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Posted on Mon Feb 13th, 2017 @ 8:59pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Claudia Rankin
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:22pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Starbase 864 (Zulubase)
Timeline: 2388/08/11 1900 (August 11 2388 1900)

Kaitlyn stepped off the transport and headed toward the promenade of the station. She was awed by the shear size of everything. She'd been on a starship during school field trips but she'd never been on a Starbase. She had no idea how large they could actually be but she was independent and determined to do this on her own.

All she had to do was find the quartermaster and check in. She'd be assigned temporary quarters on one of the resident decks for the next week or two and then she'd catch the shuttle to Magellan where she would check in for her four years at the Academy. Her heart was pounding as she looked around excited about being on her own for the first time and a little scared about being alone. No matter, she was here and one step closer to following her brother's footsteps and being a Star Fleet Officer. And for now, she had free reign, a fake ID that put her at 21 and she'd remembered to pack her dancing shoes. She grinned as she walked up to the man at the desk.

"Name." He was business like and didn't even bother to look up.

"Kaitlyn Shaw."

"Shaw....Shaw...ah" He found her in the computer, typed a few things on the console, and handed her a PADD. "You're one of the cadets. You'll be staying in transient housing on deck 743." He looked up. "Your credits are loaded. You'll find all the information on here that you need."

"Thank you." Kate took the PADD and tapped it. She was excited to see what Star Fleet had allotted her for the two week stay she'd have on Zulu.

Handing the girl a flat card, he explained. "This is your meal card. You're entitled to eat in the mess hall three times a day on Star Fleet. After that, you use your credits. The Promenade has shops for your needs but the clubs that serve alcohol are off limits to cadets." He looked at her again and shook his head. "But you won't listen... Good luck Cadet. Enjoy your stay on Zulu."

Kate grinned and headed out toward her new home for the next couple of weeks. She couldn't wait to settle in and contact Ryan since they were in the same quadrant now. Walking the corridor checking for the right room she grinned when she reached her destination. "Ah here we are." She punched a code on her PADD and accessed the door for the first time. As the door slid open, she was blasted with music. "HELLO" She called loudly as she walked into the common area. She didn't dislike the music at all but it would have been nice to be warned that she'd have a roommate. Ah well, she wasn't a civilian anymore and she'd have to get used to doing things the 'military' way.

Claudia's head popped up and she quickly turned the music off, "Hi .... sorry about that."

"No problem." Kaitlyn was still speaking at the top of her voice. She laughed and then dropped the sound several levels. "I wasn't made aware that I'd have a roommate before I got here." She dropped her bag and offered her hand. "Kaitlyn Ryan."

Standing Claudia grinned as she shook her hand, "Claudia Rankin ... I got here yesterday. I'm glad to have a roommate."

Kate looked around the room. "Looks like we're gonna have another." She nodded toward the third door. "Any occupant yet?" She picked the room on the end instead of the middle room. It would put some space between them for privacy if they didn't get a third mate.

Shaking her head no, Claudia added "Nope ... hence the loud music ... I'm used to more noise than there is on the station."

"Are you headed to the Academy or are you already a graduate?" She asked the girl who looked about her age. But one could never tell with age. "I like the music by the way." Kate grinned again.

"Thanks ... It's old earth music ... a group called 5 for fighting ... and I'm just starting the Academy. Science and Security." She grinned back at the other girl feeling comfortable with her "What about you?"

"Not sure yet. General studies, self defense, weapons, and hand to hand tactics." She shrugged. "Haven't really picked. Leaning toward Security but my folks want me in medicine or science."

"Yeah I picked Science for my mom ... and Security for me. Actually I want to try and get into Diplomatic protection but its really hard." She hadn't admitted that to any of her family, they would all think she was crazy.

"Ew bodyguard? Boring." Kate shook off the thought. "Now maybe flying fighters, sitting tactical on a Defiant class, or infiltration..." She looked out the port window in the common area. "That would be ...ono!" She walked toward the room. "I'm gonna pitch my things and take a look around the promenade. You wanna join?" she asked.

"Sure ... want to try one of the clubs?" She had brought fake ID in case.

"That was the plan." Kait smiled and held up her ID. "I need five minutes to change and put on a real face." She grinned and headed toward the far room.

Grabbing her own fake ID Claudia changed into hip hugging jeans and a t shirt that left her stomach partly bare, putting part of the front of her hair in a braid she walked back out "Ready?"

Kait returned wearing black leather leggings with a white silk half halter. The pants were form fitting and hugged her hips while the halter showed her midrif. The pants were low enough on her hips to show the tattoo on the small of her back depicting a dolphin swimming through a chain of colorful lilies which is superimposed over a Celtic designed wave. "I was born ready." She smiled. "They gave me enough in credits to buy everything I need including meals and then gave me a meal card to eat three times a day. Should be plenty for a couple of drinks." She grabbed her card and slipped it into her back pocket.

"Same with me ... did you get the lecture about being underage?"

"Nope, no lecture." Kaitlyn smiled. "Quartermaster tried but gave up real quick." She grinned. "He said that I wouldn't listen. Do I look like the sort that doesn't listen?" She laughed as she grabbed Claudia's arms and herded her out the door.

Claudia laughed, excited to have someone to explore the base with. "Nope." She grinned mischievously.


Kaitlyn Shaw
Cadet Initiate

Claudia Rankin
Cadet Initiate


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