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Meeting of the Eees

Posted on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 2:58pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Molly Seol & Cadet Freshman Grade Sadie Hawkins & Cadet Freshman Grade Catherine Wells
Edited on on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 3:17pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Cadet Dormatory
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1650 (August 25 2388 4:50pm)

Sadie opened the door to her dorm room. Not only did she have one roommate, she had two. It was going to be crowded. She sighed, disappointed.

Moving to her bed, Sadie laid out the assigned clothing and then looked at her own. She missed them already. They never ceased to draw looks from the boys and she rather enjoyed tormenting them with what they desired but never quite reached. Sure, she could wear them when not in class but she would need to study, so the only time they would likely see the light (or night, as the case might be) of day, would be on the weekends.

One by one, she packed them away neatly and when she had finished, she looked at herself in the mirror. A cadet. Everyone wearing the same, thinking the same, and saluting the same. Well, that was not going to do. What could she do to stand out? Hairstyles are not regulated. She grinned mischievously. Yes, I can change that daily and perhaps I can alter my make up to keep the boys leering. Lots more drinks and dinners will get bought for me that way, I'm sure.

Posing several times in the mirror, she did not immediately notice the door open again....

Catherine didn’t see the other cadet at first. Her vision was blocked by the two crates she was carrying. She also carried two messenger bags on straps crossways across her body, capping off her load with a large backpack with a hiking staff strapped to it. She peeked around the corner of a crate and dumped them with a solid ‘thud’ next to the first open bed she saw then dumped the rest on the bed.

She turned around athletic looking, but not freakishly muscled, arms on her hips to glance at the corner where the rest of her stuff arrived ahead of her. For her part she’d meant to carry everything in one trip and did it. She still wore civilian clothes, brown hiking boots with jean like pants. A white button down overshirt was tied around her waist so now could now see the previously hidden t-shirt underneath that read ‘Engineers Do It With Precision’. Her black hair was tied up and out of her way as her eyes caught sight of the other cadet. Her smile was ready and genuine, “Catherine Wells, fixer of crap other folks broke…” Her voice had a slow cadence, reminding one of lazy summer days and honeyed tea.

The thud startled Sadie. She whirled about on Catherine, wondering who in the hell could make such a racket. Sadie inspected her carefully and wondered why she was talking so slowly.

"I hope that you don't make that kind of noise when I'm studying," Sadie finally responded. "I'm your future medical wizard and purveyor of cures yet to be determined," Sadie announced with confidence. "The name is Sadie Hawkins and before you make comment on my name, just let me tell you that I expect the boys to ask me out and pay for dates."

Cat thought a bit bemusedly that this one was a bit rapid fire. Not that she minded. She known others who talked like words were bullets from a machine gun. She knew one guy from New York City who talked in a quick, clipped tone like he couldn't wait to get them out. And Klingons just sounded pissed off. "Well alright." She said agreeably in her slow southern drawl. "Havin' a doc's always handy..." She continued moving to one of the crates, thought about starting to unpack and then sat on it instead.

Sadie did not know what to make of the Southern girl. To what exactly was "Well, alright" referring? And why did she sit on her crates rather than unpack? She made very little sense. Did she have farm animals packed in there? Incredulous, Sadie asked, "Aren't you going to unpack?"

Catherine shrugged, "I expect I will but as I just carried these up 3 flights for the workout and we've no place to be immediately. I thought I'd take a breather, why rush? We'll rush soon enough..." She said with a wave her voice mild. She turned slightly and dug in one of the bags to pull out a water bottle to take a drink. Unzipped one could see various weirdly colored and designed socks neatly and professionally packed within along with a few other items before she closed the flap again. She turned back to her roommate, "How you likin' things so far?" She asked conversationally, crossing her legs as she sat on the crate, drinking her water.

"Breather for what?" Sadie asked, still perplexed at the Southern girl before her. She rolled her eyes at the follow up question. "I wish I was studying medicine at Harvard or John Hopkins but my parents and school decided that I should enlist. Happy day," she replied twirling her finger in the air sarcastically. "Maybe when our third roommate comes here, we can go trolling. There's a couple of people that I would like to get to know better." She grinned mischievously.

Just then, another young woman, of Japanese descent, peered into the room before taking a step in. Carrying the standard orientation crate in both arms, she was wearing a white flowy tank top and ripped faded blue jeans, a turquoise blue rope pack printed with white pineapples was over one shoulder. "Hi..." Her almond shaped eyes were looking between the two, and she smiled, looking and feeling a little unsure of the situation, "I'm your roommate, Molly Seol."

This one seems to have a lot more sense of style. There might be something to work with here, unlike the country bumpkin. "Speak of the devil and she arrives." Sadie chuckled lightly at Molly arriving nearly on cue. "I'm Sadie Hawkins. No comments on the name. I've heard it all. Sitting on the boxes is Cathy. Seems we're a room of 'eees.'" Without waiting for a response, Sadie asked her next question of Molly, "So, what's your story?"

Her eyes having widened at everything that Sadie said, Molly thought about it, “Well, I’m from San Francisco…and...wait a sec…” She quickly went over to place her things down and then to sit on the edge of the remaining bed. “My mother’s a doctor,” she smiled to the two of them, “and my dad, a starfleet Officer, teaches at the San Francisco Academy campus. At first, I was feeling unsure if I wanted to go to the Academy or to art school, but my reason was because my dad teaches at the Academy, and I was feeling like there’s no way I can have my dad as one my professors, as I’m going into Operations just like he did, and then people might think I didn’t earn my grades from any of his classes. Also, as much as I love my dad,” she frowned as she admitted, “he and I just don’t always get along. So, when my mom had this great Idea,” the corners of her mouth lifted again, “that I should apply to come here, I just had to! Anyways, I’m just really excited to be here, and it’s really great to meet both of you. And so, what are your stories?” she asked, inquisitively looking between the two.

My name is Molly and I'm just HAPPY to be here. Kill me now. Sadie kept her tone level and prayed that Molly could be turned to the dark side because Catherine had little potential for that.

"As I was just telling Cathy, here, I would rather be at Harvard or John Hopkins. My parents had other ideas regarding my discipline despite the fact that I've always been way ahead of my class. Work hard, play hard, that's my motto."

"," Molly hadn't been expecting that, "So you don't really want to be here? I hope that changes."

Catherine thought of the work she'd had to do to get in here then of the poor person who didn't get in because Ms. 'I don't want to be here' took their slot. Seemed a real shame to Wells, still Sadie would either hold up to the stress Cat knew was coming or she wouldn't. She may not of wanted to be here but she was here now and how she acted would say much.

She smiled and to Molly as she stood up, "Pleasure to metcha..." She said in her drawling voice warmly as she opened a bag, carefully placing a line of plushies out: a dragon, teddy bear, a chicken in a roman helmet, a baby pig and a wonderful roan colored horse on the shelf next to her bed, completely un-selfconsciously.

Sadie looked at both of the girls. "We have some time today, right? Why don't you say that we go out? Break loose a bit? I just need to get out of this God awful cadet uniform that I tried on for the moment."

"I would love that," Molly smiled. "I've heard a lot of good things about the campus."

"I could roam." Catherine said by way of agreement, considering it a moment.

Roam? Roam? Are we buffalo? OMG! The country bumpkin is coming. Please, whatever deity is up there, don't let her embarrass us. Sadie pulled her clothing that she wore earlier out and said, "I'll be back after a short trip to the bathroom."

Watching her leave, Molly turned herself on her bed, and then looked over to Catherine. She had felt the tension in the room and was feeling concerned about what it could mean. Smiling as their eyes met, she pointed over to Catherine's stuff animals. "Those are really cute. Do they have a special meaning for you?"

Catherine smiled, "Ones I collected over the years. That one..." She pointed to the horse, "Looks a lot like my Condor, not pretty but can run for days, so I call him Condor." She pointed to the teddy bear, who looked battered and old but solid, "Was my shield man from adventures long past. He is Sir McStuffins..." She said somberly introducing them but there was a twinkle in her eyes, "I named him when I was 6..." She shrugged.

"Well, I like his name," Molly said, really meaning it. "I left my stuffies at home, wishing now I had brought them with me. Actually," she sighed, "I was afraid I would look too childish but actually, I don't think it does, nor does it matter."

When Sadie returned, the cadet uniform was in her arms. The dark haired brunette with piercing blue eyes had her long hair cascaded around her. She wore a tight purple top that was in a 21st century style with holes where the shoulder fabric should be. The top had a deep v-neck that strongly hinted at her cleavage. She wore tight jean shorts and sandals. She exuded sexuality and seemed to revel in it.

"Ready now, girls?" Sadie asked, her voice dripping with promises that would make most boys weep.

Cat's eyebrows went up briefly, it seemed a bit much to check out campus in. She liked to dress for the club but that wasn't everyday wear. Mentally shrugging she put on her overshirt, "Ready." Catherine replied glancing a Molly.

Molly's mouth had nearly dropped, but she had closed it quickly. "Yeah..." she enthusiastically looked between the two, "I'm ready."

Without further adieu, Sadie strutted out of the door. She made sure that she was slightly out front. She wanted to be noticed. Sadie had no real idea of where she was going and part of her did not care. She wanted the looks of the boys. She wanted to see their desire and she wanted some fun!

Grabbing Catherine’s hand, Molly rushed them out after her.

Turning back to Molly and Cat, she asked, "Are we heading the right direction for the club?"

“There’s one opened!?” Molly asked, keeping up with her. Word was, the night club for the campus wouldn’t be opened for another week.

"I don't know but I thought we would check it out," Sadie responded with some swagger. "And even if it isn't, we should find it for now and then find a place where the boys might be hanging out." She grinned mischievously.

Catherine pulled a small PADD out from one of her cargo pants pockets and studied it a moment, "That away..." She pointed then showing them the map and the club's place on it. "It's the Subspace Cafe...aaaand yep it's closed for another week..." She highlighted the Cafe's listed hours then caught sight of something else, "There's this Arcade that's open..." She pointed at the PADD. "laser tag, and theater and stuff. Sounds promisin." She glanced around at the others.

Well, well, the country bumpkin has a valid idea. She might prove me wrong about my initial thoughts on her, yet. Trying to pass the idea off as obvious, Sadie answered, "Well, there are worse places to be. Why don't we give that a shot, Cathy and Molly?"

"Sounds good to me," Molly smiled, looking between them. "I think we should try the arcade first. Then the sports center?"

"Just so long as there are boys," Sadie answered with a knowing grin.

"Most definitely," Molly looked to Catherine expectantly.

"Let's do this thing..." Catherine agreed and headed out of the dorm building with the others.


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