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A Communication Glitch

Posted on Mon Dec 31st, 2018 @ 12:14am by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Mon Dec 31st, 2018 @ 12:15am

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dean's office
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1543 (August 25 2388 3:43pm) Mid-Afternoon

After Bannerman and Adonai left her office, Maddie wasted no time as she headed over to Connor's office door and tapped it, waiting for his response.

Both sides of the double door were cracked opened for Connor had left them that way when he came in only moments before. "It's opened!" he shouted out. He was sitting on his office couch, leaning forward and going over a datapad. He seemed preoccupied. "Hi." he said glancing up at her and then back to the information in his hand.

" you have a moment?" Maddie asked as she watched him. She hadn't seen him for a few days and boy did it feel good to be near him again.

His brow furrowed and then he sat the PADD down. "Ahh.. yeah." he said, looking up at her, recognizing the look in her eyes. And although he welcomed it, his mind was mainly on the cadets and staff arriving. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine." Maddie nodded as she moved closer, "I've met with the Nygean boy."

Standing up he leaned into her, planting a kiss on her cheek before walking around her and towards the doors. "How did that go?" he asked, closing them.

"It went well." Maddie smiled, her cheek still feeling warm from the light kiss, "He's bright, intelligent and I'd like the chance to tutor him so that he can take the entrance exam." she added as she watched Connor for a reaction.

After nodding slowly, Connor took a deep intake of breath and looked away, then back to her looking less than enthusiastic about the whole thing. "You have enough on your hands," he said, and it seemed he was going to argue against it.

"I can handle it. He's a bright boy and something tells me that it won't take much to get him through this." Maddie countered, having made her own decision, eager to convince Connor.

It won't take much... Connor's brow furrowed at her choice of words and they bothered him. "Every cadet here is bright, Maddie, "he said strongly back at her. " 'n' with an exception of a few who maneuvered their way here through favors, most of these kids spent years preparing for the entrance exams. So he's going to have to be exceptionally bright, he's going to have to be really determined, he's going to have to work extremely hard, or we're not doing him any favors."

"And you think I don't know that?" Maddie shot back, unwilling to give in on this, "He knows that too but if you heard what he's been up against at home, you'd understand why he wants to try. Surely we owe him the chance? If he fails, he fails but I'd like to give him the opportunity." she added determinedly as she glared at Connor.

Connor had turned partly away, and now ran a hand roughly over his mouth as he stared back at her. "Why do you think he's here?" he asked her. "I know," he brought his hand to his chest to emphasize it, "what it's like to have the odds against you." Then his expression gave him away, Oh crikey... "Forget I said that last part." he said, and walked over to snatch up the PADD he had sat down earlier.

"No I won't." Maddie replied hotly, having no idea what he was talking about, "But whatever you meant if that's true then surely you of all people should understand why he wants this. Despite the odds he wants to succeed, to make things of himself and we can help him do that." she added, glaring at him as she stood her ground.

He knew that, he understood all of it. His facial muscles tensed, he turned back to her, "Okay, I overreacted to you saying it won't take much, but back off." He meant it, it was in his voice, "I have so much going through my mind...that I don't even know why we're arguing so let's...just stop."

Blinking a couple of times in surprise because of his attitude, Maddie didn't have a clue what this was really about and so backed off, slightly hurt by his attitude. "Fine." she said "Then I guess I'll leave you to think about what I said and let you make your decision." her voice was suddenly curt, to the point and without emotion as she turned on her heel and strode towards the door.

"Maddie...come back here." He looked confused. "What did I just do to piss you off? Do you want to argue? Is that it?"

Without turning Maddie shook her head and said "No, I don't want to argue." she sighed and turned to face him, "I just want to understand why you're so against this."

Suddenly feeling exasperated, Connor raised his voice even louder, "If I was against this, he wouldn't be here!" That caused him to pause. Damn..., he thought and shaking his head, ran his hand over the back of his neck. "Okay..." he said, lowering his voice, "clearly we're not communicating here." He walked over to her before asking, "Can you have him here in an hour? Right now I have to go over to Medical to meet another cadet." He searched her eyes, swallowing hard. He hadn't meant to get the way he had. "Then I'll take some time to clear my head. Maddie...does that work for you?"

"Yes." Maddie replied quietly, "I'll make sure he's here." she added, wanting to say more, to talk about them but now wasn't the time.

"Thank you." He put his free hand softly up to the side of her face.

"No problem." she replied with a tentative smile as she nuzzled her cheek into his hand.

He nodded, lowering his hand, and looking as if he wanted to say more, turned and headed out of there.


Captain Madeline Sanchez
XO/Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus

Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus


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