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And A Surgeon Too

Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 1:40am by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S.

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Phlox Medical; One of the Office Areas
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1400 (August 26 2388 2:00pm)

Miach walked back to the med bay and rubbed his neck as he thought about what had happened before. Lilly, the CMO here, was a sneaky one that was for sure. She had tricked him into coming in and operating on a 'test' patient so she could observe his technique. He grinned as he crossed the open area to the offices and his mind snapped to and followed a different direction.

"My own office here as well, lord I'm going to run out of things to decorate with." he thought of pulling some of the Irish tapestries he had been given while he lived on Ireland out of storage.

Reclined back in his chair, with his feet propped up on one corner of his desk, Cole Dering was in his own little office. "This can't be happening..." he thought out loud in near disbelief. With an expression to match, he leaned forward, placing the PADD down on his desk when he spotted a new face walking through the outer office area. He got out of his chair and went to his office doorway. "Hey..." he said, "Can I help you...Lieutenant Commander?"

Miach saw the man approach, smiled and nodded to him. "Well I'm the new surgeon. Just finished with the CMO so I thought I'd come down and take a look at my office here." He extended a gloved hand to the Lieutenant before him and said. "Lieutenant Commander Miach Ap Tinsha, at your service sir."

"Sir..?" Cole accepted his hand, and his brows furrowed, "You outrank me...yet..." his brow furrowed at the oddity, "I'm your boss department-wise. This must be a secondary position for you." he reasoned.

Miach nodded "You're correct, this is my secondary position. I hold degrees in Philosophy, psychology and a MD. I'm the Academy's Philosophy professor." Miach grinned. "It's good to stay busy."

His eyebrows raised with interest, Cole asked the obvious question as the wheels began to turn in his head, "So you teach?"

Miach nodded. "Indeed, and I'm also your new surgeon." He smirked. "How are things? "

"Well, funny you should ask," Cole said with a near-grim expression. "If I could have a moment of your time in my office, Commander, maybe there is something you can help me with."

At that Miach's eyebrows shot up and together like a pair of amorous caterpillars. "You may indeed. Please, by all means lead the way. " Miach's mind traveled down several paths as he tried to figure out what the good Lieutenant might be needing his assistance with that could cause his expression to shift so dramatically to almost grim.

Appearing thoughtful, Cole lead the way back into his office. "Please have a seat." he said, indicating a chair before sitting in his own.

Miach walked in and sat where indicated, plastering on a mask of professional curiosity. He was most interested to hear what the Lieutenant had on his mind. "How can I be of service? "He asked after taking the seat.

"Ahh..well," Cole replied with a smile. "First of all I want to say it's great to have another surgeon on board. You walked in just as I was looking over this." he rose of out of seat enough to hand over the PADD he had been looking at earlier, "Orders hand delivered by Teri Lane, gorgeous dean yeoman extraordinaire. The Dean's assigned me to tutor a cadet initiative by the name of Adonai."

Miach took the PADD and scanned it quickly he nodded when he got to the name of the prospective cadet. "I would be more than happy to tutor the cadet. What are you thinking, core studies to ensure he makes it into the Academy?" Miach asked as he handed the PADD back to Cole.

Cole shook his head, and knowing that Miach must not have gotten everything with his quick scan, he replied, "No, the Dean would like me to tutor him in medical only. Just the basics, of course, for now." He laid the PADD back down on the desk and leaned back in his chair before continuing, "Adonai plans on going into pre-medical, wants to be a doctor. Which is...well," Cole thought about it more, actually feeling a bit obnoxious for his initial reaction, "really great. As you know, he'll need to score high enough in that area in order to do so. Apparently, he has a medical background, was an apprentice of some sort, but he's a Delta Quadrant species unfamiliar with how we do things, so basically he'll need to be able to adjust to our way of...doing things."

Miach nodded and grinned. "So you want me to help tutor him in how we do it in the fleet?" Miach dipped his head to the door to indicate the sickbay. "How to conform to our standards? I can do that."

"Yeah..." Cole made a face, and he looked away as he said quietly. "I think I panicked..." damn... He looked back to him, "How about 50/50?"

Miach raised an eyebrow and grinned, he hoped reassuringly before he spoke. "I have taught several young doctors before. I was one of the youngest heads of surgery in my monastery. Let me know what you want me to teach and ill make sure our young cadet hopeful isn't a hopeful for much longer. "

"Alright," Cole grinned, and leaned forward, rising out of his seat, "between the two of us, this is going to work out just fine." He reached out a hand and his eyes narrowed a bit, "A man of many talents... So what do I call you? Doctor, Healer, Professor? Or what's that Vulcan word...?" He furrowed his brow staring at the man as he tried to recall the Vulcan honorific title for someone considered a teacher, and then grinned again as it came to him, "A T'Kehr..."

Miach took Cole's hand and the grin widened. " I have adopted the Irish lifestyle, call me healer. Though some in my old village called me Druid. That always had a nice ring to it. But in private just call me Miach." He shook Cole's hand and as he released it said "it was a pleasure to meet you Doctor Dering. If that's all you need of me can you point me to my office?" He smirked.

"Sure, " Cole nodded, still studying the man, "I would be glad too...and please, call me Cole. I'll figure out tomorrow what I would like you to tutor Adonai on. Anyways," he smiled, leading him out the door, "I think I know which office is yours. It has a great view of one of the garden paths...and I can see the Dean's office from there. Well, here at Magellan, when it comes to beautiful views, you can't lose with whatever you end up with."

Miach nodded "I have noticed that here there is no shortage of lovely views." he moved to follow Cole and decided he liked the man.

"Yeah..." Cole smiled, and then inwardly sighed, his mind for a moment going elsewhere.


Lieutenant Commander Miach Ap Tinsha
Philosophy Professor/Surgeon
Magellan Campus

Doctor Cole Dering
Assistant CMO/Surgeon
Magellan Campus


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