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Home and Uninvited Guests

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 9:09pm by Commander Ta'mas & Lieutenant Jaime Mallory & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" & Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:03pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Home of Paige and Ta'mas
Timeline: 2388/08/15 0830 (August 15 2388 0830)

Vetta Industries was a Intergalactic Corporation run by one of Paige’s Aunts. They covered a huge variety of areas everything from civilian shipping to luxury liners to corporate security to real estate, with much in between. Of course their idea of real estate agents were not the ones of old who showed random homes in the hopes someone would buy it. They got all the intel they needed on exactly what the seekers wanted, in some cases this could be a rather lengthy interview. Those who didn’t want to go through the process could go elsewhere but while Vetta Industries prices were reasonable their standards for service were high.

This meant they were reacting on the best information when their investigators scoured the known galaxy to find the sites. Once found, if accepted, Vetta took care of moving all property and even setting up the agreed design. Or if needed, to build the home in question. On Serene Colony they had a very special request. A member of the owning family would be relocating there for the foreseeable future so she and her husband were looking for something suitable. Now while of course they could live in the base, the time on Earth had reminded them what a natural environment was like. Paige especially thought a change would be nice. They coordinated with SCE on planets like this where Starfleet was the primary authority, this meant SCE did the building but was assisted by Vetta personnel as needed for off base housing and the like. And in the case of Paige they coordinated on a special design as well. After all when you're a beloved niece of the CEO and are planning to home somewhere, they like to do it up right.

Enter Vetta Industries Real Estate Investigator G. Kinek, because of his tireless efforts while they vacationed on Earth a newly built home awaited them on Serene Colony. It was a 2 acre plot of land with woods and a river that ran through the back end. The home was built to spec and had a couple of spare rooms for offices, guest bedrooms or whatever else they may need as well as the standard rooms. The overall design was open, airy, with a proper balance of light and dark. All the wood was hand carved with various animals, designs, and shapes. The high tech bits of computers, replicator, and even a two person transporter, meant for emergency use only, that was in a closet sized room were cleverly built so as not to jar from the overall feel of the house.

Outside was a stone path and space for gardens if they choose, a few sheds on property for storage but Kinek’s pride was the special request from Paige for a proper stable. So off to one side was a well built but small stable with two horses in it and a small garage with hover bike with room for a few other vehicles. An tough looking woman whose leathery, dark skin proclaimed years of being out in the sun, was a property manager aka to make sure all was taken care of and in good repair. Paige had wanted to take care of everything herself but her father insisted that they needed to be free to focus on their jobs. And it’s not like they had anything else to spend their credits on. Paige had wanted to live off base but it was her family who really pushed for everything to be perfect. After all, Paige would be across the galaxy with Ta’mas the least they could do was make sure she would have everything she needed.

Paige didn’t have the heart to deny them and Ta’mas didn’t mind so they answered questions when asked but for the most part others did the heavy lifting.

And so it was that Paige and Ta’mas soon were in front of their new home, hand in hand, looking at all that Kinek and Vetta Industries had accomplished on their behalf. “Wow they don’t do half measures do they?” She said taking it all in.

"Ahh...yeah." Ta'mas' inner-brows had raised. He hadn't really imagined all he had agreed upon....and here he was, the Chief of Engineering Operations. "They do not. So how many bedrooms did we agree to?"

Paige grinned, "Three, we can use them as guest rooms, offices or whatever we be needin'. Vetta and the SCE wanted to design in multi-use rooms as a way 'ta be adaptable for for future needs' they said." She looked back at the large cabin like home, it was a little overwhelming to one used to living in a set of quarters but she couldn't say she was displeased with the design.

Ta'mas nodded in response, and next thing she knew, he was scooping her up into his arms.

Paige gave a sound of surprise as she was so scooped, something that never really happened before Ta'mas but he was so cute she never argued even though she felt a little silly being carried about. She put her arms around his neck.

"Well, Mrs. Ta'mas," he said, while boyishly smiling down to her, "Are you ready?"

"Born ready Mr. Paige..." she quipped a mischievous humor in her eyes.

Then his smile grew and he was heading up the stairs with her, stopping just before the door, angling them both for her to be the one to open it.

With a smile Paige did so and gave a little push so the door swung open easily. The entry way was already decorated in a warm and inviting manner as was the rest of the house. Off to one side from a nearby room one could see where their luggage had been carefully placed.

Still holding her, Ta'mas turned around, taking in the opened planned room and the high vaulted and beamed ceiling. Finally setting her down, he asked, "So what do you think now that you see it in person?"

Paige smiled contentedly, "You know until I'd gone a home again I forgot how grand it was to have a bit of earth to call your own, to roam in the woods at a will. So used to Starbases and Starships, I'd forgotten." she said looking around, "This'll do..." She finally said approvingly, returning her attention to him. It was odd, she'd traveled far and wide, never thought she'd survive let alone be married on a peaceful planet in a real house. Just goes to show that one never knows where they'll end up.

Ta'mas nodded still looking around them, "Yeah, me a way," and then his eyes were on hers, "and we both grew up in large homes, but the truth is anywhere will do, as long as you are with me."

Paige smiled and put her arms around his neck, "Sure and you're my home as well...." Then she paused and her smile shifted from gently loving to wicked as a thought occurred, "Wonder if that's why all else looks like a bedroom, is a terrible influence you are..."

A Vulcan eye brow went up and then he was lifting her, her legs wrapping around him, and they started kissing as if they couldn't get enough of each other. It wasn't long before he had her pinned against the front door.

Paige was an advanced martial artist, liked rock climbing and other physical activity. So it was no problem to lock her legs around his waist, her strength easily holding her while braced by Ta'mas so her attention could be more fully focused elsewhere. Like seeing if she could indeed touch his tonsils with her tongue. The man had talent, it was more like a fencing match then a a kiss but Paige didn't mind at all.

On the other side of the door the amorous pair where braced against, two sets of eyes met, amusement dancing between them, escaping in a muffled deep chuckle, and a light feminine snort.

There was a silent count to three before a hard knock.

His shirt now off, Ta'mas touched his forehead to Paige's. "Why now?" he breathed out.

By now Paige had her legs pretty well locked around Ta'mas's waist and was deep into the pleasure of him being hers to touch when he pulled away. Something she was quite annoyed by really. It was a sign of how focused she was that she didn't realize why at first, finally she realized what the knock was. She kissed his neck after a moment, also breathing heavy, "Maybe if we ignore it they'll go away..." She said hopefully.

His eyes searched hers before moving down to her lips. He nodded without saying anything and captured her lips once more, not thinking about nor caring that there were tall windows on either side of the door, let alone the small window in the center of it.

Paige happily dove back into him, wishing whoever was at the door would just go away.

The tall Elliciean standing outside, with his excellent hearing, shook his head in amusement.

Jaime found herself peering through one of the door side windows. She turned back to Chris and whispered, "Our timing couldn't be any more perfect."

Giving a mischievous smile to Jaime, he pounded loudly on the door rather than the more polite knocking of before.

Paige gave the closest thing the human throat could manage to an annoyed growl before pulling away. "If whoever that is, isn't on fire I'm going to end them..." She muttered, unlocked her legs and lowering them to the floor.

Breathing in deeply, Ta'mas nodded, "I will join you", running his hands through his hair as he took a few steps back, reaching for his shirt, and allowing her room to answer the door.

Paige opened the door, glowering. "This ha' better be important..." She said, at first not seeing anyone directly in front of the door. She leaned out looking, carefully.

A silver, and far to quick, prehensile tail darted around her. Designed to lift its owners weight, it had very little problem in pulling her over the threshold without her toes grazing the floor.

Once close, just enough room that they did not actually touch, did Christopher put her down. His tail had not left her waist, however. Grinning down at her, he purred in an almost seductive tone, "Important? Nothing compares to this moment. Finally, to myself I have you, Mrs. Tamas. " He leaned down as if to conspire, pointedly ignoring his audience. Looking at Jaime would likely make him laugh and ruin the effect. "Run away with me, show you, I will how to party. "

He heard someone snort, probably at the irony of the last statement, knowing he meant it literally. Ellicieans loved any excuse to celebrate or have a festival.

At first startled and rushing out after her, Ta'mas put on his shirt, a knowing smile on his face. His eyes went over to Jaime, who only returned an 'innocent' shrug with smile of her own.

Some of the wind was taken out of Paige's sails, Christopher just looked so pleased with himself it was kind of funny, and she knew it was just the way of his people, he was complimenting them, but she had plenty left over though to put her hands on her hips. "So do I and having a grand time of it until someone crashed the party." The glare at Christopher similar to something she'd have given her younger sister.

Feeling as if he should, Ta'mas joined her as she spoke, trying to lesson his smile as he placed an arm around her shoulder. "Hi Chris." His smile returned as he looked over to the petite blonde. "And Jaime."

Paige leaned into Ta'mas, fitting well with him. She felt so happy around him it was hard to hold on to her annoyance so she let it go. She turned her head to the woman she'd barely had time to notice in her. What was that, a tail lift? Did he bench press cadets with that or what? And then to sort of glare at Christopher. "Sorry, I am Paige." She said centuries of Irish Hospitality putting her in good stead. She held out one hand. Jaime seemed known to the other two but Paige couldn't quite place her.

Chris watched them and stage whispered to Tamas "Rejected I have been. Run away with me she would not. "

Looking back at him, Ta'mas continued to smile, looking amused. His mind had gone back to all the fun the two of them use to have as Academy cadets when it came to flirting.

While Jaime took a couple steps forward, "Lieutenant Jaime Mallory." She smiled as they shook. "I'm an old friend of Chris and Ta'mas'. Well...Chris and I, "she rolled her eyes over to him, "go way back to when we were children."

Paige had, with effort, not rolled her eyes at Christopher's antics but her smile was broad and genuine as she greeted Jaime. "Oh good that makes you family of sorts, thought I had to be on my best behavior, though I canna think that knowing these two as you do that it matter much to ya." She said jokingly glancing at Ta'mas and Christopher.

Jaime laughed, "That's an understatement," looking between the two men, and then her eyes returned to Paige, "It's really great to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well..." Then she continued with a smile, "Well now that ya both are here how about the grand tour?" She waved toward the house, "Not seen it all myself yet..." Pretend glare at Christopher before returning her attention to Jaime.

Jaime raised an eyebrow, thinking otherwise occupied?, as Christopher spoke it out loud before he accepted the invitation for them. She smiled at the awkwardness of it all as they started heading inside the house.



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