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You Wanted To See Me?

Posted on Tue Feb 12th, 2019 @ 3:27am by Commander Ta'mas & Commander Kaelyth Solmarr
Edited on on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 1:05am

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Ta'mas' Office
Timeline: 2388/08/19 1000 (Aug. 19 2388 10-something)

As Kaelyth approached the commander's office, he found himself wondering what the man was like in other settings. He had observed the other man during the Staff Meeting, but that only gave him a look at the other's professional persona -- the reverse was also true, he reflected, in that Ta'mas only got a view of Kaelyth's professional self. As a trained Speaker, he often found himself observing people in an attempt to understand what drove them, even in social settings. Often, that was the best time to observe them as they let their guard down somewhat. Well, most did at any rate; there were always exceptions.

This situation, however, he realized was not a social situation. It was most likely he would see merely a different aspect of the man's professional self rather than his relaxed self. That would still tell Kaelyth something, though, so it was all right.

Approaching the office, he glanced at his wrist chrono and nodded to himself. He was neither annoyingly early nor late. Tapping the chime, he awaited an invitation to enter, wondering how he was perceived -- fair was, after all, fair; if he was analyzing the others, it was only fair to expect that they were analyzing him.

Always focused when working, Ta'mas had decided to look over the notes and reports his assistant chief had left for him while he'd been at the meeting. It was a productive way to pass the time while he waited for the starbase chief of operations to arrive.

He looked up at the sound of the chime, and called out in a friendly tone, "Enter".

Kaelyth tapped the key to release the doors and stepped just far enough in to allow them to close behind him. "You wished to see me." he said by way of introduction. He needed not say who he was since the other man already knew that.

"Yes, I did," Ta'mas smiled in return, and while removing himself from sitting on the corner of his desk. "Please have a seat, Commander," he gestured over to a couple of chairs that angled towards each other, an end table between them. Then wondered as he headed towards his small drink replicator, "Would you like something to drink?"

Kaelyth moved farther into the room and took the offered chair. "Mint tea, please." he answered as he sat, his gold-and-silver eyes traveling the room as he tried to get a sense of the man by the decorations he chose. The way someone adorned their offices told him a good bit about them... normally.

There was only a framed picture of himself and Paige on top of a wall shelf, facing the desk. They were dressed casually, with their arms around each other. A small box sat near by on the floor with a few more items yet to be displayed, including another picture frame. A couple large paintings, one engineering in nature, the other of a Vulcan warrior aiming his Khaiya, leaned against the wall.

Ta'mas had gone over to the replicator, his eyes having gone over to Kaelyth as he gave his order. "Have you ever served on a Starbase before." he wondered, heading back towards him.

Kaelyth nodded. "I did, for nine years, but that part of my record is classified," he answered. "I can tell you, however, that, like this base, it was situated on a planet surface." He understood the reason for the question, or at least one logical one. Starbase duty was very different in some ways from Starship duty, and the commander likely wanted to know how much of a learning curve Kaelyth would have. Still, he assumed nothing, merely answered the question as much as he could and waited for the next.

His brows having come slightly together at the mention of classified files, his thoughts having gone to his father, Ta'mas placed the Ops Chief's tea down on the end table, taking a seat of his own in the other chair. "Since my graduate studies, this is my first time," he said, and thinking about it, "If it were not for the SCE operations here, I do not believe I would have been assigned here."

Kaelyth took up the tea, but tilted his head slightly at the last statement. "Oh?" he queried, taking a sip of the tea then, enjoying the cool taste of mint that seemed in contradiction to the fact that the drink was hot.

"Well, besides Material Engineering, I am a warp specialist." Ta'mas nearly smiled, "I am not so sure I would have made a good Chief of Operations."

Kaelyth's head remained tilted in thought as he considered this. Generally those in the two fields Ta'mas had named did not cross-train in Operations, but there was always an exception to prove every rule. And Kaelyth had very quickly learned that Starfleet personnel tended to be the exceptions to many rules. "That is generally true of those devoted to those fields, but you might have been the exception." he offered.

"Well...perhaps." Ta'mas had looked downward, feeling skeptical, feeling his heart wouldn't be in too many of Operational duties, and he wondered, not critically, "What drew you to choose Operations?"

Kaelyth actually took a moment to ponder the question. "Before he married my mother, my father was a scientist. He taught me to recognize patterns, to think logically and clearly, and to see the small details." he began. "Often when dealing with Operations problems, it is a tiny bit of code that causes a large problem or a break in the pattern of the system flow that alerts us to the cause of a problem." He paused in thought for another moment before adding. "And I have a certain... affinity for machines."

As he listened a smile grew on Ta'mas' face. "There is something I would like to show you, if you would be interested, a project I am working on."

Kaelyth tilted his head slightly, a look of curiosity sliding over his features. "I would be honored." he answered. One thing he had learned from Starfleet is that scientists, engineers, pilots, pretty much anyone with a special project of their own were very possessive of those special projects. So if they offered to show them to you, it was an honor to be respected.

Tamas stood, very pleased, "Come with me," and only spared Kaelyth a glance to make sure the man was following him as they made their way out of his office and towards to the engineering labs. Tamas thoughts rolling over one another as he went over how best to introduce his project.

"I am being considered to lead a design and development project," he began to explain, "and I found I could not resist playing with ideas."

Kaelyth followed Ta'mas out of the office, noting the pleasure the other man showed in being allowed to share his project. He did wonder if the reason Ta'mas had decided to share the project had something to do with his previous answer. It might indeed, he realized after reviewing what he had said. "What sort of ideas?" he asked as they walked.

"Ideas for a design for a new class of starbase," Ta'mas replied, stopping before a door where he inputted his security code into a panel. The door opened and Ta'mas lead Kaelyth inside.

It was an engineering lab, a little larger than most, with the usual computer terminals and large LCARS displays. In the center of the dimly lit room was a larger than usual round holographic table, several lit panels laid around the outer edge of it's surface.

Circling around the table, Ta'mas touched each panel. " mind works overtime," he said, a display of a starbase design appearing above each one.

Kaelyth watched the other man, taking in the designs as they appeared. He slowly circled the table behind Ta'mas to get a closer look at each one. "Are these all of your design?" he asked, impressed. Each was different. Yes, there were some design similarities that marked them, Kaelyth thought, as having been designed by the same individual; but they were each unique and impressive.

"Yes, they are," Ta'mas replied, tapping in a command on the last panel. And then slid a few fingers across its holographic image, causing it to split into several more. Gently, he pushed at each one, causing the schematics of various systems of that particular starbase to spread out above the table even more.

"Keeping in mind the designs that have been the mainstay for Federation expansion for centuries, the latest in architectural advancements, and the modular components of Magellan," he said, walking away, circling around until he faced Kaelyth on the opposite side of the table, "I have been working towards designing a facility that would benefit what this project is for, all those involved, and the timeline in which they want it constructed. But I could use some help. Your help."

Kaelyth alternately tracked Ta'mas' movement around the table and gave the holograms a looking over. He was definitely flattered by the request and looked straight into the other man's eyes as he responded, showing his Truth in his own. "I am honored by your not only showing me this but asking for my assistance. I would be very happy to help you, but I would need to know more about the intended purpose of the project, the people involved and the timeline, as you said, before I can truly be of assistance, however."

Ta'mas nodded, "That is true," grateful for the other man's reaction. Taking in his words, he had smiled and had started walking back towards him. "This is for a joint project between Starfleet and the Kotharians, a Research and Development facility. It's to be located in an uninhabited and undisclosed system, and I have thirty three days to complete the initial design."

Kaelyth considered the designs before him then looked back to Ta'mas. "I would be happy to assist you. What do you need specifically from me?" These were very good designs, he thought, excellent. He was curious as to the reason the other man thought he needed help with them.

"Your advice, your expertise," Ta'mas replied, watching him. "I'm creating something I've never created before, a starbase that can reshape itself, similar to Magellan yet, out in space." He turned away, started circling the table again, "There's a Terran saying...about needing a second pair of eyes," touching each panel, and the displays started disappearing. "It means another person to examine something closely, to critique in addition to someone previously. I would like you to be my second pair of eyes."

As the displays began to shut off, Kaelyth tilted his head slightly. "When you say 'reshape itself', are you speaking literally?" There were, in his understanding, several ways to accomplish this, but he did not want to risk misinterpreting anything. Clarity was a key thing in any scientific or engineering endeavor.

Ta'mas nodded, "Within it's programming...which, I can give you access to, as well as it's schematics."

Kaelyth nodded, a slow smile sliding over his features. This was going to be a challenge, and it excited him. "I would like that." he said. "I am honored that you asked me to assist you and pleased to help."

With a feeling that his project was coming together even more than before, Ta'mas' own smile grew. "You are most welcomed," he replied cheerfully, feeling honored too.



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