
Getting Organized

Posted on Sat Feb 18th, 2023 @ 3:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Mundy

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Various

Mundy left the bay after checking on the runabout, retrieving his belongings and securing the runabout.

He only had one bag, so he tossed it over his shoulder and headed for the nearest turbolift.

When the turbolift arrived, he entered. "Computer. Location of the nearest supply officer."

The computer responded. "The supply officer is denoted on the display panel."

Mundy looked at the panel. "Computer. Take me to the supply officer."

The turbolift started moving, and within minutes, they arrived at their destination. The doors opened and Mundy exited, turned right and the supply office was just ahead, on the right.

When he arrived, he walked in the office.

He dropped his bag on the counter and a chief looked up from his desk, he stood up from his chair and walked towards the counter. "How can I help you, commander?"

"Chief. Lieutenant Commander Alex Mundy, reporting to you for quarter assignment and anything required."

The chief nodded. "Welcome Commander. Chief Barbara Collins, at your service." She gave Mundy a smile.

"Thank you, chief." He smiled back at her.

Collins looked at his monitor that was on the counter. "Ah, here we are." Collins gave him his quarters assignment, his id and other items. "You'll like these quarters, commander, enough room to entertain guests, sir. They also have a nice view of the colony, that your guests will like."

"Thank you, chief." He picked up the small items and tossed them into his bag.

"Your luggage has been beamed to your quarters, sir. If I had help here, I would be happy to have shown you to your quarters, sir, but it's only me at the moment."

"Thanks again. I'm sure I'll find my way."

As he made his way to the door. "If you need anything else, commander, new uniforms, toiletries and underwear, I would be happy to bring them to your quarters."

"I'm sure I'll make do." He walked out of the office, found a kiosk that showed the layout of the colony. He punched in security clearance and his quarters assignment, and the monitor showed him the way. As he walked, the computer sensors detected his approach to the next monitor, updating his travels. Finally, he found his quarters, entered and dropped his bag, and sat on the couch.

"Computer. Locate Cadet Lucy Mundy."

"Cadet Lucy Mundy is currently in class. Do you wish to leave a message for her?"

"No message." He closed the channel.


