids. "

"I'm sorry Mel."

Melody shook her head, curls bouncing from the action. "You'd think I'd be use to it after all the years we've been together."

"I don't think time always helps us adjust. Didn't for my dad. Eventually what happened with my mom just became a part of him. And I can't say I'm use to it, he still manages to surprise me, you know how he is." Teri knew Melody and Thenar had been together longer than she'd been alive. The thought usually was a source of curiosity at what the two El-Aurians had seen, done, during they're long life spans. This time she felt sad for them, all the loss they had endured. She hoped Thenar was truly alright, that nightmares were just that.

Melody gave a slow nod of agreement, her eyes staring distantly, obviously lost in thought. Or perhaps memory. Teri straightened her desk, giving her friend a moment. Grateful they were working on the same planet, it had been a while since she had seen her in person. When she finished tidying up, she found Melody smiling at her.

"Now what happened to my Teri? This new one is spouting grown up wisdom."

"Ha ha." Teri scoffed with a smile of her own. Accepting Melody's change in topic. "Any reason you're gracing me with your presence. "

"Well... I spotted a lovely piece of meat just the other day."


The blond laughed, continuing regardless of the deadly Lane glare.

"And thought he might just be your soul mate."

"You always think that."

"And one day I'll be right. " She said tapping the desk twice before standing. Teri shook her head with a grin.

Melody put on the air of someone having done something extraordinary, like nothing serious had come up in conversation. "See that..." She indicated Teri's grin with a wave of a hand. "I think half my work is done, just need to send that piece of yummy meat your way." And like the unpredictable friend that she was Melody learned over and kissed her cheek.

Teri responded sarcastically, despite the smile she still sported. "You're so sweet. How will a girl like me ever get a date without you?"

"With a lot of effort." Melody deadpanned.


She waved off the indignant response, heading for the door. "Bye Darlin. I'll see you for dinner when Doc returns." She stopped just after it opened and threw over her shoulder." Be a dear and don't bring anything you cooked."

"Oh, I see, drop in an insult. Just for that I'll be baking a pie."

Teri's threat was returned with fading laughter. She gave a small laugh of her own, noticing the time. She leaned back, unwrapping her sandwhich, and wondered who'd cause the most havoc. Her flirtatious best friend or said friend's strange and uncoordinated husband.


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