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The New Roommate

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2019 @ 10:31pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Sakar & Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Campus Dorms
Timeline: 2388/08/30 0600 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 6:00am)

Previously... Found Out


It was very early Saturday morning when the door to Cadet William "Liam" Pardot's dorm room opened. Cadet Sakar entered and crossed the room carrying a large trunk, which he dropped heavily to the floor. He then flipped a backpack from his back to the only empty bed.

Across the room, a loud groan emanated from the bed upon which rested a brown haired, very naked Liam. Reaching up a hand to hold his head, he groaned "Enough with the noise already!" then turned his head towards Sakar and opened one deep blue eye.

Sakar glanced over to him and then raised one eyebrow as he continued to open up the trunk. "Unfortunately, there will be more as I unpack." Although he would hide it and attempt to work through it, the Vulcan was just as unhappy about the roommate change as Liam was.

"Can't you just go away and come back in like..." Liam checked his chronometer, "four hours or something? I didn't get much sleep last night." his head flopped down and he closed his eyes again.

"Is that because you were you up late studying or doing some academic research?" Sakar asked with dry sarcasm. He started emptying the contents of his trunk, in an organized manner, onto his bed.

With a snort, Liam said "Yeah right, like that's gonna happen." then he grinned wildly and added "If you must know, her name" Realising that he didn't even remember the name of the cadet he'd slept with the night before he opted to make one up and added "Rebecca."

The look Sekar gave Liam was completely Vulcan, yet gave a clear understanding that the girls name was made up. He didn't feel a need to say anything more on that subject as he didn't want his roommate to go into depth about his sordid activities.

"Perhaps you should take the time to invest in ear plugs."

"Right back atcha buddy." Liam grinned, "It can get pretty noisy in here some nights if you know what I mean." he winked. It was going to be so much fun to yank this guy's chain. Vulcans were such easy targets.

Getting Liam's meaning, Sakar raised an eyebrow. "I do," he stoically replied. "Unless you prefer loud music when studying, I do not believe I will have much need for them."

"Suit yourself buddy." Liam shrugged as he stood up and stretched then opened up a nearby drawer and pulled out a pair of underpants, "But don't say I didn't warn you."

Understanding, Sakar nodded while watching him. "I have been warned, yet unnecessarily. I think one would have to have a certain appeal to begin with. Regardless," he looked away and continued to put some clothing away in a drawer, "the dean has informed me I am to tutor you."

With one leg already in his underpants, Liam's head shot up causing him to lose balance and fall to the floor in a heap, "W-what? Seriously? You can't seriously think that will work." he began to haul himself back to his feet.

Sakar nearly sighed, and as unpleasant as it was to see Liam naked, turned to face him. "That depends on how much you desire to stay here. One way or another, it does not matter to me," he said, the last of which was a lie. Yes, Vulcan's do lie.
Personally, he did not desire the new arrangement, having more...productive ideas on how to spend his time.

Liam sighed as he stood and finally pulled on his underwear, "Do you really think that he throw me out if I don't comply?"

"I do," Sakar nodded, noting the change in Liam's demeanor. "He made it clear to me to report it to him if you do not."

Liam swore under his breath then picked up a t-shirt off the floor, smelled it, then put it on over his head. "Then I guess you and I are study buddies." he held out a hand and added "How about we shake on it?"

Once again raising an eyebrow, Sakar stared back. There was no way he was going shake Liam's hand. "I must decline. However, a little modesty would suffice."



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