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A Change of Direction

Posted on Mon Feb 13th, 2017 @ 11:55pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:23pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Bajor/Zulubase
Timeline: 2388/08/11 1913 (August 11 2388 1913)

[Before the current Academy enrollment deadline]

"Mom, Dad I'm Home!" yelled Jondar as he dropped his duffle and bounded to the kitchen of his parents home on Bajor like he'd not eaten in days instead of an hour. The 6'2 20 year old, poked his head in the fridge as his Dad yelled, "We're in the living room". He grabbed a juice and a sandwich then headed for the living room but stopped at the look on their faces and on his older brother's, who stood there with his arms crossed. "What'd I do now?" He asked automatically.

"We heard from Charlie Vetta." His mother said, "Its not that we mind he's letting you do things with his private security company finally but.."

His brother spoke up, "Charlie says you got potential..I think he's full of it but he thinks you could do more elsewhere..."

His father pipped up here "...and even Starfleet is a bit safer then what Charlie gets into..."

And so the 'Talk' began. He liked Starfleet well enough but wasn't big on rules for rules sake. "I'm not doing it!" He finally snapped, tired of the discussion, then left to head outside.

Jolan gestured to his parents to stay there and he went outside. "Listen Tiny.." said the 2 inch taller older brother. "What Charlie does is needed helping the people that get through the cracks but even he can't do what Starfleet does. Starfleet..." He stopped not used to having to put it into words. His brother glared at him, waiting for the brother he quietly respected to keep speaking. "Listen I'm not going into details, you're not stupid. Yeah its rules happy but we do a lot of good." He handed him a record chip., "An essay I wrote when I first joined, it'll make sense or it won't." Then he left his brother staring at the stars.

Finally Jondar went into his room to read and think. He was an action kind of guy but was usually willing to consider another point of view if new information was forth coming. He liked Charlie Vetta, an Uncle to his brother's Security Chief Paige O'Halloran. And they did do a lot of good but is that what he wanted for the rest of his life? What Vetta Industries did they did to help people but at the end of the day paychecks had to be given. These thoughts and others continued to mull through his head as he looked at his ceiling.

A week later, he walked up to his family at dinner and sat down, and out of nowhere, he said. "Fine but I'm not shaving my hair." He said of the dark brown hair he kept in a pony tail that he kept under control with a leather strip. And that was the end of it.

[Just before term]
Jondar hefted his duffle after reporting into the quartermaster to get his meal card and the like on Zulubase. He wore civilian clothes as he walked. It was funny the the rule book he got handed on a PADD had to be multiple volumes. So he did what he usually did when he felt people were being rules stupid. He prioritized, "Rules I think have merit, Rules that are a bit much but I shouldn't flaunt them, and Rules I'm going to ignore whenever the Brass isn't looking." He grinned and wonder if he could make good on his vow that Starfleet wouldn't know what hit it. Then he was distracted by a group of young women walking by in a different direction. He immediately switch gears and in his most winning smile, a younger version of his older brothers, "Ladies...."

Cadet 4th Class Sito Jondar
Academy Student


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