
Gorgeous Vistas Can Wait

Posted on Tue Feb 28th, 2023 @ 3:05pm by Lieutenant Jaime Mallory
Edited on on Tue Feb 28th, 2023 @ 3:10pm

Mission: To Tread Cautiously
Location: Magellan Station Main Shuttle Bay
Timeline: 2388/09/01 1001 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 10:01am)

The primary responsibility of a Mission Ops officer was to be in charge of communications between away teams and the station and to ensure they had all of their equipment and anything else they might need to achieve their mission.

This is why Jaime had left the Command Hub to load a Danube Class Runabout, one modified for Search and Rescue missions. While the team was still responsible for some of their gear, everything else was on her to load to cut unnecessary delays to the team taking off.

Placing the last gear onboard, she sighed and climbed in to recheck the shuttle's systems. As much as she was enjoying her experience in the Hub, part of her was sad she would not be going, but she knew this job was as important as any when it came to the success of any away mission. Under the circumstances, she just wished she could feel it, for there was no being out there with the team—no searching for the missing officers in person.

"You had to let them talk you into it," she said aloud, feeling conflicted, though too low for anyone else to hear. She knew that one reason she had been wanted for this job was her reputation for being one of the best mechanics in the system and for being detail-oriented and organized with her Ops training. So, she decided that the least she could do was try it, taking the job part-time as a secondary position. It could open more doors, and then she did love having options.

In positions and men...

Her mind going in the wrong direction, Jaime had to smile as she thought about Brian McShane again and how he most likely would still be working in the Hub when she returned. Although she'd been noncommittal regarding romantic relationships, he always seemed to be in the back of her mind. "So damn sexy," she whispered this time, and then "Seriously, Mallory!" pressing hard on a panel (but not too hard), "This isn't you!" Now focus on the job. You know, as Teri would say, 'gorgeous vistas can wait.' She smiled again, loving Teri and her awesome sayings and quirky ways.

Refocusing, she figured getting her mind back to where it needed to be should be easy. Although she did love the mechanics of small craft, from the rear access hatch to the forward phaser array, loving everything about them, two men's lives were on the line. Back in her element, she did sigh. "Too bad I can't take you out for a run when I'm finished." But there just wasn't time, and for Bannerman and Brady Dering, she needed to finish the job.


Lieutenant Jaime Mallory
Campus Flight Deck Supervisor
Command Hub Mission Ops Officer
Serene Colony


