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Cadets Amok part one

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 10:39pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:06pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Zulubase
Timeline: 2388/08/17 1800 (August 17 2388 1800-2000)


It was in one of the nicer restaurants on the starbase. It had been closed down as reserved for the cadet's use tonight. The walls were covered in banners from the different worlds of the Federation. Tables of food from all over the galaxy lined the walls. Wait staff moved in among the attendees which not only included Cadets and some Academy Staff but other base personnel so that they could greet their future fellow Starfleet members properly and perhaps toss a bit of advice their way. The main level had a dance floor whereas the upper level reachable by stairs held many round tables wherein about six could sit. Some tables were also on the main level but were smaller. The upper level held a game room section for darts, pool, and a few other such games as well as a smaller food/drink area. It wasn't a formal banquet but allowed for people to flow easily from one area to the next with little stands for dirty plates etc scattered so people could wander more freely. As well as it seemed to give a little more freedom in approaching ones future superiors. The music wasn't half bad and some like Jondar just wore decent civilian clothes.

Jondar stood against a wall, trying not to scowl. A Starfleet sanctioned 'social night', he could barely contain his joy at the prospect. Sarcasm mode on. In his experience sanctioned events where not nearly as much fun. Geesh it was like being at Grandmother Sito's house. He watched other cadets and a few regular Starfleet members mingle and sighed, "Guess it's time for company manners.." He muttered then thought, "At least until I can figure out how to liven up this party..." he mentally smiled to himself. He did have a knack for technology and hacking. He moved forward to 'mingle'.

Stepping inside the restaurant, Phoebe looked around and sighed. She just knew that this was going to be one of those nights that she'd look back on and wish that she had never bothered. But needs must and the fact of the matter she didn't know anyone out here and she didn't want to end up being the cadet that no-one ever got to know. So here she was picking at the hem of her black, figure hugging cocktail dress and wishing that there was another few inches of it covering her shapely legs because there was someone across the way who was looking like they thought it was just about perfect and she swore that if he didn't stop looking at her like that she'd be going over to give him a piece of her mind.

Jondar was just getting a drink of something when he turned to see the young woman out of the corner of his eye. He wore slacks and one of his better going out shirts. His hair was tied back with a piece of leather. Hazel eyes watched the situation as he stopped there. What the male cadet she was glaring at for ogling her, failed to realize was there was an art to approaching a woman. Now Jondar if he found one he really liked was perfectly happy in a relationship until then the universe was a place full of beauty and far be it from him not to appreciate. He continued to watch from a reflective surface, in his mind there was nothing more beautiful then the female form. Even his precious tinkering and blowing things up came second. He wasn't an idiot after all. He slid from the side a bit behind her and gave the other a very obvious "dibs" look. Then gave her a genuine but innocent smile when she turned to see what the other had been looking at before turning away quickly.

"Sito Jondar" the 6'2 Bajoran introduced himself. His tone respectful, he stopped a few feet away letting his instincts guide him.

Phoebe rolled her eyes and groaned as she asked "It's the dress isn't it? It has to be the dress." Deep blue eyes turned to appraise Jondar as she continued "I was going for worldly wise, confident and outgoing but instead I've chosen 'Hey boys look at the goodies' haven't I?" she groaned again and buried her face in her hands as she shook her head side to side.

"My Lady.." He briefly put his hand over his heart, "You could be in a canvas sack and your beauty would shine through." What made that more then a line was the honest sincerity in his voice. "I think people would have to be three days dead not to notice and even then I'm not sure..." He smiled boyishly with good humor. "So take heart it wouldn't have mattered what you wore..."

"Oh please!" Phoebe exclaimed, "Do I look like I was born yesterday?" she asked before chuckling and adding "You don't have to put on the charm you know, I find that asking a girl if she'd like a drink works pretty well too." she winked at him then made a beeline for an empty seat and sat on it, turning to see if he'd followed her.

Of course he followed he wasn't an idiot. He sat next to her, "Its not a line you know, I find the truth tends to work when getting a point across but I'm open so would you like a drink? And do I get your name now?" He smiled his ready smile not in the least deterred. He was going to make a joke about how he never had to 'put on the charm' it was always on but again not an idiot.

"Phoebe." the beautiful brunette replied, "And I'll have a cola." she replied with a smile as she pulled up her dress a little to reveal a tiny silver hip flask that she had strapped to her leg and grinned sheepishly at him as she whispered "It goes well with rum."

The smile that came over his face was a slow one full of appreciation, he knew he liked her. Beautiful and clever? He was sold. He didn't reply immediately but tapped his leg to get her attention and lifted the pant leg up a little, after quietly making sure the chaperones weren't watching, to show a flask in a case strapped to his shin. "Make that two..." He gestured to the bartender, "We can get a great view of the room from upstairs..." He pointed to the upper balcony taking his drink but doing her the courtesy of being the one to decide where they ended up. After all as long as he was in her company, anywhere was fine by him.

"Sure." Phoebe grinned, impressed that she wasn't the only one who had the forethought to bring her own entertainment, "We can be sure to enjoy our lovely drinks in peace." she winked at him, collecting her own glass before sliding off the barstool and heading for the stairs.

Jondar smiled broadly at his good fortune and followed the rather lovely view of Phoebe walking ahead of him with a focus reserved for only the memories one truly wanted to treasure. Is there anything better than woman?, he wondered to himself idly as he jumped the stairs two at a time. They found a table out of the way as others moved about, talking, laughing, some dancing on the dance floor below.

He poured some of his flask into the 'coke'. And took a drink. "That's better, we can be trained like adults but you think they'd let us drink like one..." He shook his head as though bemused by the oddness of 'adults'.

"Rules are rules." Phoebe chuckled as she poured some rum into her own glass and added "Doesn't mean that we have to follow them though...I think of them more like guidelines." she added, sending a wink his way.

He grinned, "exactly.." They continued to talk for awhile longer getting to know each other and their flasks got lower and lower in content.

A bit later he started to speak then a song came over the system: Never Gonna Give You Up

"Oh I love this song, Earther friend would listen to this stuff all the time..." and without another word he stood up in an empty place in between the tables and danced. He was good, his hips moved in all the right places. After a moment he held out his hand with a boyish grin inviting her to join in on the fun.

Already feeling the effects of the rum, Phoebe stood up and took his hand, immediately falling into step with him as the music washed over them.

They grooved all over the second floor, weaving in among the tables and others, some of whom were dancing as well. Despite the drink Jondar never lost his balance. He did start to climb a table to dance on it only to be pulled back by Phoebe who noticed one of the guardians of the event taking an interest in them. "Good call" Jondar stage whispered. "You know your eyes are hypnotic..." He said distractedly seeming from nowhere. He then shook himself, not as smooth as his older brother but he was getting there. He grinned, "Maybe we should behave for a bit until the kill joys lose interest..." He gestured to their table, "Unless you'd rather go somewhere else, that's stellar too.." Stellar a slang term in 24th century for 'Cool'.

"Depends on what you mean about go somewhere else." Phoebe eyed him suspiciously as if she didn't trust him but the truth was, she didn't trust herself. The man was hot...very hot.

A yellow alert went off in his head and a voice seemed to say, "Danger, Danger!" Ever alert to the people around him, especially women, he made sure his voice reflected his usual, 'its all good' laid back approach. He pulled back just a little. She was beautiful and clever, he really didn't want to screw this up. A bit drunk he raised one hand with the other over his heart, "I swear on the Prophets I will behave myself.." He lost himself in her eyes for a moment and it was with a grin he continued, "Until you say otherwise..." In a tone full of promise that said he knew precisely how not to behave. "We can go anywhere you like or no where, for me its more the company than the location anyway..."

Falling for his words, Phoebe grinned and said "Well I guess somewhere more private to finish off our drinks would be good...away from prying eyes." she indicated towards where their chaperones were gathered.

Jondar got a look like every dream he'd ever had came true at once. His smile slowly spread over and his eyes lit with a dangerous gleam. "Your wish is my command, My Lady." He said grandly but smoothly considering he too was feeling the drink a bit. He forced his mind to work quickly, he couldn't screw this up. Quarters would be too typical, other places on the station too well patrolled. "I happen to know some crew on a freighter docked here. They've a great and private observation dome, you can see everything..." Thank the Prophets his brother's friends who had dropped him off were still docked and they had this great dome on the top of the ship...with one way special class and comfy seats.

"Then let's go." Phoebe replied quickly before she changed her mind then took Jondar's hand.

He didn't reply but grinned holding her hand as they headed out, just missing a quiet cadet who dodged them. He gave an apologetic smile and they continued.

Just outside the doors they passed by another couple. As they had approached the restaurant, Ben Hall had already pulled Katie Shaw into the shadows unseen. "Before we go in there," he asked, his intense gray eyes going from the entrance to searching hers, "can I kiss you?"

Katie smiled. "I was hoping you would want to."

Ben's head had lowered as she spoke, and his lips brushed hers as she finished speaking. "It's all I've been thinking about", he whispered, and then started kissing her softly, his hands moved down to hold onto her waist.

She raised her arms around his neck and drew him in closer. She hummed into the kiss as she pressed against him.

Heat shot through Ben at the touch of her soft lips, her humming caused something else to stir. Battling with his Xenexian sex drive, and the sudden realization he wasn't sure anymore where he belonged, he held onto her tighter. The warnings from his uncle, and her brother, went through his head; he could hear their voices, and broke the kiss.

"We have to stop.." he mumbled against her lips, then placed his forehead against hers, catching his breath.

Trying to catch her breath, Katie could only nod in agreement although her body screamed otherwise. She knew she would disappoint her family but there would come a time where she listened to her body and followed the urges her body sent her.

"We...should...go in..."

Ben nodded, his hand moving down to grab hers before leading her in.

To Be Continued...


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