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The Two Doctors

Posted on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 1:14am by Commander Lilly Cavallo MD
Edited on on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 1:15am

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Phlox Medical- Chief's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/30 0500 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 5:00am)

Lilly Cavallo sat at her desk in the darkening evening of Sapienta's 26 hour day, with a frown on her delicate features. She'd worked out how to overcome the differences between Miach and Kasia's biology except for one factor that she didn't know how to produce. She bundled her research into a datapacket and had written a letter requesting more information to the Vulcan Science Academy's Center for Genome Research.

T'Stala was sitting at her desk in the Vulcan Science Academy. Her desk beeped as she received an alert that her genetic makeup was being accessed by an inquiry. She raised an eyebrow and opened the alert. Reading it with quick eyes she paused when she came to the reason for the request. "Miach..." She loaded the information and began to go over the packet. She tapped the screen and saw who was requesting information. "Computer open a line to Lt. Commander Lilly Cavallo Starfleet Academy Magellan campus. Alert me when contact is made. "

"Contact acquired. Next avaliable relay time will commence in 2 standard hours. Continue or defer contact?"

"Continue and alert me in 2 hours, that will give me more time to go over the genomes." T'Stala said to the computer as she forwarded the info to a padd and began to dissect the findings of the good Commander.

At the 2 hour mark a chime went off in the offices of both doctors, a quadrant away from one another. Lilly, dropping her PADD on the ground at the sudden noise, chuckled to herself. "Clearly my work got the best of me. Computer display."

"Incoming Communique- Vulcan Science Academy Desk of Dr. T'Stala. Accept or deny transmission"

"Accept! Boy that was fast." the last bit was muttered as the screen came to life, with the IDIC logo of the Vulcan Science Academy.

T'Stala lowered the padd she had been holding and looked at the screen as the chime alerted her the communique was going through. The blue and black logo of starfleet was replaced by the image of a silver pale skinned woman in science blue. "Lt. Commander Cavallo I presume?" The throaty contralto of Miach's mother said.

"Lilly please, and good afternoon to you Dr. T'Stala. I must say I am astonished to get so swift a reply and a personal one at that. " She rubbed the ridge above her eye with a smile, its silver color darkening slightly with her gesture.

"I was reviewing the case you sent. I take it you are requesting genetic workups for the past three generations of parents. You are expecting troubles?" Her eyebrow raised in inquiry.

"I am trying to make sense of a problem I am having in one of my simulations. I would rather not put the potential parents through miscarriage after miscarriage if a simple recalculation on my part will eliminate the problem."

She nodded "That is a wise precaution. I will run some simulations myself here and input some additional findings of hybrid pairings that have been researched here at the Academy. Some of those results have not yet been released, but as I am here and you are not...I will forward my results when they are complete. " T'Stala's eyebrow raised. "If you would care I can attempt to come out to your facility to assist should you require it."

"I may yet need your expertise, however I don't think now is the proper time for that. I have her on the regulatory hormones that will assist her body in accepting a vulcan sperm cell. We both know that hybrids have occurred naturally in certain Matriarchal clans, some require only minor hormonal manipulation but others are not interfertile without severe genetic modification with humans. Can you tell me what the genetic difference is between the one clan and the others?"

"Typically the clan you're thinking of was extremely Xenophobic. Which lead to rather unhealthy extent of Homozygous pairings."

Lilly thought about her words for a moment as if deciphering their meaning then threw her head back with a peal of silvery laughter. Inbreeding, it seems Vulcans have their faults too "So the problem will not be achieving a pregnancy but maintaining it. Delightful. I suspect that my patient will have no trouble following my instructions considering how badly she wants this child." Lilly tapped a long silvery finger to her lips.

T'Stala nodded "Correct Doctor. Is the patient in good health? "

"Oh yes, both parents are in the peak of health. Though, confidentially I do not believe that he is aware yet that she is taking fertility altering hormones." Her smile increased further.

T'Stala's eyebrow shot up and a hint of a smile formed. "Please do keep me abreast of any developments as the treatments continue. Also don't hesitate to call should you need..." she paused thinking of the proper phrase "need a second set of eyes."

"I will. My thanks, and I suspect soon the thanks of my patients as well. Oh- one last thing. Is the Vulcan diet high in polyphenol oxidase containing vegetables in order to allow the copper molecules to be released from haemocyanin and be made into blood cells?"

"It is. The kidney is especially designed to eliminate the by-products of this reaction, but in the fetus the problem is the initial production of the hexameric structure with hemocyanin because this occurs before the fetal kidney is functional. What actually happens in fetal development is that the bonds within the hemocyanins are broken so that three of them can bond together and the byproducts are then bound by the same polyphenol oxidase in the mothers bloodstream. The challenge in the engineering is making such a thing palatable to the human's physiology. Ideally they should be eaten in large quantities. However there are supplements that can mimic the effect without having to constantly be eating." A diagram appeared on her screen where a molecular formula was put together and spun around so that she could see the active site.

"Complicated" Lilly commented as she turned the image on her screen. This was a better fix than the one she'd come up with.

Lt. Commander Lilly Cavallo, MD
Magellan Campus

Dr. T'Stala Ph.D.
Chief Researcher
Vulcan Academy of Sciences- Center for Genomics Research


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