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Getting Settled

Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 1:57am by Mackenzie Bergman
Edited on on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 1:57am

Mission: The First Step...
Location: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1530 (August 26 2388 3:30pm)

Mackenzie stood in what was the center of the salon and looked around, still in awe that all of this was hers. It had everything she wanted and more. Everything was already in place, and whoever did it managed to follow her diagrams down to the finer details. For that, she was grateful. It saved her a lot of time and hassle, and allowed her the chance to go through the many crates inventory waiting for her back in the storage room. She was almost afraid to get back there and see what state it was in.

Stretching her arms above her head, the redheaded woman gave a groan and cracked her knuckles. There was no more putting this off if she was going to open the following day, so with that in mind, she checked in on her little Wolfdog puppy to see he was sound asleep, then made her way back to storage. Just in case, though, she propped the door open so she could hear him ... or wanted to get back there and explore... whichever came first.

She was so grateful that whoever stacked the crates listened to her suggestion and only stacked them three high. Now... she wasn't going to have to do her impersonation of a spider monkey and climb all over things. It was unbecoming of a lady, and though she wasn't expecting anyone to show up, the skirt she was wearing would expose more of her than she wanted anyone to see. Not that it was super short, but still.

Mackenzie looked over the labels and coordinated them with the PADD she held in her hand, and after a while, she concluded that everything she'd ordered was there. Now all she needed to do was get them open and start moving everything out to their designated places. That was going to be the most time consuming thing of all considering the size of the place. She'd get it done, because she was determined, and one of the many things her parents had drilled into her head from childhood was never give up.

With her task in mind, she began grabbing crates and lowering them to the ground to start opening them. This is when having someone working with her would be welcome, but no one had expressed any interest that she was aware of. Then again, maybe she could put feelers out and see if there were any cadets, or other civilians, interested in earning extra credits to spend on whatever they wanted. Maybe a visit to the Dean was in order as soon as she could swing it.

The list of things she was moving from the storage room to various locations around the salon/spa seemed to be endless, but after a while of continuous work, she was finally done. Now everything was ready to go for her to officially open, and Mackenzie couldn't be happier.

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Station


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