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Cadets Amok part two

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 10:55pm by Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton & Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot & Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan & Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:06pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Zulubase
Timeline: 2388/08/17 1830 (August 17 2388 1800-2000)


Gwen Morgan, her short brown hair behind her ears, looked around. Human, she'd traveled in space with her family on one dig or another for years before they finally settled back on Earth. She wanted to be an archeologist and culture anthropologist in the science department but for now was a new cadet, she would see where stuff took her. The 18 year old was shy in social situations despite the fact she forced herself here. She was going to turn over a new leaf and be more outgoing....

"Is this the party? Seriously?" Liam commented as he walked up behind Gwen, "I've seen more happening funerals." he grumbled as he pushed on by and headed for the buffet table. William Pardot was 18 years old and a wild child and it showed in his swagger as he walked. Everything about him screamed bad influence and he was clearly here for a good time.

Gwen blinked after him and muttered, "I think it's fine..." vaguely annoyed she went to the bar to get something to drink and found a seat that was not too far away from the action but not too close as she steeled herself to be social with people she didn't know well. When she got to know you she was fine but its that unknown that got her and she knew she'd have to overcome that if she was going to be in Starfleet.

Fortunately she managed to find a group of like minded science types who were happy to include another oddball into their little group.

About that time Rachel walked in, a tight, form fitting emerald green dress that went to her knees but had a slit that went from her knee to mid thigh, her long auburn wavy hair down around her shoulders as her dark green eyes scanned the room. She was quietly scanning the room, not out of shyness but more checking out the room.

"Well perhaps things are picking up after all." Liam mumbled as he turned from the bar where he had collected his drink and looked over at the new arrival his eyes following her closely.

As Rachel made her way over to the bar a new song came over the speaker system: She's Crafty

Rachel smirked as the song started to play, leaning slightly on the bar counter, "Cola please...." she said, almost wishing there was a little Rum to put in that coke but figured oh well, she'd just deal with it as she collected her drink and turned to watch the group for a few moments, her green eyes still scanning the crowd as she brushed a bit of loose hair back out of her eyes.

"Hey." Liam nodded in her direction, "Liam Pardot." he held out a hand and added "Welcome to the most happening party in the galaxy." he rolled his eyes and grinned at her.

Rachel saw Liam nod in her direction and smirked, walking over. "Rachel Gallagher....looks like it be a great place ta me." she replied, taking a drink of her coke. "Shame they wont let us have any alcohol...a coke isnt the same without some Rum ta go in it." she said as she smiled back.

"Tell you what, distract the guy behind the bar and I'll sneak back there and see what's hidden away." Liam offered his eyes twinkling. The young man was just itching to get into trouble and this was as good a way as any.

Rachel laughed, "You're going ta get yerself in SOOO much trouble...I love it." she said, her own eyes twinkling.

"Well I've got to give the old farts something to complain about otherwise they won't have anything to do." Liam chuckled before nudging her "So come those feminine wiles of yours, I'm sure you have them." he winked at her.

Rachel whistled, "Who me? I dunnae know what yer talking about." she said as she gave him a quick wink and downed the rest of her coke.

"Well I can always try and distract him," Liam offered, "But somehow I don't think I'm his type." he shot her a pleading look and then spoilt it by laughing.

Rachel saw the look and started laughing herself. "Thats a good one...I'm gonna have ta be rememberin that." she said as she walked over to the barkeep, striking up a conversation, leaning on the bar a bit as she flashed her sparkling green eyes.

"That's my girl." Liam mumbled as he surreptitiously snuck around the bar and bent down, looking for a bottle of anything. Finding a small bottle of liqueur he stuck it under his shirt and then headed back around the bar and sat down. All the while seeing that Rachel was managing to keep the man distracted.

Standing back up, Rachel gave a last wink to the barkeep, she returned to her former seat at the bar. Rolling her eyes and laughing she looked to Liam, "He really be not me type but if it be gettin some of us what we want..." she said giggling a bit. "Did ya be gettin what you were after?" she asked with a grin.

Cadet Gwen Morgan was getting a drink at the bar when she saw Liam and company. Following the rules was ingrained in her. She even went so far as to look around for someone to tell what she'd just seen. Then her mind caught up with her. She didn't want to be a tattle tail but following rules was instinctive. She stood with a drink in her hand looking somewhat indecisive.

Suddenly there was a tall man with a beard, in dark clothing standing next to Liam, one hand on the bar, the other one held out, a British accent with a distinguished low baritone voice. "I'll take whatever it is you took from behind the bar."

Rachel looked at the tall man that was now standing next to Liam and gulped, looking over at him. "Give it ta him Liam...I dunnae want any trouble before we be even gettin ta the Academy." she said.

With a defiant air about him, Liam looked the new arrival straight in the eye and said "I don't know what he's talking about...I did go around there to have a look but there was nothing good to drink." It was a blatant lie but the young man wasn't about to give up the alcohol that easily and especially to this guy. Just who did he think he was?

Rachel looked at Liam, but didn't say a word beyond that. She was just as liable here as Liam was, but something in the back of her mind told her they could get in big trouble here, a formal reprimand on their record, if not worse. She looked back at the barkeep and back at Liam, not even sure what to say really.

Then the barkeep suddenly spoke out, leaning his hands onto the bar, his eyes narrowing with suspicion, "I'm missing a small bottle of Dresci, Sir."

Thorton continued to stare at Liam, his stoic expression becoming slightly menacing. He leaned in, nearly invading the cadet's personal space, "Maybe we should involve Starfleet doesn't take kindly to thieves. It's a good thing this one was caught before he managed to sneak all the way in. That is...unless he decides to hand over the liqueur...and we can determine this to be a misunderstanding."

Rachel gulped, stepping back a bit, standing up straight, looking at Liam for a moment, watching to see what he would do. She certainly didn't want to have security involved, and ruin her perfect record so far.

"Chill man." Liam eyed the man warily as he slipped the bottle from under his shirt, "I was just messing around...don't get your panties in a twist." he eyed Thornton defiantly as he handed the bottle to him.

Rachel sighed with relief, hoping that Thorton would drop the matter now that the bottle was surrendered, though she still found Liam intriguing.

Shaking his head at the attitude, Thorton handed the bottle to the barkeep and then turned back to the two. "You mess around one more time tonight, you won't be on that transport to the Academy. Do I make myself clear?"

While the cadets mingled and got to know each other, a tall man sat at the corner of the bar wearing a three piece pin-striped suit. He had a glass of wine in his hand and his attention seemed absorbed in a PADD in his other hand, but in reality the PADD was nothing more than a distraction from what he was actually doing. A slight turn of his head kept several cadets at all times in his peripheral vision to make sure they stayed on the straight and narrow.

His secondary purpose which he had not told anyone was he was looking for true talent among the cadets that he would potentially be training one day. So far, everyone seemed pretty average, but then again...he looked average.

Back at the bar Liam still glared at Thornton and said through gritted teeth "Aye Sir, clear as crystal."

Standing next to Liam, Rachel was standing up straight, "Aye be crystal clear." she said. She knew Liam wasnt happy but he was going along with what Thorton said, even if he hated every bit of it, but she was glad he had. She wasn't in the mood to deal with security....or ruin her chances of being on the transport.

Devin watched the conflict between the adult and the young man, noting the look of relief in the young lady's hands and the look of defiance in the young man's. Yes, the young man wouldn't be put off lightly, and that brought a smile to Devin's lips. He loved the hard way, and an idea began to form in his mind that would change the opinion of every young cadet on the campus they were headed to.

Rachel glanced at Devin, having just now noticed the man's appearance, a look of definate relief in her piercing emerald green eyes as she gave a relieved half smile. She liked having a bit of fun, but not if it was going to get her a date with security and a tarnish on her records.

Gwen breathed a sigh of relief, she had just made up her mind to try to help. She tended to follow the rules but she was also loyal and they were fellow cadets after all. It seemed to go well, though the tall male seemed to have been marked by that officer. That wouldn't bode well. Gwen, being a bit shy was a people watcher and so her eyes roamed, looking for the science cadets she'd been sitting with. Before she noted them she saw a quiet looking man in a suit. That puzzled her because it wasn't a common cut of a suit and he was studying a PADD but he never tapped it to change the screen. She pushed the puzzle away in the back of her mind as she pushed a piece of brown hair behind her ear and started for the group she'd been talking to before.

Rachel looked at Gwen, not having noticed her before and gave a little smile. She too, looked relieved that things were starting to settle down and maybe there wouldn't be any trouble after all.

Lucas Thorton had returned to where he had been watching when the cadets had walked in. He stood there with his arms folded, when Brady walked up to stand beside him, then glanced over to him with a wry expression, "Remind you of anyone?"

Continuing to stare out at the crowd that was starting to dwindle, Lucas scoffed, "I was never so obvious."

Giving him a sideways smile, Brady glanced over at him knowingly, "With all due respect, look how well you turned out," and chuckling a little as he walked away, "Who would've guessed."

To Be Continued...


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Comments (1)

By Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD on Sat Oct 14th, 2017 @ 8:30pm

Edited, to reflect the change in Lucas' role and to add him in as an author.