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Mission Log - Ops Command part 2

Posted on Tue Feb 28th, 2023 @ 2:53pm by Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton & Captain Jayam "Jay" Vidod & Commander Ta'mas & Senior Captain Sharrina Blackstone & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" & Lieutenant Commander Tiera sh'Dane

Mission: To Tread Cautiously
Location: Magellan Station Command Hub
Timeline: 2388/09/01 1000 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 10:00am)

Previously... Mission Log - Ops Command part 1

Meanwhile, Lucas' eyes had returned to Sharrina's, "When was the last time you went on a field trip?"

Sharrina smiled slightly; she couldn't completely hide the fact that she liked the idea of being in the field. Neither was she taking this lightly though. "Too long, I think," she answered. "Orders?"

Lucas studied her for a moment, understanding all too well. "I want you to take a team and locate the source of the energy beam." A part of him wished he was going.

The hub's usual beehive of activity continued, although with an intense feeling in the room. Meanwhile, Lucas and Sharrina had moved down to the raised platform at the center of the hub. All the station's department heads had arrived and were quickly filled in. Not all were there now for various reasons having to do with it.

Paige had been coordinating with her staff via PADD as she listened, speaking up when it came time for her report. "We're ready with several contingency plans depending on what's found out about this beam. We've put out instructions to the Colony at large to stay close ta home and report any unusual readings or sightin's." She shrugged as if to say, 'well you never know.' "We also have extra patrols and quick response teams on standby." She glanced at her notes, "And we have no known threats in the area, but we're making a good show in the tactical zones in case any local pirates and the like think to make a play for our shipping while they think we're distracted."

Lucas nodded. "Good, Commander." He was pleased with her way of thinking.

Paige nodded her thanks, then briefly raised an eyebrow, "What I'm curious about is how did we miss an energy source big enough to blast a beam into space, lose our personnel, and what set it off?"

"As are we all," he replied to her firmly. He had his set of questions to which he intended to get the answers.

Paige nodded in heartfelt agreement as she continued to focus.

"We have the last known coordinates of the shuttle," Jay then reported, throwing up a 3D map of the area with the numbered coordinates. "And it's within range of the energy beam." As planned, he was out of there quickly, on his way to join the SAR team.

"Admiral.." Ta'mas came forward swiftly just as Jay left the room. "I can improve the sensor readings in the area. Possibly, communications."

Lucas stared hard at the engineering chief, enquiring, "How?"

"By modifying the weather control network's main satellite..." Ta'mas explained, and quickly. "Sir, with a molecular pattern enhancer and a subspace transmitter, I believe we can use its orbital net to cut through the interference."

Sharrina frowned in thought for a second, then asked, "Aren't pattern enhancers typically used at the site to be enhanced?" Granted, she was no engineer, and she had really only seen them used to augment the ability of the transporter to beam through hellish conditions, so maybe she should have kept the question to herself. But every bit of knowledge increased her own effectiveness as a Starfleet officer.

Ta'mas nodded while understanding the confusion, "Yes, transporter pattern enhancers are site equipment. However, a molecular pattern enhancer is crucial in specific sensor technology. Such as a medical visor, where it allows permitted objects' molecules to be scanned in minute detail."

Sharrina had a split second where she felt just the smallest bit foolish, but that vanished very quickly. She was not an engineer, and the two things did have damned near the same name, an easy mistake to make for non-engineers. "Thank you for the clarification, Commander," she said with a nod of understanding.

Ta'mas was about to respond when another question was asked, drawing his attention there instead.

"How does it affect the weather control?" Asked one of the science officers on duty, a hint of concern in his voice.

"It could interrupt it," he replied. "However, if we modify a power beam from the Oribitol station to transfer energy to the weather control network, chances are good that it will not."

Meanwhile, Communications Chief Tiera sh'Dane had been watching and listening from her department's area; her antennae were turning, showing intense interest. "I could make a subspace bypass circuit..." she interjected, coming forward, wanting to help. "That should increase those chances while improving communications."

Lucas looked between them and then at the rest of the senior staff that was present there in the hub. "Any thoughts on this? State them now."

"If Ta'mas says it will work, he's not the type to blow smoke." Paige replied in a confident tone, "And we need as much data as we can gather; canna say I like all this unknown energy beam business or losing personnel." She turned to Ta'mas, "Though I'd not mind knowing, any idea how high's the chance of weather interruption with the backup plan?"

Ta'mas had turned to look at his wife, "I estimate a five point three percent chance."

"Safe enough." She agreed. It wasn't just a wife supporting her husband. She knew his competence, and areas of expertise, and trusted them. She knew his numbers would be accurate.

Regardless, Lucas didn't care for the odds and continued staring hard at Ta'mas, momentarily recalling his personnel file and why he'd been assigned there. He made his decision. "Get me a meteorologist, Lieutenant Brendt," he said to the science officer and then returned to Ta'mas, looking between him and Tiera sh'Dane, "Get started."

Having resisted raising an eyebrow, Ta'mas nodded in return, "Yes, Sir," before motioning to Tiera to come with him.

As the two left, the admiral turned to Sharrina, "Go join your team, Captain; I think we've lost enough time."

Sharrina nodded, in full agreement with him. She had already summoned her team to gather so that when this was done, they could move out immediately. "Aye, Sir," she said crisply, saluting, turning on her heel, and leaving the Command Hub.

With a perplexed expression on how she left, Lucas watched her for a moment before turning back to the activity of the hub.


Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton
Commanding officer
Starbase Magellan/Serene Colony

Captain Sharrina Blackstone
Executive officer
Starbase Magellan/Serene Colony

Cmdr. Paige O'Halloran
Chief of Starbase Security/Interim Tact. Chief
Magellan Base/Serene Colony

Captain Jayam "Jay" Vidod
Chief of Flight Operations
Starbase Magellan/Serene Colony

Cmdr. Ta'mas
Chief of Engineering Ops
Magellan Base/Serene Colony

Lieutenant Cmdr. Tiera sh'Dane
Chief Communications Officer
Magellan Base/Serene Colony


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