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Trio Unconventional

Posted on Tue Jan 1st, 2019 @ 12:55am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane
Edited on on Tue Jan 1st, 2019 @ 12:57am

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Landing Pad, Academy
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1550 (August 25 2388 3:50pm)


Miach gathered the few bags he had brought with him as he waited for Morrigan to fall in behind Brighid. A quick check showed that his sword Fragarach was still where it should be, located in the small of his back. He grinned and took a deep breath of the new air as the doors to the shuttle opened. It smelt good, he would, he decided enjoy it here. He exited the craft listening to Brighid speak about school and wondering where they were going to house them.

"I hope it's some place close to the lake, it was so pretty when we flew in. I cant wait to go swimming." Brighid said as they moved out of the shuttle. He nodded absentmindedly as he thought about teaching. He was going to have to go check out his class room and set it up. His eyes flicked upwards and he saw a woman striding quickly towards them, the chevron on her collar marked her as an NCO.

He nodded as she got closer and he could see the insignia better. "Chief, what can I do for you today?" he asked his hands full unable to salute. "Forgive me if I cant salute back."

Teri regarded him with a friendly but professional smile, "No need for a salute Lieutenant Commander." Her eyes grazed over Miach and his companions before she refocused her attention soley on him once more. The three of them were unconventional and different, something she had a feeling this academy was going to end up with a lot. "I hope your trip was pleasant. And please by all means call me Teri, unless we're in front of cadets of course." She ended with a wider smile.

He grinned widely "Then please do call me Miach with the same stipulations. It was pleasant enough though I'd greatly enjoy seeing my new home." Brighid bounded up behind and grinned too "Yes, is it by the lake per chance?"

"Oh better than that." With a light laugh Teri gestured over to some building in the distance, "Facility housing is near the bay. So you have the ocean, possibly an ocean view from your apartment if you are lucky. "

A Vulcan eager for the ocean..quite unconventional.

He snorted as Brighid stifled a sequel of excitement with extreme prejudice as her Father started speaking again. "I think she enjoys that prospect as she likes to swim. Are there any ocean based creatures to be aware of, or is swimming off limits?" he asked rearranging the items he had in his hands to a more logical configuration.

Teri watched him struggle with the luggage and frowned. "You don't need to carry all of that, Miach." She had her padd up and after a flurry of a few taps she looked back up at him. "We can leave them here and someone will be along in a moment take them to your apartment. Which leaves.." she smiled once more, "you able to enjoy the views unencumbered."

He laughed softly and nodded "In that case Teri lead on." He placed the bags and what not down and walked up to her offering his arm. "Shall we?" Brighid shook her head as she walked behind them and Morrigan padded along beside the girl rumbling softly as they walked.

Taking his offered arm Teri gave a slight nod before smiling at Brighid and Morrigan. "There is a designated area for swimming so nothing to worry about there and eventually, " she turned them to the transport lobby and continued as they went in, "there will be quite a few water activities to take part in. "

Miach nodded and continued to walk with her taking in the area and the layout of where they were going for future reference.

Once inside the lobby that already had its own spectacular ocean view, as well as a view of the academy gardens, from a large rectangular window Teri went on to explain, "The Academy Gardens and walkways lie at the center of the Campus," she gestured out the window for them to see, "with the buildings semi-circling around in a double layer along with a small groupings towards the ocean. As well as the flight department extending out into the bay."

He nodded "It would seem we have our selves our own personal paradise. So tell me where is my ivory tower from which I shall instruct the students?" he grinned at the idea of him with long white beard in a toga then shook his head banishing the thought.

Teri pointed out at a specific building they could kind of see despite the foliage surrounding it and angle of their view. "That right there. " She tipped her head towards the transit tubes, "Much better to see it in person, why don't we head off to your apartment. You can settle in and do some exploring, best way to learn the campus."

He nodded and grinned to her. "It does appear to be the case. Lead on Teri, where you go we shall follow."

"God Da, your so corny." came the giggled response from Brighid as she walked behind them.

Chuckling Teri directed them over to the transit tube entrance, making sure she had Brighid and Miachs full attention. "Now transit tubes begin here..." she indicated with her hands the four transit tube stops, two on each end of the lobby. "Transit one will take you to your apartment, transit two to the main building, and to the Deans office. Ask the computer at any of the wall interfaces where you would like to go and it will direct you, and show you a map upon request."

She glanced over at them to make sure they were understanding. Once certain she stepped inside Transit One and waited for them to follow her in adding, "After a bit of exploration you should begin to find it easy to navigate the campus." Teri couldn't wait for day when she'd be doing less of the tours, it was bordering on repetitive in the unfun sense.

Now I'm gonna be dreaming about being a tour guide just watch.

He nodded and step onto the transit after Teri and watched bemusedly as Morrigan walked in and circled the car before sitting down next to Miach.

Teri let them enjoy the views and walk before she resumed explaining about the apartment set up as they entered their building. "We have only six apartments per floor in this complex. I think you'll like the set up not the typical bland of Starfleet. Suits Sapientia and is quite comfortable. "

He nodded "I look forward to seeing it in more detail."

"Your apartment is on the third floor. " She continued as she led them up. "I'll make sure you can get in with your personal code and than I'll leave you to situate yourself, definitely don't need me jabbering away at ya. "

As they stopped in front of an apartment door not that far from the lift Teri smiled at them as she handed Miach a padd, "That is your personal access code, location of your office, classroom, and essential guide to other campus locations." She leaned forward and tapped at it quickly before stepping back, "Also your schedule for the lecture halls is in your personal data cloud. "

Tilting her head to the side Teri finally took a proper breath and asked, "Any questions before you enter your new abode?"

He snorted "Please tell me you don't asphyxiate yourself often while showing new staff around." he said jokingly then shook his head "No Teri you've done us a great service and we appreciate it. Though if I might, will Morrigan be able to pass thru the doors to get outside when she wishes, as I've always tried to let her roam as she sees fit. Or would I need to take that up with the Dean?"

Teri laughed "Hardly, though it does seem to be an unconscious goal. " Turning a bit more serious though smiling she added, "As for Morrigan you will need to speak to the Dean. Also security will be stopping by to meet Morrigan, it's all routine but it has to be done."

He nodded "I will speak to him when it is appropriate until then she will be escorted by myself for Brighid when she's not here. I'm sure she would enjoy meeting security, she does like new things." He paused and looked at her. "Do you require anything more from us Teri?" he asked in a polite way.

Shaking her head Teri stepped aside so he could approach his door. "Nope, just need to make sure your entry code works. "

He grinned and moved forward to let the sensor recognize the codes on his padd. The door parted and he nodded to Teri. "Looks like it works! "He exclaimed.

"It definitely does, good." She gave Miach a slight bow. "Enjoy settling in, if you need anything just let me know." And with that and a smile Teri left the three of them to make themselves at home.

Now She thought as she headed for her office. I need to do something extremely office oriented and completely not hostess so I don't dream about this.

Hahaha ...right.


Lt. Commander Miach Tinsha
Core Instructor/Surgeon
Magellan Campus

CPO Teri Lane
Dean's Yeoman
Close to asphyxiation


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