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Morals of a Slime Devil

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 4:20pm by Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 4:21pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Campus/Mess Hall
Timeline: 2388/08/28 0925 (Thurs. August 28 2388 9:25am)

As the flight students filed out of the shuttle bay hangar, Liam, who had been watching Kelly closely for the entire lesson, wandered up to her and said "That was some first lesson huh?"

Kelly's mind was doing warp speed as she reviewed what Commander Bannerman had told them during the class as she had started to leave the hangar bay. She had been pleased that the Flight Instructor wasn't treating her any differently from the other cadets and wondered if Mack had talked to him. Hearing a voice, she turned and saw the young man who had been the smart aleck in the class and gave a nod. "It was. I'm looking forward to more."

"I can't believe he took us up in that runabout on our first day." Liam actually looked interested for once in his life, "Did you see this planet? How awesome is it?" he was virtually bouncing as he walked alongside her.

"It was absolutely amazing!" Kelly agreed enthusiastically. "Seeing it coming into orbit and landing was one thing...but actually getting to see it like that...words can't really begin to describe it."

"And did you see what he did with that thing? I didn't even know runabouts were capable of that kind of flight." Liam grinned. Even though he hated Bannerman, he had to give him credit, the man knew how to fly.

"You'd be surprised what they can do," Kelly said. "Engineers always sandbag when they write the specifications for shuttles, runabouts, and ships. The structural integrity field warnings is just a way of keep pilots in check. I've done a lot of research on ships and different types of shuttles. Still, he's a very good pilot in spite of being arrogant."

"Yeah gotta give the old dog that." Liam conceded before asking "So...wanna go somewhere and talk some more? Maybe we can grab a drink or something?"

"That sounds good," she said, tugging at the collar of her uniform and loosing it a bit. "Why do they make these so constrictive and form fitting? Ugh. Where do you want to go to?"

"Don't suppose you're up for sneaking into that bar that the teachers use?" Liam suggested with a grin.

"Right..." Kelly said. "Like that won't get us in trouble. I'll pass."

"Awwww come on...just one drink?" Liam looked at her and put on his puppy dog face as he added "Please?"

Kelly stopped and looked at him. "I just said I'll pass. I never said that you couldn't do what you wanted. If you want to go and have a drink, be my guest. I'm not going to get myself in trouble."

"Okay, okay...then we'll go to the mess hall." Liam put his hands up and wondered what was with this chick but then reminded himself that she was hot and worth the challenge.

"Better," Kelly said. "I'm the first one in my family to get into Starfleet, and I'm not going to screw it up for anyone. By the way, I'm Kelly." She offered him a hand.

"Liam." the other cadet took her hand and shook it, "So why are you the first one to join Starfleet? What's wrong with the rest of your family?"

Kelly jerked her hand back like he had bitten it and glared at him. " There's nothing wrong with the rest of my family. Not everyone goes into Starfleet. Are you that much of a little boy that you have to ask what's wrong with someone else for not choosing Starfleet? I can see that Commander Bannerman was right about you."

"What'd I say?" Liam looked totally clueless, totally oblivious to the fact that such comments would cause that kind of a reaction.

"You can't be that stupid," Kelly said, still glaring at him. "How did you get into Starfleet, a high ranking family member?"

"Something like that." Liam nodded, "Always pays to know people high up." he grinned as they walked towards the mess hall.

"I really hope you aren't taking Intelligence," Kelly said. "If you are, you've already failed."

"How so?" Liam frowned, not understanding what she was getting at.

"You insult my family, you're in flight because girls like pilots, and you don't see anything wrong with anything you've said so far," Kelly said. "You can't be that dense. Then you say it pays to know people high up? Have you ever done anything by yourself, for yourself, that didn't end badly?"

"Course I have!" Liam sounded annoyed, though the truth was that he really couldn't think of anything at all.

"Dressing, breathing, walking and feeding yourself aside, name three things," Kelly challenged him. "Running your mouth doesn't count, either."

"Well...well I got in here didn't I?" Liam replied with the only thing that sprang to mind.

"By knowing someone, as you said," Kelly pointed out. "So that doesn't count. Keep trying."

"I...uh...well this is a stupid subject anyway." Liam pouted as the entered the mess hall and he stalked over to the replicators.

"'ve done nothing," Kelly said as she followed him. "That's really impressive said no one ever."

"Where do you get off judging me when you don't even know me?" Liam bit back, getting annoyed with her.

"Then why don't you tell me about yourself?" Kelly suggested. "So far, I know you want to be a pilot because it gets the girls, you know people high up, and you can't think of three things you've done for yourself."

"Okay...well my father's French, my mother is English." Liam began, "I have one kid sister who I hate, I like diving, music and women." he rattled off, wondering if that was the kind of thing she was after.

Getting a drink from the replicator and a piece of fruit, she looked at him. "Interesting. We have at least one thing in common. I like women, too. Other than that, I swim, dance, play violin, run, practice martial arts, gymnastics, sing, eat chocolate, and love riding Bolian vectorboards."

Liam's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as he said "No way! You like chicks?" then he lowered his voice and asked "So I don't suppose you'd be into you know, hooking up with another chick? Maybe the three of us could have some fun?" he looked at her hopefully.

"Are you serious?" Kelly looked at him in disbelief. "You have the morals of a Denebian slime devil, don't you?"

"Oh come on!" Liam grinned at her totally unphased, "It'll be fun and you can add it to your list of experiences."

"I'd rather experience assimilation by the Borg than something with you," Kelly said, looking at him with disgust.

"That's a bit harsh." Liam replied with a pout, "What's with the stuck up attitude anyway?"

"Stop and think about what you've been saying the entire time you've been talking to me," Kelly said. "You aren't exactly the epitome of charming."

"Says who?" Liam replied, "Other chicks dig's not my fault you have a stick up your ass."

"You are incredibly lucky that assault is one of the offenses that can get someone removed from the Academy," Kelly said, narrowing her eyes. "Otherwise, you would be walking awfully funny going across campus to get my boot out of your ass. You think you're the galaxy's gift to women? Fine. I bet none of them are in Starfleet, and if they are, that they have the same lack of morals, intelligence and charm that you do."

"Nope...just better taste." Liam shot back, getting angry at her himself, "Not my fault if you refuse a gift horse is it sweetheart?"

"Then why don't you go find that gift horse and have sex with it?" Kelly retorted. "I'm done with you." Grabbing her drink and fruit, she turned to head out of the mess hall.

"Maybe I will." Liam called after her, "And she'll be one hell of a ride too!" he added for good measure as he got up and headed for the door intent on locating some alcohol from somewhere...he needed a drink after this.


Cadet Freshman Kelly Khan
Flight Control
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Grade Liam Pardot
Magellan Campus


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