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Roomie to the Rescue

Posted on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 2:54pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan
Edited on on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 5:43pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Phlox Medical, Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1745 (August 25 2388 5:45pm)

Gwen held a small box of PADD's in her hands as she tried using the map in her head instead of the one on one of her PADD's to find the Campus Sickbay. She had gotten to her room only to find a notice of who her roommate was and that they were detained in the Campus sickbay. The amount of orientation material was alot and she didn't want her roommate to fall behind. It felt weird since she didn't know the other girl well but she figured Kelly was her roommate and Gwen couldn't be sure Kelly had what she needed. It just seemed the thing to do. The brief time they'd met she seemed really nice so it was with a concerned expression she entered the sickbay with her package. She stood there in her cadet uniform still feeling odd in it as her blue eyes skimmed the room. Seeing who she needed she walked over and stopped near the biobed, "Hi" She said a little shyly.

Kelly looked up and gave a wan smile as the girl she had briefly met at the base cadet party, then set down a book with the title Wolves of North America on the small stand by her biobed. She noted the box of PADDs and figured that she was a student aid and gestured for the young woman to set them down anywhere. "Hi. Sorry if I spoiled all the fun at the party."

"No I think it was winding down anyway.." She put the PADD's down, now that she thought about it someone else would have likely brought this stuff but Gwen, long used to working on her own with her parents simply didn't think to ask. She simply did what she thought needed to be done in her usual quiet way. "We got room assignments, I'm your roommate so I thought maybe you'd want your orientation materials. How are you?" She said it in a little bit of a rush as if unsure how her interference would be perceived.

Her brown eyes lit up at the news that Gwen was her roommate. "That is really awesome. Your name is Gwen, right? I've had a bit on my mind lately and may have forgotten. As for how I am, I'm wanting to get out of here, but on doc's orders to stay put," Kelly said. "Thanks for bringing me my assignments. It'll give me something to do at least."

Gwen's face lit up with relief that Kelly wasn't annoyed, she quickly sat down, "I know rather nice to get someone I already kind of know and I thought you'd want your work to keep up. I can help you study, fill you in on who I know so when you get out of here you don't have to start over." She spoke rapidly in her relief but didn't miss that Kelly didn't tell tell her what was wrong and she wasn't sure she should ask.

Kelly looked around, then lowered her voice. "Is there any chance I can convince you to bring some chocolate in? Work is nice so I don't fall behind, but chocolate...there's no substitute."

Gwen nodded, "Easily, they grow real food on this planet including cocoa beans, I checked." She too was a fan of chocolate, "...but is it safe?" She asked concerned as her eyes flickered to the nearby medical readout station. She happily sneak in chocolate if it would help but was a little worried if would react badly.

"I don't see why it wouldn't be," Kelly said. "Doctor Eckhardt said that it wasn't the brownie that did this to me." She paused as she thought about the medical terms she had been told. "She said it's like atherosclerosis which caused a transient ishemic attack, but it couldn't be that or they would have detected it when I first took my physical for the Academy exams. Right now I'm getting treatments for the cure."

Gwen nodded and pulled out a slightly melted but perfectly good chocolate bar. "70% cocoa with citrus bits..." she said handing over her stash without pause. "That is weird those things don't usually just pop up...." She said looking thoughtful and puzzled.

Kelly's eyes went wide as she saw the chocolate bar. "You just earned a free ticket to my first performance on campus, Gwen. Thank you!" She took the candy bar as if it were a bar of gold-plated latinum.

Gwen smiled pleased she could help her new friend, "Perform? What do you do?"

"I play electric violin," Kelly admitted. "Since I was five, but I'm still learning. I heard that there's a lounge on campus and I've been thinking about going there to see if I can get a spot there."

"Do you really?" She sounded impressed, "I never learned to read music but I can sing pretty all right if I know the notes to hit. Never learned an instrument you must be good to play in public..."

"Not really," Kelly said. "I'll probably be scared to death the first time I play for anyone other than friends or my Dad. Perhaps we should practice together and become a duet?"

Gwen thought for a minute, "I guess..." She said slowly, a little reluctant, "I'm not big on singing in public I mean I think do ok but well you know, never did it before...". Her Dad always said she had perfect pitch and if it was in her voice range she could hit the notes, she just didn't know what to do with being the center of attention. It was something she felt very uncomfortable over.

"Can I hear you do a little?" Kelly asked. "I'd offer to play violin for you, but it's packed with the rest of my things at the moment."

Gwen shifted a little uncomfortably but nodded, "Sure I'm game." She looked like she was trying to gather up her courage after glancing around.

She then began to sing softly:
May It Be

"May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Mornie ut'lie (darknesss has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadows call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornie ut'lie (darknesss has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now"

Kelly listened and let herself fully sink into the song that Gwen sang for it. It spoke of a journey such as they were taking, a promise they had each made to themselves, a shining light at the end of the road they traveled. It called to her spirit - to fly away as she desired to do in the big ships of Starfleet and a tear slipped from the corner of her right eye at the beauty of it.

Taking a moment to catch her breath and shamelessly wipe away the tear, she smiled up at Gwen. "You are a wonderful singer, Gwen. That was absolutely beautiful."

Gwen blushed, cursed with fair Earth British skin it happened easily. She gave an embarrassed smile, "My mom used to sing it to me, always spoke to me..." She paused as a thought occurred to her, "Now more than ever I suppose..." and looked at Kelly. They shared a moment of perfect understanding, no words required. It spoke to her before but now it seemed to resonate deep within in ways it hadn't before. She needed a moment to move beyond the power of the song. There was a moment more of silence then another thought occurred to Gwen, "Hey why don't I get your violin and you can show me your musical mojo.."

"Sure," Kelly said. "It's only fair that I show you mine since you showed me yours." Realizing what she said, she blushed. "Er, I didn't mean it that way. My violin is ...wherever my stuff is. I haven't had a chance to unpack."

Gwen laughed so hard it took her moment to catch her breath, "Yeah I know, anyway I made sure all your stuff was delivered to the room. It's all in labeled boxes. I'll be right back." She hopped off the stool and jogged off still giggling.

Kelly watched her go and smiled. She was finally making friends and had a potential partner to play and sing with. Despite being sick and so far from home, she was happy.

A little while later Gwen came back in holding a violin case, "Found it!" she said triumphantly and handed it over.

Kelly got out of bed and accepted the case, opening it. Inside was a translucent blue electric violin and tiny speaker. "It sounds much better on larger speakers, but I don't think they'd appreciate me tapping into the comm system here." Taking a few minutes to get it set up, she tuned it and began to play.


Closing her eyes as she played the bow on the strings, Kelly began to pour all of herself into her playing. She began to move around the room displaying a grace brought on by love of the music and what she was doing and the expression on her face was one of peace and tranquility.

Again there was moment of silence before Gwen began to clap enthusiastically. "That was AMAZING!" she hopped off the stool she'd been sitting on to watch, "This Campus won't know what hit it!" she said still beaming in pleasure over the violin work.

Kelly beamed as she put the violin back in the case. "Thank you, Gwen. Between you and me, we'll knock 'em dead."

Gwen blushed again, "I meant you but you think so?" She looked a little uncertain about appearing in public.

"Thank you," Kelly said. "But I really do think so. You're voice is as a beautiful as ....." She trailed off, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "I really don't have words for how beautiful it was."

Gwen beamed and puzzled by Kelly's blush instinctively sought to lighten the mood. "Well we will need a name, all great groups have a name..." She hopped on the stool again, easily able to sit cross legged and pulled out a PADD.

"Hmmm," Kelly mused for a moment as she tried to keep her eyes off of her. Yet, it would be rude not to maintain eye contact, and Gwen had the prettiest blue eyes. She gave an internal sigh as she tried to take her thoughts elsewhere. "Two Bodacious Broads," she finally said with a laugh. "It'll get their attention for certain."

Both Gwen's eyebrows went up briefly, "Um I don't feel like a Bodacious Broad.." She said dutifully noting the name on her PADD. "But I guess Terrified Terrier's wouldn't have the same effect..." She looked thoughtful then smiled, "Bardtastic?"

Kelly started laughing. "I'm sorry...but I was being sarcastic with my name. Yours sounds much better, Gwen."

A nod, "Then we shall be Bardtastic." She says taking a deep breath, she was nervous about the idea but willing to try, what was college for then to push ones horizons. She still didn't think she'd ever seek to be the center of attention and that was fine with her.

"Sounds good to me," Kelly said. "Thanks again for bringing me my work. I really look forward to playing with you." .

Gwen hopped off the stool, "I'm sure we can find places that will let us play. I saw a couple of bars on campus plus the dorm common rooms and the like. We'll talk later I better get going, still have a lot to be getting on with myself. The workload here.." She shook her head "I'll be by later..." And with a wave to her new friend she took off pleased it seemed to go well.

Kelly watched her go with a smile before putting her violin and speaker away, then settled down on the biobed. The campus was suddenly seeming like a very cool place to be.

Cadet Gwen Morgan
Magellan Academy


Cadet Kelly Khan
Magellan Academy


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