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Meanwhile, During the Concert

Posted on Wed Jun 12th, 2019 @ 6:27pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane & Captain Jayam "Jay" Vidod & Lieutenant Jaime Mallory & Senior Chief Petty Officer Nicole Walker

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: The Subspace Cafe
Timeline: 2388/08/30 2047 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 8:47pm)

During the Subspace Cafe opening night concert...

"That is not a 7." Brown eyes watched the target of discussion. Noting shape, movement and firmness. "Perhaps a 5."

Those same eyes were drawn to another and an appreciative smile lit up her face. "Now that is a 9!" Teri almost purred, taking a slow drink of her cocktail.

Nicole had been taking a long pull of her second Pink Fizzy and nearly choked, giving a face. "Whaaat?! Seriously?" She leaned forward and looked over at the other blonde at the table, "What do you say, Jaime?"

"No, no, I'm not playing referee. I am forever scarred by the last time," Jaime said with mock fright.

"Chicken." Nicole sneered.

Teri laughed ,shaking her head. "He's a 9, Nicole, and you know it." She turned to Jaime," Come on you..there has to be a behind that rates high for you." She paused knowingly, with a dramatic flair. "Unless you're holding out for a bit of tail..."

Immediately catching her meaning, Jaime's eyes rolled over to her, and she gave a sigh.

"Yes, yes, we know," Nicole gave her a wry look, "he's just a friend with past benefits. And Teri," she directed at the brunette, "I don't know where you're coming from because Jaime's probably getting more than you and I combined." She held up her drink again, realizing she almost sounded bitter, "And with that said..." and downed half of her drink.

Jay Vidod entered the club, wearing a pair of black casual pants and a grey v-neck shirt, and taking in the electric atmosphere, half smiled at all the cadets. Intent on finding the friends he was there to meet, he starting moving through the seating areas, looking around.

With her drink held up, Nicole pointed out Jay's behind as he walked past, knowing full well who it was, having been filled in by Melody. "Now, Teri," Nicole leaned over to her, "What about that one?" Raising an eyebrow at her, she took another pull of her drink.

Teri turned to view who Nicole indicated, out of habit looking at the rear end before the face. It was how the game worked after all. "Ohhh.. nice. 9, perhaps a 10." When her eyes finally caught who it was she had her turn to nearly choke. She flushed and tossed Nicole a scowl.

"I say," Nicole grinned, "definitely a ten."

"I say that calls for some hands on research to find out," Jaime smirked. "The assignments all yours, Teri.."

Friends were the worst, or best, it depended on the moment. Teri glared at Jaime, though without malice. "Assignment? Really? You two do know who I am right? " She swallowed as her eye's made their way back to Jay. It wasn't that she objected to the assignment or was particularly shy in carrying out hands on research. Actually it sounded fun, only problem was...she was Teri. Teri Lane who had this bizarre, often unfortunate, luck with men.

She made a groaning sound before her head hit the table in exasperation. A partially muffled "I hate you." Was pointedly directed at Jaime.

Jaime rubbed her back, "No you don't."

Ignoring her, Teri knocked back the sip she had left in her glass, scowling at it briefly before pushing up imaginary sleeves and shrugging her shoulders. "Okay...doing this, okay so doing this ..okay.. I'm doing this!"

She muttered, getting louder with each word a slight bit of hysterical laughter in her tone till she got to the end of her babbling and it sounded like a drill sergeant's order. She stood, nearly knocked over a chair and turned to her friends.

"This, ladies, is how you do research." If she had of thought about it she might not have chosen her next line as her famous last words. "Watch a master in action."

"Oh yeah!" Nicole smiled, and her and Jaime clinked their drinks together.

With a flip of her hair and a quick smooth down of her sleek dress, Teri made her way towards Jay, wanting to catch him before he found a seat.

The noise level and body count had increased as patrons prepared for the concert, making her task a bit like an obstacle course. Undeterred, because Teri Lane was a master at navigating crowds (and no, she did not just stumble), she grew closer and threw a grin back at her friends. Jay’s current position was perfect for the other two ladies to catch most of the 'show'.

Coming up right behind him, only about 3 feet away, Teri giggled softly before it turned into a smirk. She pretended to be stalking, amusing her audience as intended, while making squeezing motions with her hands, which were butt level.

It was at that moment the Teri Lane embarrassment curse kicked in and decided to make her eat her famous last words. Too busy squeezing imaginary (or not so imaginary ) rear ends, Teri failed to notice the small group of over chatty and navigational challenged cadets attempting to walk past her from behind. Knocked forward, and with barely a foot between them, Teri found her face planted into Jay's back and her hands - in an attempt to catch her, honest - squeezing motion included, landed right on the subject of her field research. Buns and all.

The world came to a sudden, sobering, and frightening stop. Why? Why me? Can't this sorta thing happen to, ya know, mindless morons? Anyone NOT me! Teri thought, frozen and eyes wide as saucers. Out loud she gasped softly.

"Oh gawd! Oh gawd, Oh gawd!"

"Oh no..!" Nicole gasped, covering her mouth with both hands, and started silently laughing.

Jaime stared, looking both stunned and amused.

Swallowing, Teri peeled herself from his back, hands dropping and eyes scrunching tight, not wanting to see Jay's reaction. Floor, swallow me whole...please !

For all of his alertness, Jay had been caught completely off guard. He turned, expecting an overzealous cadet, instead found Teri, her expression and posture giving her away. Extremely amused, surprised, and a little confused, he stared down at her and smiled, “Hi, Teri...nice to see you here.”

She peaked one eye open, relieved by his smile, and completely embarrassed.

"Right." Teri coughed, opening both eyes, trying to salvage any dignity she could, which really wasn't all that much.

She smiled, bemused. "I don't suppose I could offer you an explanation?"

"I’d love one," Jay smiled, “but how about over dinner….whenever you’re next free?”

"Oh" A dinner invite threw her off. "Well.. " Now don't sound too desperate Lane. No matter how gorgeous he is.

"Dinner would be lovely." Teri cleared her throat again. "I promise there is an explanation. " One, I'm so going to make up.

Jay laughed. “I’m looking forward to it. And then after smiling down at her for another moment, he said, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, and my behind, I have some friends waiting for me.”

Smiling back, despite still feeling incredibly embarrassed, Teri nodded. "I should do the same." It wasn't until she had turned to head back to her table did she realize he had included 'my behind '.

Charmed by her quirkiness, Jay watched her walk away, his eyes momentarily on her behind, before turning to do the same.

Back at her table, at the expressions of her friends faces, Teri pointed a finger. "Oh, shut up."

She slipped back into her seat. "Honestly, why did I think that dare was a good idea." Teri turned a glare, with no real heat, on her friends. "I blame you two."

"Muah?" Nicole tried to look shocked while still appearing amused, as did Jaime, and stirred her drink. Then looking at Teri’s face, she somehow managed to force the amusement away.

"Hey," she said, putting her arm around her friend, "I don't know what happened there," not having been able to hear the exchange between Teri and Jay from where they were sitting, "But it looked to me like he was smiling..."

"Oh, he was." Teri started in agreement. "That isn't the problem."

She put her forehead to the table and groaned.

"Well then what’s the problem?" Jaime smiled just before taking a drink.

Teri's head snapped back up, an exasperated look in her eye. "I have a date and I have to explain why my hands ended up on his ass."

Nicole’s jaw dropped again, and her and Jaime high-fived.

Teri narrowed her eyes at them as she picked up her much needed drink. "I can't decide whether or not I love or hate you two." She chose to ignore their snickers.

"Well, love us or hate us, we're still here to celebrate a promotion.." Jaime raised her glass, Nicole joining her, together encouraging Teri to do the same, "To Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane."

Teri, being very much her father’s daughter despite any neuroses, swallowed down and filed away the embarrassment and lifted her glass. "To pips, promotions, and the crazy life choice of being in administration." A half genuine smile graced her lips.

"I can relate to that." Nicole matched her smile, and the three of them clinked their glasses.



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