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Cultural and Biological Imperatives

Posted on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 12:55am by Lieutenant Commander Kasia Tinsha & Commander Lilly Cavallo MD
Edited on on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 12:58am

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Phlox Medical
Timeline: 2388/08/28 0820 (Thurs. Aug. 28 2388 8:20am)

Kasia was terribly relieved to see that the sickbay was completely empty of patients, and the staff was also sparse. This time of day it was unlikely that anyone would be present as classes were in session. The reason she'd chosen this time was that Miach was prepping for his class and she could get here without arousing his suspicion. Calling out softly for the Doctor she knew was on duty "Doctor Cavallo?"

A silvery smiling face popped out of one of the lab stations and looked her over. The sharp scent of apprehension met her sensitive nose and she felt her lips turning upward to ease her discomfort. "Welcome to my little piece of heaven, what can I do you for?"

"I have rather a challenge to pose to ye' Doctor..." Kasia said with a grin as she toyed with the end of one honeyed curl.

Lilly's eyes lit up at the prospect and she extended one hand so that the other woman would proceed her into her office. Kasia's eyes traveled the length of the aquarium that was still in the process of acclimating. The plants waved in the current.

"So, what can I do for you Commander...?"

"Tinsha, Kasia Tinsha."

"Ah, the handsome Miach's wife. He spoke very highly of you, I am glad to meet you." Lilly was more glad that the sparkle of life had returned to Miach with their reunion. She'd only seen him for a moment this morning and it was as if color had been restored to a black and white photograph. "What challenge have you for me?

Kasia blushed at the description of her husband and nodded. "Ye know that my husband is a Vulcan, I am Bringloidi. We...I want to have a baby." Need is more like. Her voice quivered a little bit as she spoke "We're both fertile, but we're not...interfertile."

"I see! What a delightful challenge indeed. It's been an age since I've gotten to help make a baby! What a wonderful idea. The Vulcan and Human DNA is not so far different that we can't force compatability as I am sure that you know. "

"I do know. The most famous being Spock. I figured ye might like th' project- I've gotten as far as I can on me own." Kasia smiled "I mapped his DNA and mine and found the compatability issues. I think I found them all but it never hurts to have another researcher have a look and double check to make sure I didnae miss anything. But, since I'm not a physician, I don't know anything about the feasible treatments for a human. I only work in theoreticals."

The silver haired doctor gave a brief squeal of delight at the thought of working on a genetic engineering project with another scientist. "May I see your research?"

Kasia drew a PADD out of her pocket and queuing up her research she handed it to the Doctor who was grinning wickedly at her. "Vulcan's are delightfully detail oriented, and they documented everything for Sarek and Amanda. I'm no Amanda, but I do love a Vulcan. I don't care how uncomfortable it is to carry his child. I just...If I wait any longer, then we might one of us get transferred again." Pain crossed her face at the thought but quickly cleared.

"I would have to review the work in it's entirety." Lilly said as she switched on the PADD and began to flick through the research of the Vulcan scientists.

"Of course."

"I'd wager we can make it a bit more comfortable now, as technology is not what it was in Sarek's era. Do you know what day in your cycle are you currently?"

"23" Kasia answered comfortably, leaning back into the chair "I generally have a 31 to 33 day cycle and have never been on an implant."

"Oh goo- Wait...Did you say you've never been on an implant?"

"No ma'am, it is not culturally permitted for a Bringloidi female to practice any form of birth control."

"Oh now, none of that ma'am business. Call me Lilly. You're going to know me very well by the time this process is over...No birth control, the Mauriposa colony must be an awfully fun place to be, so many of the population being pregnant all at once." Lilly put a slight emphasis on the word fun, which Kasia didn't miss and she giggled.



Lt Commander Lilly Cavallo, MD
Chief Medical Officer


Lt. Commander Kasia Tinsha
Hopeful Researcher


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