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At the Arcade

Posted on Sun Jun 2nd, 2019 @ 1:50am by Cadet Freshman Grade Molly Seol & Cadet Freshman Grade Jesse Grant & Cadet Freshman Grade Sadie Hawkins & Cadet Freshman Grade Charlie StarPocket & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito & Cadet Freshman Grade Catherine Wells & Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Magellan Campus Arcade
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1710 (August 25 2388 5:10pm, immediately following "Meeting of the Eees")

The three girls entered the arcade, Sadie now strutting at the lead. She looked around and scoped the area. She found her target: Jondar. Turning to her entourage, she asked the girls, "What do you know about him?"

The arcade itself was full of lights and colors, bright purples and odd murals covered the walls as they walked into a large area with stand up individual games with rooms off to the side labeled things like 'cafe' and 'Lazer Tag'.

Jondar was listening to a friend explain how to use the one knob and button to move a little ship and shoot at aliens moving down the screen.

Catherine shrugged, she didn't know him. Her eyes scanned the one busy area she was thinking as she considered the vibrant colors.

Molly shook her head, she didn't know either, and her large almond eyes grew as she took a look around the room.

Disappointed that Catherine and Molly knew nothing, Sadie shrugged and said, "Care to come with me and find out about him and his crew?"

Catherine shrugged, "No skin off my nose..." She said by way of saying 'sure sounds ok but I don't mind either way'.

"I'm going to play a game first," Molly grinned with excitement and took off. "I'll join you guys later!" she turned to shout back before continuing on.

Sadie sighed. Really? You're leaving me with Cow Girl? All myself? Come on, Molly! Without ever saying anything to Catherine, Sadie started to strut in the direction of Jondar, making sure to show him, whenever he glanced in her direction, pleasing views and poses of her body.

Catherine glanced at Molly wishing she just followed instead she stuck with Sadie for now.

Jondar had defeated his level and turned to his friend to with a grin as he caught sight of the two girls coming his way. Two very nice looking girls, his mind immediately skidded to a halt and went into panic mode because one seemed to be pretty obvious about certain interest.

"Danger, Danger!" His friend had seen others he knew and as the human tried to leave, Jondar grabbed his arm and whispered, "I have a girlfriend." He whispered hurriedly, "You gotta back me up."

Like a true friend, Julien Eppes from the engineering track turned back to the two women and smiled.

Having been spotted, Sadie decided that a direct approach was definitely not correct. She simply gave Jondar a smile and walked close enough for her scent to wash over him and Julien as she headed to another game. She propped herself against it, lazily looking over the room as if she was looking for someone else, but making sure that Jondar caught her glimpse from time to time.

"I wouldn't bother, he's taken." Liam casually sidled up to Sadie and took a sip from the bottle he was carrying, "And from what I hear it's looove." he screwed up his nose showing his repulse for the word.

Sadie laughed at Liam. "Seriously disgusting, not that I was interested, anyways," she told him. "What's your interest in him, them, or anything, anyways?"

"Oh, no interest in him at all." Liam replied, his eyes blatantly wandering over Sadie, "Those guys are losers." he shrugged.

Not missing Liam's wandering eyes, Sadie gave a half amused smile. "Losers, huh? And you're such a winner?" She paused for a moment and asked, "Liking what you see?" She put a hand on a hip and swung it out the other way to emphasize all of her curves.

"I always admire things of beauty." Liam replied, finally raising his eyes to meet hers.

Jondar looked at his friend both relieved and offended, "You saw that right? Pretty girl then she side stepped."

His friend looked back at him and shrugged, "You do give off that 'taken vibe..." Then he grinned, "So you noticed she was pretty huh?"

Jondar rolled his eyes, "Oh shut it and show me this 'skeet shooting' I feel the need to shoot something...." He threw his arm over his friend and they headed off.

Catherine, feeling like a third wheel, found a table nearby Sadie and sat on it crossed legged as she decided if she was supposed to follow her roommate on her man hunt all day or not. She was close enough to hear them talk but didn't contribute, not inclined to be judgy about people she didn't even know.

Sadie gave another sidelong glance over at Jondar and noticed he was watching her. Internally, she smiled to herself. Externally, she smiled back at Liam, her blue eyes twinkling. "So, feel free to admire," Sadie replied seductively as she slowly turned around in a circle making sure that Liam could see every part of her body.

Jondar made sure to pay attention to his friend as he walked away.

"Oh trust me, I'm admiring." Liam replied, his eyes roving over her as she showed herself off.

Catherine had gotten up to look at one of the games trying to figure out how it worked and wondering if she was allowed to open the maintenance console.

Suddenly, Molly was back. "Catherine!" she squealed with excitement, gripping the edge of the console as she leaned on it. "We have to play some laser tag! Everyone’s saying it’s a riot! Come on..what do you say?"

"We shoot people with lazers?" She replied curiously as she stood, then glanced at Sadie wondering if she'd want to come of course that would be pulling her away from her new boy toy focus.

“Not real lasers,” Molly laughed, and her eyes followed Catherine’s. “Wow...that’s not the same guy… I really think we should ask her to join us.”

"Um alright." Catherine replied a little uncertainly as she took into account Sadie. "Not sure she'll be keen but we can try."

Grinning and grabbing Catherine’s hand, Molly then lead her over to Sadie. “Hey…we’re about to play laser tag," she smiled, while looking over to Liam briefly. “Wanna come?”

Sadie looked to Liam and gave him a sultry grin, wishing she could do the same for Jondar. "Why the hell not?" She knew that the game would show off her flexibility and maybe show the boys some unexpected skin. That would be fun watching their reactions.

"Is that offer open to everyone?" Liam asked Molly, keen to stick around.

"Ummm..." Seeing Sadie’s reaction to the guys, Molly decided they might as well and gave him a small smile. "Yeah, sure."

"If it is open, join I would like." A strangely accented voice spoke up.

Charlie StarPocket, did not bother looking at them as her focus was elsewhere. However, she could not help overhearing them.

Since her arrival, three days before the main group of cadets, Charlie had discovered a love for the arcade. When it came to hand eye coordination the games were easy, but that was neither here nor there for the Elliciean girl. The arcade had become a training ground of sorts. Either practice from games or watching others, adapting to unfamiliar noises or pungent smells. She didn't care for the latter but was determined to adjust.

So it was no surprise Charlie found herself at a game where she used a bow to shoot virtual arrows into moving holes. It required skill but there also was an element of chance.

Not to mention the challenge of dealing with all the odors while playing. Or a group of cadets far different than her usual peers.

Molly eyes widened as did her smile. It would be fun to play with an Elliciean. "That's great," she said to Charlie, and then to everyone, "We still need one more player."

More girls? This was not what Sadie wanted. They were going to ruin her fun. "If we get another boy, we could play guys versus girls. I think that would be a wonderful time, don't you?"

"I think so," Molly agreed, "but I'm sure they'll want it even. So who should we grab...?" she looked around and then getting a glimpse of Jondar at the other end of the game room, turned to Sadie, gesturing her head in his direction, "Someone like him?"

Sadie grinned from ear to ear. Finally, one of her roommates had shown some value. She stuck her hand on her hip and thrust it out slightly, while putting one foot in front of the other. "Yes, someone exactly like him. I think you should ask him, Molly. I think he is the shy type and I might just scare the poor boy off."

"Alright, and his friend too,' Molly nodded, looking so forward to all the fun, the rest of what Sadie insinuated went over her head. "And I'll leave it up to them to find their fourth guy," she smiled as she started stepping back and then exclaimed as she hurried away, "Just leave it to me!"

A short time later the four girls arrived at the laser tag arena entry room. They were each suited up in a lightweight, thin vest with 4 hit zones of damage: stomach, shoulders, back, and blaster. Each were given a laser gun for two hand play, and on one wall was a LCARS panel where they could choose among the many holographic layouts of the arena.

While they had suited up, Charlie found that the girls weren't too different than those at home. The girl, Sadie, seemed to be stuck in the heat of the burning and Charlie wasn't convinced a mating hunt would help her. This preoccupation with the boys in this way was both annoying and fascinating, depending on the moment. It just was weird to think that many races had the distraction of hormones and pheromones in this way, all the time.

How did they manage to get anything done? Also it seemed so rude to not flirt with any of them. But her uncle had backed up what she had been taught, insisting it was safer not to.

The girl, Molly, was excitable and Charlie liked her outspoken friendliness, even if she herself wasn't.

Sadie (had) suited up, taking her sweet time, waiting for the boys to see her. She made sure that when she put on her equipment that the boys got a good look at her best features.

Catherine had put on the gear following the steps outlined on the wall, having never played laser tag before.

"We beat them here!" Molly exclaimed and holding her gun down by her side, rushed over to the panel. "Hurry guys," she swung around, excitedly, "we are the first ones here so we get to choose the arena layout."

Charlie came over and glanced at the panel, "Good this is, have the advantage we will."

Since, so far, Charlie had been the one to show interest in choosing the layout, Molly pointed at one. "What about this one?" she asked the Elliciean.

"Mmm shisdkl. " Charlie murmured in High Elliciean as she studied the layout Molly pointed out. "Good that is.. Also" she pointed at another "good this might be as well?"

The Elliciean girl was trying to think how her height might affect the game. It was one consistent factor to consider for an Elliciean away from their homeworld. The other was their tails which could have a mind of their own at times.

"Wherever puts me in the best position to shoot Jondar," Sadie answered with a mischievous smile.

Catherine smiled back at her teammates as she looked up from checking her lazer rifle. "What about a pincer move? One in the middle and rest on either side?"

Molly had smiled, nodding at Charlie’s second choice: an Egyptian themed set up, selected it, and then ended up rolling her eyes over to Sadie, matching the other girl’s smile. "Sounds good to me," she now replied to Catherine. Her eyes widened, “I think we need to get going before they get here.”

Charlie grinned as well, showing the tips of her pointed teeth. Her tail flickering lazily back and forth until her eyes fell on Molly. What was she wearing…?

"Are you thinking?" She hissed, not at all realizing how incredibly rude the question sounded.

Molly looked confused, and wondered if she had somehow offended the Elliciean. "What do you mean?" Her eyes had gone briefly to the other two girls.

With her tail, Charlie pointed at Molly’s white tank top, not nearly as covered by the laser tag vest as she'd have liked. "Glowing you are like a luminance bug!"

"Luminance bug?? Ohhh…" Molly looked down at herself, "Oh my gosh, you’re right, I’ll give us away!" The black lights had her top lit up and she was uncertained of what to do.

"Won’t you will." Charlie handed Molly her laser rifle and stood to her full height first to remove her vest, then to sweep her top off over her head. Revealing a thin dark tank top over multicolored spotted skin and a flat chest.

"Here. Wear this, hide your glow it will." Handing Molly a large long sleeved blue shirt.

Catherine looked herself over to make sure she wasn't glowing, "Good catch Charlie." She said she continued to make sure she was wearing dark enough clothes. They seemed to be ok, fortunately Catherine favored darker colors.

Hurriedly, Molly had taken off her vest and slipped on Charlie's shirt, before putting it back on. It hung on her like a dress, and she found herself needing to roll up the sleeves, feeling an urgency to get it done before the boys showed up.

Charlie nodded in approval, glad she had bothered to wear a tank top under her shirt. She looked at each girl in turn and hefted her rifle to lean back against her shoulder. "Kick some male tail, lets go." She said with a pointed tooth grin, leading them into the arena.

"Kick male tail?" Sadie inquired. "Now that's quite the visual. Though, I find it much more fun when they're kissing mine."

Glancing over at her, Molly's jaw dropped in amusement and shock as they followed Charlie, and she wondered just how serious Sadie was.

The four young women hurriedly found their positions. Charlie placed herself behind a pillar, etched with Egyptian hieroglyphs, far from the door but near enough she could see her teammates easily enough.

Feeling excited with anticipation, Molly was on the opposite side facing the entrance, leaning back against a sandstone wall, and peering around it with her rifle held up in the ready.

Sadie took the point on Molly's side. She was not a great shot but you never had to be when you were only a few feet from your target. Stealth and agility would be her friends. She found a column near Molly but further ahead and disappeared behind it.

Catherine went to an opposite side so the girls basically ringed the boys side like a horseshoe, she heated the laser tag rifle with a grin, she was a farm girl all right. Basic weapons not entirely unknown. Though not needed for a long time, it was tradition people in her family knew how to shoot. The setting the weird but the overall idea not unfamiliar.

Charlie was pleased with the other girls positions, and relieved Sadie would kick male tail even if she preferred they kiss hers. It made a strange visual, Charlie grimaced and was suddenly glad none of them had actual tails.

A short time later….

Jondar lead the way dodging to one side followed by his friend Julien as they quickly aimed for what cover they could find, hoping to avoid fire by movement even as they tried to keep their eyes open looking for targets.

Jesse came in next, rolling on the ground before taking cover.

Looking like he didn't care if he got shot or not, Liam followed up behind the others, wondering when they could get some proper partying started. Hopefully, everyone would get shot pretty quickly, then they could find some booze and have some real fun.

Eyes on the boys darting in, Charlie gave a low growl of enjoyment as she took aim allowing the laser point to be seen. She could have taken one out already, but where was the fun in that? Instead, she hoped the boys would seek cover on either side near the door, making them vulnerable to the other girls positioned there.

With help from the special effects, black lights and loud electronic-techno music, the anticipation and excitement took over Molly. Determined, she aimed and hit Liam. Then she gasped. “Oh my gosh, I hit him!!”

Liam heard the hit and whirled to face Molly, putting his arms out and saying "Dude! We only just started!" then he grinned and said "You owe me a drink for that." Then he dived for cover before she could get a second chance.

Molly's eyes remained widened, and her jaw dropped even further. She hadn't been expecting to hit anyone, at least not so easily.

Catherine grinned from her position off to one side, Jondar almost ran right into her. She shot him and had the satisfaction of watching his surprised face as his vest went into lockdown mode. Basically she had a 'kill' point on him and his vest protected him from other 'kill' points for 5 seconds. She took off, not wanting to chase her in the semi dark Jondar opted for a chance to rehide and see whom he could find. He took off down a different track and after 5 seconds his vest lit up again indicating he was again a viable target. The point being to get as many 'kills' in a 10-15 minute period as possible.

He searched for one of other team, scanning with his rifle up.

"Oh Gosh? Really, Molly? Who has said that since the 20th century?" Sadie complained as she fired at Jondar, who came into her sight. "You're mine, Jondar...."

Totally clueless, Molly exclaimed while looking around them, "Well, what was I supposed to say?!"

Sadie wondered at Molly's innocence. "Woo hoo? Cool? Yeah?! Any cheer. Not some doubtful, 'oh my goodness.'"

Uncertain what to say at the criticism, Molly started to shrug and then observed, "Looks like you missed him.."

Jondar poked around a corner out from a mini shelter he'd found, hearing the conversation. He then took careful aim and first a shot at Sadie being closer to him.

"What the...?" Sadie asked as she whirled to face Jondar and then tripped over her own two feet, falling to the ground as the shot flew past her. "Damn it!" she cried out.

"Sadie!" Molly crouched down to quickly help her scramble away. Her heart beating fast, she kept low, unsure of where to go from there.

Jondar froze for a second as Sadie went down, an instinct being to help. Fortunately Molly ran to help Sadie and Jondar remembered what they were doing. He dove behind a crate and kept an eye out making sure she was ok before taking off.

Taking advantage of the deep drum notes and flickering lights, Charlie had slipped to another column, using Sadie’s trip as a distraction, she aimed at one of the boys and hit him in the arm.

"Damn!" Jesse cursed, before rushing to hide behind another large pillar. He peered around it, and not seeing anyone, turned to look around the other side.

The boy clearly wasn't able to tune out the atmospheric distractions, or had her hearing. As he moved to get his bearings she slipped closer on the opposite side. Standing tall against the same pillar he was at, her attention partially on the others, her tail slipped to his side and tapped him before disappearing.

Jesse jumped startled, whirling around he found himself facing someone, looking up he found feline teeth grinning at him. Despite himself, he swallowed and then felt the punch of the laser hitting his vest.

Within the span of a heartbeat, the feline ninja was gone.

Jesse laughed, shaking his head, "Oh wow.." and then reaffirming his grip on his weapon, took off to go find his teammates.

After the fun surprise attack, Charlie felt a rush, this activity appealed to her hunting instincts. Hyped up and ready to attack someone again, Charlie found Sadie and Molly together. Spotting Catherine she motioned for her and hissed to the girls. "Idea I have, come. Follow."

Sadie followed. Annoyed that Jondar had gotten a jump on her once already, she was ready to do anything that she could to make him pay.

Catherine was having a great time doing what she called 'the corralling', by sticking to the borders and running around taking pot shots. Upon hearing Charlie's call, she immediately shifted direction angling toward Charlie. However, ready to support her team.

A while later the cadets all piled out of the arena, girls first and Molly was giggling. "That was sooo much fun!" She turned to look at all of them "And we won...!" She grabbed Sadie, who was closest to her, and gave her an excited hug.

Catherine came out lazer tag rifle over one shoulder with a smile, what a great idea. "This was fun." She agreed. "We should kick butt more often..." She drawled. Making a face at Jondar as he came out, who jokingly returned it.

"Of course we won!" Sadie replied confidently, feeling slightly uncomfortable in the tight, excited hug. "Girls rule, boys drool. Besides, we know how to work together. Boys.... All that testosterone causes them to lose strategy."

Charlie found she somewhat agreed with Sadie. Elliciean males were not known for their hunting skills. They, however, had other skills that females had little interest in.

In response to Molly's excitement and Sadie’s inner female hunter, Charlie declared. "Of course hunt again we will. Many male tail to kick there is." She flashed a grin at Jesse.

Having taken off his vest, Jesse rolled his eyes and came over to leaned in towards the four. “How about a rematch? We can figure out when after we get our schedules,” he suggested while thinking he needed to do some research on her species.

Charlie huffed a laugh. "In I am." She found herself raising her tail to run down the side of his face, only just remembering how he might see the flirting. She quickly grabbed her tail and looked to the other girls, embarrassed and wishing she wasn't so tall and noticeable.

Jesse warmed, his lips giving into a smile. Definitely have to look up her species .. he thought. "Looking forward to it," he spoke out loud and then started backing away. "See you around," he said to all of them there and took off.

Eyes large from the exchange, Molly had to watch him as he walked away, and ended up with a good view of the different groupings and species of cadets enjoying themselves throughout the place. She just had to smile, and lost in her thoughts about how Magellan Campus was going to be a great place, turned back to rejoin her new friends.



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