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The Concert: Part IV

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 10:40pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Jesse Grant & Deveron Raziel & Commander Sonia Dalca & Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman & Cadet Freshman Grade Catherine Wells & Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia & Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan
Edited on on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 10:49pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: The Subspace Cafe
Timeline: 2388/08/30 2100 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 9:00pm)


Deveron Raziel walked around, looking over the crowd, and then gave the signal.

Kelly checked her violin once more and stepped on the stage as the place began to fill up. "Thank you all for coming to the premier of Bardtastic tonight!" she called out enthusiastically. "I'm Cadet Kelly Khan and the other, better half of the band is Cadet Gwen Morgan!" She stepped aside and let the lights play on Gwen.

There was some cheering and clapping, and a couple wolf whistles came out from the crowd.

Gwen, who was wearing the sunglasses and had just enough vision not to embarrass herself, smiled and gave a little wave. As she forced her mind to focus on the music in her head and not on the crowd.

Mack walked into The Subspace Cafe and looked over the throng of people that had arrived already. She was grateful she hadn't missed anything yet, because then... her young cousin might have never forgiven her, and she'd made the promise she would be there. Dressed in a pastel printed sundress and brown sandals, the petite woman made her way over to a table where she'd have an amazing view of the two young ladies as they performed. Once she was settled, she waited to catch Kel's attention and wiggled a finger in her direction with a smile. She couldn't be more proud of the cadet for chasing her dreams.

Kelly waved at Mack and beamed a bright smile to her cousin as the stage finally came to a halt and colored lights centered on them. She raised her violin to her chin and gave a nod to the DJ who cued up the beat which would accompany her first song. With a smile, she drew her bow against the strings and Elements began to play.

She danced with a graceful eloquence as holographic rain began to fall around her to the melody she created with her violin. She turned to send her hair flying around her before she knelt backwards almost all the way to the floor while she continued to play. She straightened up slowly, her body moving to the music and continued to draw out amazing sounds from the violin.

Gwen was off to one side out of the spot but moving in gentle rhythm to the music. She actually was getting through her stage fright by focusing on the music and on the dancing Kelly across the stage.

Catherine Wells, a very cool goth looking engineering cadet, had changed gears. She was still dancing but now watched the stage and moved fluidly to the new beat. It was less intense at points but no less for that. It allowed somewhat more snake like moves and a kind of dance one normally didn't get to do in a club. She wasn't sure but she think she liked it. The variety within the piece itself kept interest high as the beat flowed and changed throughout.

Barim got out on the dance floor as the young lady played and let his body move to the music, noting that several other cadets were also dancing. The feelings were nice and smooth and he allowed his shields to come down a little to enjoy them.

Raising her arms above her head and her eyes closed, Sierra swayed with the music, and seemed oblivious to everyone else there.

Ben had returned to the table and was captivated, to say the least. He had never seen anything like what he was seeing now; the music, the effects, but it was Kelly's movements that had him so mesmerized.

Kyle was also still seated at their table and enjoying his second drink of the night. He had never been one for dancing, only enjoying the music right where he usually was. At least that's what he told everyone. Truth was, he was a horrible dancer and it showed every time he took to the dance floor. He looked ridiculous. He sat there, content to enjoy watching the others enjoy themselves.

Fire sprang up behind Kelly and turned to fog, then back to rain as she played and danced among the elements and she seemed oblivious to everything except the music that she played.

Brady watched her every movement, taken over by the music, and possibly knowing more than anyone there, what was behind it, what motivated Kelly to write it...and the faith she had to keep reaching for her dreams. He was moved, so many thoughts and feelings went through him on what the music was saying. Then suddenly, he felt a chill down his spine, finally realizing how much Kelly had affected him in regards to his own life, and that she would be someone special to him during his entire life. He looked over to Karyn, knowing that so would she, but it was hitting him more and more that it was time for his heart to really let her go.

Kelly bowed when she finished the song and motioned for Gwen to step forward as people clapped and cheered. "Now onto the vocals with the very talented Miss Gwen Morgan as she sings to Stars Align!"

Gwen froze for a moment her eyes hidden but full of panic as she tried to slow count her breath. She tapped the earpiece microphone that she wore in one ear to activate it. All that was going through her mind was "oh gods, oh gods, oh gods." She glanced at the dark shape that was Kelly (because of the sunglasses) and took a deep breath, trying to take a page from her friends book.

"Hello...." She said somewhat shyly, "This is based on a poem I wrote, I hope you like's titled All My Stars Aligned." She nodded to where Kelly stood and triggered the music.

Kelly brought the bow up to her violin as she tucked it to her neck and drew it over the strings as the intro music began to play and she got in sync with it.

Gwen closed her eyes and tried to live in the music so she wouldn't remember there were people out there judging her. She let it sweep her away as she began to sing in an almost rapid fire sing song, blending lyrics with the swiftness of the music.

"I read the signs, I got all my stars aligned
My amulets, my charms, I set all my false alarms
So I'll be someone who won't be forgotten
I've got a question and you've got the answer

I'll do a dance to make the rain come
Smile to keep the sky from falling down, down, down, down
Collect the love that I've been given
Build a nest for us to sleep in here, you know it's real”

The words started off a bit uncertain but built as the music dictated, Gwen just pretended they were in practice and so the words flowed quickly.

“I check my palms, the cracks in the sidewalk
My visions and my dreams, I cross all my fingers
That you'll be someone, who won't be forgotten
What was your question? I've got the answer"

Kelly smiled as Gwen sang and played to the beat while she danced, displaying a litheness to her body while she moved around the young woman, the music seeming to leap from the violin and fill the air around the club.

Gwen saw the dancing shadow and it added to the sense of unreality that helped push the stage fright even further back. And still she continued,

"I'll do a dance to make the rain come
Smile to keep the sky from falling down, down, down, down
Collect the love that I've been given
Build a nest for us to sleep in here, you know it's real

There are no signs and there are no stars aligned
No amulets, not a charm to bring you back to my arms
There's just this human heart
That's built with this human flaw
What was your question? Love is the answer

I'll do a dance to make the rain come
Smile to keep the sky from falling down, down, down, down
Collect the love that I've been given
Build a nest for us to sleep in here, you know it's real"

Kelly danced wildly as she played, her hair flying as quick as the bow moved over the violin and she inwardly applauded Gwen as she watched he for a brief moment. Holographic dancers joined her on the stage, moving in time with the music and she stepped forward to lead them in the dance while she played. The young woman had an excellent voice and she knew the final song would knock everyone for a loop.

Devin applauded when the song finished and whistled. "Great job, you two! The Federation's Got Talent are going to steal you both from us if they find out!"

Lance applauded and found himself moving to the music as the two cadets sang, danced and played in unison. He knew that they would be a big hit on campus if they continued along the vein that they were building.

As the music stopped, Gwen stopped. And the applause were loud in her ears. Acceptance. They liked it. She beamed much like a full moon on a dark night and took off the glasses. She saw Professors and fellow cadets clapping and cheering. She quietly glowed as she waved at them.

"Way to go, Gwen!" Kelly called out. "They love you!"

Brady had stood, and was clapping and looking so proud of them both. There were those around him and on the dance floor that started shouting for more.

Catherine clapped it was pretty good, not her favorite but still it had style.

Kyle began clapping with everyone else. It was terrific! The music was great, the singing, the effects, the performance...everything. He hadn't known there was this much talent in the dorms.

Sonia smiled as she clapped, the girls had some real talent and a true passion for what they did. Now if only the singer could break out with even more emotion she was sure they'd blow the crowd away.

Mack smiled when the song ended and gave a whistle. There were too many people applauding, and while she joined in as well, she wanted to be heard over everyone else. She was proud of Kelly and Gwen for chasing their dreams... for doing what they could to make them a reality. And, she'd do whatever she could to help them out along the way.

"Did I miss it?" Jake asked as he slid into the empty seat beside Mack. Despite the fact that he'd decided she'd be better off without him, he'd been unable to resist seeking Mack out. His work on the shuttles with Leo had taken longer than he'd thought.

"No. They're getting ready to do the next song." Mack whispered after Jake settled down next to her. She kept her eyes on Kelly, a HUGE smile on her face.

Settling back in his chair, Jake watched Mack and sighed. She was so happy. What right did he have to come in here and presume she'd want him there?

Kelly took a bow and beamed out over the audience and turned a bigger smile to her cousin and then back to Gwen.

Brighid leaned over and whispered into her father's ear "It is an interesting composition, and they are quite good."

Miach nodded as he listened "They are quite enjoyable. "

As everyone clapped their approval, R'Maia looked over at Jesse, wondering why he'd convinced her to stay. After all, she was one of the Academy's nerds, the kind that the cool kids kept away from. She didn't realise that she was staring at him until...he spoke to her.

"Hey," he was staring back, his brow scrunched up out of concern, "Is there something wrong?" and then he looked as if something dawned on him and moved in closer to her. "Oh yeah, I apologise, I forgot to introduce myself," he extended out a hand to take her fur covered one again, "I'm Jesse Grant."

"Rrrr'Maia." the Caitian replied as she took Jesse's hand in her own and shook it before quickly letting it go, "I'm in medical." she explained as if looking for permission to be there.

"Yeah? That's great!" Jesse grinned. "So am I! I'm taking Counseling, but I plan on continuing into medical."

"Rrreally?" she perked up at the thought of having at least someone she knew on the course with her. Kind of.

"Yeah, really," he replied, suddenly realising he'd really like to get to know her better. "Will you come with me? Not very far, just where we can hear each other better."

"Okay." R'Maia nodded, still a little hesitant but finding herself liking Jesse nonetheless. Standing up, she asked "Wherrre would you like to go?"

"Up there." Jesse pointed up towards the mezzanine that looked over the dance floor. He looked back to her and smiled, before leading her towards the stairs that would take them there.

"The next song we'd like to perform for you is called Transcendance," Kelly said. "We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy performing it for you." She gave a cue to the DJ and then one to Gwen as she stepped to the side as she drew her bow over the strings to start the song and started out slow, drawing each chord out with a haunting chorus.

With more confidence but still a hint of shyness Gwen tapped her her leg in time to the opening beat and breathed deep. It was another swift song but more flowing, less snap but still good. It made one want to move, feet tapped and heads bobbed in time. It was a song that lived up to its name, as Gwen song powerful words of transcendence,

"Sometimes when your world seems so big and real
You may run to the shelter of the walls
Sometimes you may wish
You could be like your shadow
It fits wherever it falls

Whenever the night's too deep to find
And the mornin' is too far away
Wherever you are
There's always a star to guide the way
There to guide the way"

Gwen even used her hands to gesture at the right points her body moving, almost of its own accord, gently to the beat that thrummed throughout in the background.

Kelly increased the beat as the dubstep kicked in with her playing and the holographics began. She worked her shoulders and hips as she played, listening to Gwen and smiling at how much she was getting into it.

"If you listen long enough
If you dream it strong enough
A door inside will open
And a light will flood the dark
Like a song too long unsung
Or a soul forever young
We all will find an answer
In the voice of the heart

Tonight if a dream should come to your sleep
With a picture you don't wanna see
Go where it leads, from secret to secret
You are what you want to be."

Whenever the sun refuses to shine
And you can't chase the storm clouds away
Wherever you are
There's always a star to guide the way
There to guide the way"

And still Gwen sang, her voice ringing out over the crowd, no longer afraid but a bit daring as the music started to shake loose a boldness she never knew she had.

Kelly stepped up beside of her and let the bow fly across the strings, her body moving to the song as if she were hypnotized. She glanced over at her roommate and friend and was proud to see that she was putting everything into it.

"If you listen long enough
If you dream it strong enough
A door inside will open
And a light will flood the dark
Like a song too long unsung
Or a soul forever young
We all will find an answer
In the voice of the heart"

As Gwen sang the words one could hear the truth in every note, she believed. Light would overcome if the heart was true.

"Livin' in a private world
There are times when it's hard to break through
So don't give up
Each time you hurt, you've got nothin' to lose
There's a voice inside of you

If you listen long enough
If you dream it strong enough
A door inside will open
And a light will flood the dark
Like a song too long unsung
Or a soul forever young
We will find the answer
In the voice of the heart"

Gwen's voice faded followed by Kelly's Violin and Gwen stood there, feet apart in a confident poise was wasn't even aware she was doing as she smiled at the crowd and shared a smile with Kelly.

Applause crested across the room like a tsunami as the third song finished with enthusiastic cadets and instructors clapping, whistling and calling for more.

Kelly took a bow and looked at Gwen, and then back at the crowd. "We have two more to go in our set, but feel free to take a break while we do the same and then we'll give you a finale to remember!"

There was more clapping and cheering, and some whistling from the crowd, continued as the stage started lowering.

At soon as it was lowered Gwen grabbed an offered bottle of water and downed it.

Deveron walked up to greet the girls as they stepped down. "You two make my job easy," referring to the introduction part, "That was a great performance," he smiled. "How would you two feel about doing this every friday and saturday your schedules allow?"

"Every weekend?" Kelly said, ecstatic about the offer. "That would be amazing!" she paused and looked at Gwen. "What do you think?"

Gwen managed to make even downing water graceful and somewhat lady like as she glanced over, "I what? Um I mean yes I guess. I mean thank you." She said realizing that could be considered rude in light of the compliment he'd just paid them. "I'm mostly just trying to get through tonight. Can you believe it?" She said her voice amazed and a little in awe over the entire situation. She never knew that her singing, something she'd done for fun on her parents ship would be something others would like. She understood why people liked Kelly's violin, she was amazing but it still surprised her that people wanted to hear Gwen sing.

Deveron continued to smile, "Well you did remarkable Gwen. I'll let you two get to your break...and we can talk some more after your final."

Gwen smiled her thanks and nodded.

"I'm looking forward to it, Deveron," Kelly said with a smile. "After we get something to drink and circulate, we'll be getting back onstage."

"Sounds perfect," Dev nodded back, looking very pleased, and then left them, heading back towards the bar.

To Be Continued...


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