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Time Away

Posted on Tue Feb 19th, 2019 @ 12:52am by Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito
Edited on on Tue Feb 19th, 2019 @ 12:53am

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Forest within Colony perimeter
Timeline: 2388/08/30 0800 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 8:00am)

Jondar was pretty excited it was the first weekend he had free and Phoebe had agree to go on a camping trip with him. He promised to behave and he hoped he could keep that promise. He really did want to get to know here but one look in her eyes and he sometimes forgot where he was. With a shake of his head he picked up the last of his camping gear, made sure his roommate knew what was up and headed out.

He waited in tough field gear in the center of the dorm quad. The day was beautiful and the early fall weather kind, still full of summer. He breathed deep, the smells of the season on the wind. "This was going to be great", He thought.

" I late?" Phoebe asked as she walked up to him, her back pack in hand. She was beyond excited at the prospect of a weekend in the presence of Jondar and no-one else. She couldn't wait to spend time with him and get to know him better.

"Always on time..." He said with a grin and gave her a quick kiss, that turned into several. "Want me to get that?" He asked gesturing at the bag?

"No it's fine...I'm good." Phoebe smiled as she hoisted the backpack onto her back, "Besides, you can't carry two of these on your back."

"Bet I could carry you..." He joked as they headed out. It would a short 2 mile hike to the spot he'd picked. "In fact..." He picked her up and sat her on one shoulder, backpack and all. Then just started walking.

"Hey!" Phoebe squealed, giggling as she wriggled to get down, "Set me down before you drop me!"

"I would never..." He said but let her down, after a few moments, "You want to see the map of where we are going or be surprised?" He asked as they walked off the main campus and into the woods.

"Surprise me." Phoebe smiled at him as she took his hand and they walked along the rough, makeshift pathway side by side.

"Dangerous words..." He said as they walked.

"Yeah well I like to live dangerously." Phoebe grinned up at him feeling ridiculously happy and content.

He grinned down feeling the same. As they walked they got surrounded less and less by signs of civilization. As the miles melted away they were surrounded by trees of every shape and size, plants giving good ground cover. And the smells of late summer wafting on the breeze. The breeze caused some of the branches to creak in the early morning light.
Finally they arrived, there was a clearing near a small lake that was fed by a medium sized waterfall.

They could hear birds as they finally entered the clearing from the woods. It had been tough going, Jondar navigated using old methods. The only truly high tech they had where their com badges. He pointed to a rock near the lake, "This is off the beaten path so we should be alone, if you want to rest I'll get the tent up..." He paused curious on if she would like the spot. He'd poured over maps of the entire planet to find 'the perfect spot'. It had taken awhile but he hoped he found it.

Phoebe span in a circle, a huge grin on her face as she said "Jondar, this place is amazing. How did you know it was here?"

Jondar grinned boyishly, pleased that she was pleased. "It came to me in a dream...Jondar my dream said...go here. It will be Epic." Then at her look he hugged her, "I did a bit of research, I can crack a book when you're not around you know..."

"Only when I'm not around?" Phoebe grinned at him, "Are you saying that I'm a distraction Mr Sito?" she added as she hugged him back.

In reply he kissed her, gently coaxingly before pulling slightly away and replying. "You make me focus or unfocus at a whim, Lady Mine." He smiled at her with a happy, boyish look in his eyes. His reply was honest as if he didn't feel the need to pretend with her.

"I try my best." Phoebe grinned playfully but the truth was, she too was totally distracted when he was around. All she wanted to do was hug, cuddle, kiss....

"You don't make it easy on a guy do you?" He joked nibbling on her ear, "I really..(nibble) should put up...(kiss on her neck)...the tent...."

"Must be my charming personality." Phoebe sighed, angling her head to give him better access, "Though if we put up the tent then we'll have a bit more comfort to uh get to know each other better huh?" she pulled back to smile at him.

He pretended to consider that for all of two seconds, "On it." He kissed her forehead and released her to go put up the tent. First though he rummaged in a bag and pulled out a bottle of water, he carefully tossed it to her then stripped off his shirt so as not to sweat on it too much while he put the tent up. No really he's sticking with that excuse. With smooth, practiced motions he began putting the tent as the gentle late summer air tried to pull his hair out of the leather strap he kept it in.

Knowing she should probably help, Phoebe found a nearby rock and sat on it with the express purpose of checking him out. Damn he looked good with no shirt and she could sit there and watch him all day. Finally realising that she was being rude though, she said "Need a hand?"

He wiped his forehead and turned his toned body moving smoothly. "I got this, nearly done." He winked then turned back to the tent, he finished putting it up in record time then moved their gear inside. He glanced at Phoebe with a grin and a wink then slowly took off his pants to reveal...swim trunks. He waggled his eyebrows, his eyes alight with humor.

Phoebe just groaned and asked "What are you trying to do to me Jondar Sito?" Yet even as she spoke, her eyes drank him in. The man was gorgeous and he knew it.

"Ask you to go swimming what did you think, for shame..." He joked suggestively before moving toward the water thinking how lucky he was.

"But I haven't even unpacked yet!" Phoebe called after him as she stared down at her backpack.

With an exaggerated sigh he made a big show of turning his back on it. "See what a gentlemen I am, change away. I won't peek much...."

"Gentleman huh?" Phoebe chuckled, not buying it for a moment as she reached into her back pack and extracted a royal blue bikini which she hurriedly scrambled into just in case he decided to turn around. Finally after a few minutes she finished tying the halter neck and said "Okay, done."

It was the hardest 5 minutes of his life but true to his word he remained facing away until she gave him the all clear. His eyes skimmed her in clear appreciation. "The beauties of space have nothing on you, My Lady..." He said sincerely and gestured to the water after pulling out a couple of fluffy towels to lay out.

Blushing and suddenly feeling very underdressed in the skimpy bikini, Phoebe smiled at him before trotting down to the shore, eager to get in the crystal clear water.

Deciding not to give into his impulse to toss her in he turned and jumped smoothly in like a an otter he cut through the water until he was a decent ways in and treaded water, "Come on the water's fine I promise only one shark present..." He grinned his boyish grin.

"Fortunately I know that it doesn't bite." Phoebe laughed as she jumped in too then came up for air mere moments later, pushing her wet hair out of her face.

"If you ask nice he might..." Jondar said blown away by how beautiful she was. He swam closer with a jokingly evilly grin.

"Ooooo saucy." Phoebe grinned, meeting him half way as she moved closer too and purred "So is that a promise?"

"Completely" He said almost reverently as he bent his head to hers in a kiss that if he'd been leading musicians they'd have called him mistro. All the while managing to keep bobbing in the water, using his powerful legs.

Phoebe went easily into his arms and kissed him back. The more time they spent together, the more firmly she was falling under his spell. When she wasn't at lectures he was the only thing she thought about and he was fast becoming the most important person in her world. Though as exciting as that was, it was also scaring the hell out of her.

Jondar was enjoying himself immensely, not just because there was a beautiful woman in his arms. Though that was part of it, it was that it was Phoebe, intelligent, witty and amazing he spent entirely too much time thinking about her and didn't care too much about that. If he was falling, he was perfectly happy to jump if it made it go any faster. He deepened the kiss, using whatever instincts he had to modulate it until finally air requirements caused him to break apart. He rested his forehead on hers. It was a moment before he spoke, "You choose Lady Mine, do I behave or not?" He said in a light tone, his smile wicked.

Raising her eyes to meet his, Phoebe knew exactly what he meant and she smiled slowly as she said "Haven't you learned by now that I like a bad boy?"

Jondar's answering grin managed to look even more evil and his eyes sparked with their own kind of heat, "I aim to please, My Lady..." he said his voice managing to sound even more bass then usual, going deeper with desire. He held her gently but securely in his arms as he kicked, propelling them backward toward shore. He helped her to the towel still laid out on shore, the summer wind rifling his still wet hair as the late morning sun shone down on them as they sat alone in the small clearing next to the shoreline of the lake. He kissed her again, because he just had too, his lips skimming her neck after moving from her lips. "I really *kiss* meant to *kiss* behave *kiss*"

"No you didn't." Phoebe pulled back to smile at him before moving back in for another kiss as she whispered against his lips, "But then again, who says that I was planning on behaving too?" Pulling him down as she lay back, she planned on showing him exactly what she meant.

"Sort of.." he said without much conviction, he went willingly perfectly content to use every skill he knew.


As she lay in Jondar's arms, Phoebe sighed contentedly, cuddled against him, her head resting on his chest and a soft smile on her face. What she hadn't told him for fear of rejection, and what he had just found out was that not only had this been their first time but it had been her first time ever. "You're not mad at me are you?" she asked as she raised her head to look at him.

He shifted to lean on one arm and looked down a kind of tenderness in his expression. At some point, if one is alert, it is almost impossible not to know such a thing. He'd worked hard to make this special but didn't realize until that moment how special it needed to be. He had paused struggling to make sure of her but she'd pushed him on. He was a gentleman but not slow on the uptake and responded with all the skill he had.

His answering smile to her question was a slow burn, "Never..." He gently rubbed his fingers of his one hand on her cheek as he stared into her eyes a slight question in his own, "All you hoped?" He finally said, his hand moving in gently in lazy strokes down and up her arm.

"And more." Phoebe replied, her body still aglow from their lovemaking. "Guess it pays falling for a bad boy huh?" she smiled warmly at him.

"We are more interesting and the skills.." he joked bending his head to kiss her thorough.

"Ah yes the skills..." Phoebe breathed against his lips, "So how about you show me what other skills you have?" she added suggestively, a huge smile on her face as he showed her just that.

Jondar just smiled wickedly as he bent his head to hers.

Cadet Sito Jondar
Security Cadet
Magellan Campus

Cadet Phoebe Cavendish
Security Cadet
Magellan Campus


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