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Something's Wrong With You

Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2016 @ 11:18pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:50pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Dean's outer office
Timeline: 2388/07/25 1301 (July 25 2388 1301)


"Teri, that will be all," Connor said firmly to his aide, dismissing her. "Counselor, if you'll bail us alone, Captain Sanchez 'n' I can get to know each other."

Brady followed Teri out of the Deans office. Eyes narrowed he confronted her as soon as the door closed, "When are you going to let it go, Teri? Correction, are you ever going to let it go?"

Teri continued on as if ignoring him only turning to look at him once she reached her desk, with a piercing look only lightened slightly by the slight eyebrow raise, "I don't think I've milked it to its fullest yet. Maybe never." She responded calm but smartly. Straightening a few things on her desk she cut him off before he had a chance to reply, going into a ramble rant.

"It's not every day I get stood up. And not just once, but twice. Once would have been understandable. We're busy people, however twice ..twice! And I used the DRESS, which now you'll never know what that means." she ended on a glare.

The dress...? Brady wondered, and then sighed, shaking his head. "Teri," he gestured out a hand, "I've apologized. I've tried to explain. but each time I have, you've refused to listen. So I'm going to say it again, sincerely I'm sorry."

Teri glanced down at her desk and once again rearranged items as she thought for a second. Looking up she finally responded simply, "I accept your apology" Locking eyes with him while her face remained impassive.

Taking a step forward, Brady inhaled deeply and braced himself. "But..?"

With an ever so settle smirk and eyes glistening, Teri bit the side of her lip. "But..oh there is a but. It's called groveling." She responded so softly it was a bit menacing coming from her.

"See.." Teri continued head slightly tilted to the side, eyes narrowed, voice going into the ramble rant mode again. "I have a reputation to uphold and I won't have it known that Teri Lane can be stood up repeatedly, no matter the gorgeous vistas and flattering words. Once I open that door the next thing I know I'm home eating tubs of ice cream and watching old Earth classics because that's how it starts. Just a couple of innocent excuses that snowball in endless dinners alone. No, Thank you. "

"Groveling...seriously?" And at her expression, he chuckled in a sarcastic manner. His arms going out to the side exasperatingly, he walked away from her, "What's the point? I give up."

There was a loud snort of disbelief or was that disappointment. "Point? Did I hear you correctly?" Teri was leaning against her desk as he turned to look back at her.

Brady inhaled deeply, "I'm a Starfleet Psychiatrist, Teri. We both know I am on call 24 hours a day. I really don't understand what it is you want from me, what you expect from me..."

"Want from you?" Teri sniffed and looked to the side for a moment before looking back at him. "I'd like you to offer to take me out again. That's what."

For a moment, Brady looked at her suspiciously, his mind questioning what she was up to. Then taking in a deep breath, he placed his hands together low in front of him and tilted his head down, his eyes searching, "Will you have dinner with me tonight?"

A full wide smile spread across Teri's face. She moved closer till she was looking up at him. "You are wonderfully sweet to ask. " She responded as if he hadn't been pushed into it, taking one of his hands gently with her own. "But I have to decline. "

At Brady's furrowed brows and bewildered expression, Teri patted his chest before moving away. "Balance has been restored Commander. Now if anyone asks I can honestly say I turned you down." She smiled with relief as she moved for her desk knowing full well Brady's eyes hadn't left her, "No all night binge and movie fests in my future. "

Stepping back further away from her, Brady slightly nodded, his jaw tightened just a bit. Although he surprisingly understood, he still didn't like it. "Okay...I'll be waiting for Captain Sanchez outside." He turned away, walked out the door, leaving it opened.

"Okay, bye.." Teri replied with a shrug as she watched him walk out the door. Once he was gone she shook her head. Even the good men could be so very dense.


Lieutenant Cmdr Brady Dering
Zulu Fleet

CPO Teri Lane
Dean's Yeoman/Aide
Magellan Campus


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