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Exploration and Exercise

Posted on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 6:25pm by

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Tinsha Personal Quarters
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1630 (August 25 2388 4:30pm)

Miach watched as his daughter entered the apartment which they had been assigned to. He walked in behind her and grinned as the boxes which held their belongings were piled in the center of the room. Morrigan padded in behind Brighid and sat down growling softly, her version of a contented vocalization. Miacha smirked and then moved to the pile of boxes.

"Shall we sift through and find our cloths I feel like a run, any joiners? " he asked as he popped open a box marked cloths.

~I would like to explorrre as well Prriest.~ came the half purred response from Morrigan as she pushed herself up and moved towards the door.

"Run Da'? I could do with a run, perhaps by the lake?" Brighid asked as she too looked over the boxes and found one with her initials and popped it open "Ahh, a Celtic run Da'? To prepare for the battle of Maige Tuired?" She asked pulling the fine linen of her costume out. He grinned "It has been a while since we have reenacted that battle..." he paused "But no, not a true Celtic run as I dont want the first appearance of the Philosophy instructor to be one where he's running in the buff with a sword above his head and his naked daughter behind him no. My colleagues may frown deeply on that note. But the three of us in battle armor getting a nice jog, they may just think were crazy." he grinned wickedly then looked at Morrigan. "What say you goddess of death?"

~The battle crrrow agrees Healerrr to the rrrun and the insanity, sounds like fun.~

He snorted "The gods are in agreement then we run tonight and I see if I can't get a holodeck later in the week. Armor up goddess of song and Forge and I shall do the same." He grinned wickedly as he moved to an empty room and started to shuck his uniform and slip on the silver and gold twisted torcs around his bare arms and neck then the pounded silver gauntlets that covered his wrists. He stepped into breeches which were made of died doe skin and grabbed the handle of Fragarach slipping it onto his belt. He snorted as Morrigan pulled her black and red armor to where he stood and dropped it.

~The goddess needs help with her arrrmorrr.~ and she rolled over onto her back and wiggled a little before rolling back up and stood still. He snorted as he placed the linked armor on her back and fastened it below her. The top was several stripped of articulated black steel running down her back which healed several linked curtains of black and red chain mail that tinkled when she walked. He slipped the neck piece on which had a silver and gold torc much like his own that joined the helmet and armor together.

"The goddess is ready." he said back as he watched her stand and stretch, he knew she enjoyed the sound that her armor made and to tell the truth he did too. It sounded much like a chorus of tinkling bells. He walked out of the room and found Brighid laying on the couch her own sword laid down her body with one leg propped up on the cushions while the other dangled. She too was dressed as he but she wore a thin fire red shirt beneath the bronze breast plate, her left arm was bare but the right was covered in pauldron with hints of the fine red material beneath and gauntlet on her hand. At the waist a mail skirt of bronze polished to a high sheen. Her legs were bare but for the skirt and her feet were in a pair of red doe skin boots.

"What took ya' so long Da? I've been waiting for the two of you to come out of there. Two weeks we've been cooped up on this shuttle or that star base and now we'er here! Lets go!" she said as she pushed herself up off of the couch and moved towards the door.

He smirked at her and then felt a twinge of guilt as he realized that they had been two weeks in the getting here. He sighed softly to himself as he moved to the console and pulled up a birds eye view of the compound. "Computer is there a beach that is close to this location which will be suitable for exercising?" he asked. There was a brief pause and then the computer zoomed in on a stretch of beach not far from there.

"Affirmative, there is a private beach which is reserved for Staff." He grinned. "Perfect." he looked over the route and made not of what tram they would have to talk before walking out and heading to the proper destination. Several minutes and one tram ride later they were standing at the entrance to the beach. He smirked as he heard Brighid talking to Morrigan.

"You would think they have never seen a sehlat in battle dress before..." Morrigan made the appropriate rumblings to convey her agreement as they strode onto the white sand and paused to look at the scene.

"Da... it's gorgeous..." Brighid said and he was about to answer but was cut off by the sound of her squeal and shouted challenge. "First to the other side is the spawn of a Firbolg!" she and Morrigan pealed away across the white sand leaving him to stare. He shook his head and pulled Fragarach from his belt activating it and the blade snapped into place from the handle as he too started to run. He slipped it around so the blade lay flat against the back of his arm and he pumped away to catch up.

"You weren't very fair Brighid." he shot at her as he closed the distance.

"Fair has no place on the battlefield Da', you taught me that!" she retorted over her shoulder and pressed hard to open the gap.

~She is your daughterrr Prriest.~ Morrigan shot into his head as he also felt the thrill of her exertion and realized he too was enjoying the run but for a vastly different reason. He had his family here with him. That thought pulled at him and caused him to slow because it wasn't fully true. He whispered her name as he breath. "Kasia, if you were here all would be perfect in the world."

Lt. Commander Miach Tinsha
Core Instructor/Surgeon
Magellan Campus

Brighid Tinsha
Teenage Civilian
Magellan Campus

Unusual Sehlat
Magellan Campus


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