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A New Home

Posted on Tue Feb 19th, 2019 @ 1:13am by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Lieutenant Commander Kasia Tinsha & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Tue Feb 19th, 2019 @ 1:14am

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Lake Serene, Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/30 0857 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 8:57am)

The day had started out beautiful. There was a light breeze and the air was fresh. Connor stood with Maddie outside the main entrance of the Hoshi Sato science building, his hands partway in the pockets of his jeans. He found himself staring out towards Lake Serene and the surrounding scenery. "Some day, Maddie..." he had started to say and then found himself unable to finish.

"Some day what?" Maddie asked softly as she pulled her gaze from the beautiful view and looked at Connor.

He glanced over at her, feeling awkward, and then returned to look back out towards the lake. Running a hand down over his mouth and chin, he exhaled strongly, and said, "I'm going to live out here too..when I'm ready."

"Will I be invited?" Maddie asked, noticing he'd just said that he was going to live out here, not 'they'.

He looked back over to her, and then thoughtfully nodded, "Yeah...I hope you'll come with me."

"I'd like that." Maddie nodded, then took his hand and squeezed it, "I'd like it a lot."

He squeezed her back and then nodding again, his expression lightened, "Okay."

Miach stood outside his quarters with Brighid, and Morrigan waiting on Kasia to arrive so they could venture to the lake and see the surprise. His daughter eyed him warily spying the glint in his eye that always precipitated something awesome or awesomely tragic.

"Where are we going da?" Her musical voice asked as he shifted his weight to his other foot.

"You'll see." He said softly.

"You've said that already and as you have told me that's not an answer."

He grinned "It's the only answer your getting little one. "

She huffed slightly and then shifted her attention to Morrigan. "Dark one intercede on my behalf. "

~You've been keeping this one secrrret prrriest. Tell me afterr all sharrring is carring~ the shelats voice entered his mind like dark velvet.

He turned to look at them both with a raised eyebrow in a very Vulcan display. "Ruining the surprise now would no be logical."

"Aye ye pick now to be logical" Kasia muttered as she squeezed her husband's hand through his glove.

He grinned and kissed her hand, "I must be logical some times. Besides I like surprises."

"Oh Aye, I remember how much ye' liked when I dyed yer hair green" Kasia teased him gently "Ye' just like surprises tha' don't involve ye' or tha' ye already know about."

Miach squeezed the hand of his wife and started moving. He didn't want to be late for what he was sure would be a welcome surprise. They moved in silence headed for the rendezvous with the Captain. As they turned the corner he saw Connor and Madeline a few yards ahead of them. He grinned and waved. "Captains."

Connor watched their approach, having released Maddie's hand. "Lieutenant Commander," and then he smiled, "Lieutenant Commander Kasia Tinsha," extending out his hand to shake hers, "It's nice to finally meet you."

Kasia's broad smile indicated she didn't mind the joke at her expense one bit. She recognized the inflection on her name as humor for sure. "Captain McKinney."

Connor grinned, knowing she had, and then introduced Maddie to the pair.

"Pleased to meet you." Maddie took her turn, greeting the other couple, her easy familiarity with Connor from moments ago replaced with the confidence of a senior Starfleet officer. In fact, if anyone saw the pair of them right now, they'd fail to recognise them as the head over heels in love couple that they actually were.

"Aye likewise Captain. " Kasia's easy smile came again as her eyes flickered from one captain to the other.

Miach extended his hand to the lady Captain. "Tis a pleasure Captain, the first pleasant meeting of many I hope. " He listened to his wife make her greeting before turning to introduce the rest of the family.

"Captains might I introduce Brighid Ap Tinsha, my daughter and Morrigan, my friend. " Brighid curtsied and Morrigan ambled up and offered her paw to each in turn.

~Prrriest have I everrr mentioned that human grrreting cerrrremonies arrre stupid? With shelats we just smell each otherrs asses and thats grrreting enough.~

At that Miach almost laughed out loud but schooled his face to remain happy without hinting at mirth.

"Nice to meet you, Brighid...'n' this must be Loki", Connor nodded to the smaller of the Sehlat's. Of course, it's bonza to see you, Morrigan," he smiled, and then turned to Miach, "Did you fill them in, Commander, or is this a surprise?"

Miach shook his head "No I haven't told them what's coming. I do like the occasional surprise." He grinned wickedly.

"I'ma dye your skin blue if ye' keep this up mo ghile mear" Kasia grumbled good naturedly to her husband.

He snorted "Careful love, don't make any changes you don't want permanent. The lady tine you dyed something I liked it. I may like looking like one of the blue men of the Mench." He grinned at her with humor in his eyes.

"Good point. I'd better not give ye' another way to strike fear into the students" Kasia muttered darkly as she flashed a grin over at Connor and Maddie.

Running his hand down over his mouth and chin, Connor found himself intently watching them interact. He started thinking about him and Maddie in comparison, and then suddenly realizing what it was he was actually doing, felt the need to look away. He ended up staring back out at the lake as they finished talking as if they had lost his attention, when actually far from it.

"This way," he said, placing his hands in his light jacket pockets as he started walking, leading them over towards the walkway that crossed over that part of the lake.

Miach caught the intent look and the forced look away but didn't mention it as he finished the banter then turned to follow Connor. "Tis a pretty view no doubt."

"It is," Connor nodded as they continued to walk, "We're fortunate it was decided the campus would be among the first areas of the planet to be colonized. Otherwise, this would still be part of the first big-smoke, yet odds are we would not be here, yet anyways, to enjoy it."

Miach nodded and walked beside Connor as Morrigan padded softly beside Brighid. He grinned it would be good to have a place to put down roots again. He could see staying here until Brighid graduated, possibly longer if the Academy still wanted him by then. It was a moment of introspection on Miach's part, one he normally doesn't indulge in with others around.

"I have to say, as beautiful as the view from our apartments are," Maddie commented as they walked, "I'd love to live out here." she added with a sly smile in Miach's direction for she knew something that his family didn't.

Miach almost snorted but schooled his expression to a stoic stone befitting a Roman emperor. However the amusement and slut smile the Captain shared with Miach caused Morrigan to speak up.

~Werrrrrre moving again arrrrrent we Prrrrriest. Yourrr a sneaky one, dont deny it I can sense the trrrruyh in it!~

Miach almost laughed at the accusation from his friend. ~Possibly but keep it under your hat Morrigan.~

~Shelats don't wearrr hats and you know it! ~

Remaining silent, Connor had taken them across the bridge, and then off the walkway that lead to a paved road, he lead them down well-traveled terrain along the shoreline. More of the homes that had been built came into view.

"Tis lovely. Are they all seated on the micro waterfalls as that one is?" Came Kasia's soft question, wistfulness in her voice at the look of some of the houses.

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Miach squeezed his wife's hand with his gloved one. He grinned mischievously at her and nodded. "Aye quite lovely would be nice to wake up here and see such beauty every day." His tone was playful.

Kasia gazed at him, and raised an eyebrow in a perfect replica of his vulcanlike expression that he used on errant students.

He beamed at her and nodded towards a particularly beautiful waterfall. "Pretty." He said as they followed Connor on the winding path to their destination.

"Would either one of you like to take a look inside?" Connor had asked as he looked around them, and then he smiled a very charming smile.

Miach looked to Kasia and nodded "Couldn't hurt to look, are the architects interested in input? " He asked in a mild effort to mask their reason for being here.

"I don't know," Connor shrugged, glancing over to the two of them. "It couldn't hurt."

Miach smirked and followed Connor forward with a warning hiss in his mind from Morrigan.

~Carrreful Prrriest the Cub is becoming awarrrre of your deception.~ Micha turned to glance at his daughters face which was twisted in a look of enlightenment . The proverbial light came on over her head.

The flicker of amusement from her husband trickled through his shields and Kasia cast a sharp look over her shoulder. "Bainfidh mé an straois sin de d'aghaidh." [I'll wipe that smirk off of your face]

He snorted and replied in kind. "That would be most enjoyable my heart." Then he switched back to standard and spoke to Connor "Captain, it is a lovely day for a walk sir." The compete and total randomness coupled with the uselessness of the statement made Morrigan chime in.

~Prrriest I fearrr your brrrrain had been addled by yourrr students. Yourrr statement smacks of uselessness. We should send you to sickbay forrr a check up. ~

Miach didn't respond but continued to follow.

"Aye it is," Connor replied as they walked up onto the back deck of the cabin, and then he smiled again as he opened the door, directing them, including Maddie, to go in before him.

Miach grinned as he entered and looked around. It was perfect and he inwardly applauded Connor's taste. He would have to hold back and compliment him when the ladies were out of earshot. It reminded him greatly of his home in Ireland. With the creek outside he could close his eyes and almost convenience himself he was there.

"This place is amazing." Maddie commented, wandering around the immediate area before finding the nearest window and looking out at the view.

Brighid moved towards the windows and then back towards the kitchen. Taking in the layout of the home and smiling to herself.

Connor's eyes followed Maddie while his mind went back to where it had been earlier. He felt his mood shift again, and running a hand over his mouth and chin, went back out the door, leaving it open as he stepped out onto the porch.

Miach watched as Connor moved away onto the porch and he followed discretely. Stepping out the door and out of ear shot of the ladies he cleared his throat gently before speaking.

"You truly do have spectacular taste in homes Connor. It's really quite beautiful and reminds me greatly of home." He stepped up to the railing of the porch before continuing "Back in Ireland my cottage had a stream running beside it much like this."

Connor joined him and leaned against the railing with his hands. With his mind flashing back in time at what Miach had said. He nodded as he replied, "I've been to Ireland," and continued to look out over the water, "My father took my brother 'n' I there for the first time when we were young teens. Then to Scotland. He wanted us to know more about where we came from beyond the convicts that settled there in Australia." Then he had to smile at the last of what he said. "He has Aussie pride, don't get me wrong."

Miach nodded "Sage man. One has to know where one comes from before one can decide to make a break or to put down new roots. Pride in where you were can help shape who you become. It must have worked."

"Aye," Connor nodded, thinking more about his dad, and then back to his brother, and if he was dead, what that was going to do to both of his parents. "I'm sorry," he said firmly, his voice unwittingly revealing some of his pain. He turned his head towards him, still not looking at him, "I know I'm not doing... this...very well. Your surprise. I'm sure your family has it all figured out."

Miach nodded "Don't be sorry, we all have our own issues to work through." You didn't have to be a telepath to feel the sadness coming from the Captain. "As for the surprise, Morrigan informs me that the... ah light bulb is about to come on over Brighid's head but my wife is still blissfully ignorant at the moment. Her mind hadn't shifted gears yet. Probably too engrossed with some experiment she's running at the lab to think of anything else." He smirked as Morrigan padded her way out to the deck and sat like the proud animal she was descended from her eyes taking in the two men as if looking through them.

Connor turned to look at the Sehlat, finding himself accepting that she had figured it out. He nodded, swallowing as he continued to battle with the conflicts going on inside of himself. Unhappy, that he wasn't hiding it very well. "I have something else I want to show you," he said, leading them both to the end of the porch, toward the front of the house that faced away from the lake.

Miach tilted his head towards ever Connor was walking indicating to Morrigan that she should follow. He too moved quietly beside the Captain curious as to what it was that he wanted to show them.

Kasia cocked her hip to one side as she watched Miach interact with the captain. There was something going on here she wasn't privy to and she didn't care for the sensation of being left in the dark.

They walked around to the front of the house, where a foliage lined canopied driveway came into view. Parked on the driveway were two vehicles: a hover bus, large enough to hold a couple of Sehlats, and smaller land vehicle, with room in the back for one.

 photo LandVehicle_zpsdxsdq6hu.jpg

With his hands in his jean coat pockets, Connor slowed to a stop when he arrived to the walk way that lead to up to the front porch. He nodded towards the vehicles, "Assigned to you 'n' your wife for as long as you're working here on campus."

Miach's jaw almost dropped as the import of the captain's words smacked him. "That is, I'm..." he paused "Thank you it will make getting to the campus much easier."

First looking downwards and then over to Miach, Connor had to smile. It wasn't often one was able to render a Vulcan nearly speechless. "You're welcome. Go back inside 'n' tell your family this is their new home..." still battling his anxiety, he took in a deep breath, and added, "Please inform Captain Sanchez I'm ready go."

Miach nodded and turned to Morrigan. "Please go and fetch the wife and daughter. Bring them to the living room. I'll go inform the Captain that the Captain is ready to leave." He moved back the way they came and Morrigan followed beside then they disappeared around the shrubs.

Needing to be alone, even if only for a moment, Connor inhaled the fresh air deeply while closing his eyes. When Maddie came out to join him, they would leave together, leaving the Tinsha's to enjoy their new home.



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