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Quite a View

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 11:24pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:07pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Docked Freighter 'Lucky', Starbase Zulu
Timeline: 2388/08/17 1900 (August 17 2388 1800-2000)


"Come on this one's special.." Jondar was quietly pleading with his friend (one of the freighter crew) who was guarding the hatch to the Freighter 'Rather Lucky' as in rather be lucky than good. "They all are.." Quipped the older man but he glanced back wherein Phoebe stood a little ways off behind Jondar. He looked back at Jondar who had his hands together in a begging style but Phoebe couldn't see. The man laughed and said loudly, "Too good for you at any rate.." He turned to Phoebe "Welcome to the Lucky, I'm Bryce. Don't let the crew scare ya they're a good lot...". He had one of those open, kind faces and looked more like a youngish Santa Claus than the freighters all around security dude.

"Hello...Phoebe." the cadet introduced herself and held out a hand to shake Bryce's.

He smiled kindly and nodded, "Pleasure is all mine, you guys have fun and I'll let the Captain known you're aboard." He waved them on and waited until they were gone then got on his comm unit to the small crew, "Bryce here, Jondar's back with a hellalooker in tow. Looks like she can give him a run for his money, you lot behave unless you want someone messing up your good time next leave..."

Jondar lead the way, it was a battered but well kept ship and they passed by an area where there was loud music. The door was propped open and they saw cards, a make shift still and other makings of a makeshift wild party. Jondar waved at those who saw him and made his way to their destination. They climbed some steps to finally reach a small room, maybe ten feet around. There was a padded bench along one side and all around them were the stars. They were at the top of the ship looking out over the station and all the ships coming and going. And with the one way glass they could enjoy the scene without being seen. Jondar secured the entry hatch and waved arm, "What do you think?"

Phoebe let out an audible gasp and walked over to the window, "It's amazing." she breathed as she watched the station and the hustle and bustle going on there. "How did you know this place was this awesome?" she turned to face Jondar.

He smiled a little shyly, "The Captain likes the view so he had this installed, you can even put up armor around it.." He gestured to a small control panel set into the wall, "Just in case the special glass isn't protection enough." He moved up to her and slowly, so she could stop him if she wanted, put his arm around her back even as he gestured with the other hand. "I used to work for Captain S'tel'c and I'd like to come here for quiet, I mean on a small ship it gets boring looking at your own four walls." He looked for a moment at the visa before them then continued with a bit of awe in his voice, "And somehow looking at the stars never failed to calm or inspire, you know what I mean?" his Hazel eyes looked curiously into her blue ones.

"I know what you mean." Phoebe smiled up at him, "It's why we're all doing this isn't it?" she added, seeing that he was more than the smooth charmer that he had originally seemed to be.

He smiled back not in the least upset that she seemed to pull phrases from him that he hadn't intended to say. He'd not intended to be this open this soon but if its one thing he learned about women that they didn't always do the expected. And when he looked into her eyes he couldn't find it in him to be the least sorry about that. "Yes I guess it is, is it why you're here?" he could of went on about himself and why he was here but he had something more interesting to him on his mind as he looked down into her smiling face, he really wanted to kiss her but didn't want to push it just yet besides he had a genuine curiosity. He really did want to know about her, kissing could come later...if he was lucky...

"I want to see what's out there." Phoebe smiled, her focus far out among the stars, "I want to feel what the pioneers of space travel felt like, find something new, see how beautiful it all is." her eyes took on a dreamy look as she spoke.

Jondar wasn't looking at the view but at her when he replied, "It is beautiful all right.". Who was seducing who? he was beginning to wonder. Not like he was fighting though. He badly wanted to kiss her but that showing her her soul seemed to require something of his so he replied, his voice with a just a hint of awe in the tone of one remembering a quote:

"We must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey."

At her look he shrugged, "I read bit.." Then a little embarresed he lightened the mood grinning, "I'm not just a pretty face...well I say 'just' but its pretty amazing except for yours of course."

"Was that a chat up line?" Phoebe stared at him. She had to admit though, he was truly gorgeous and she cursed the way her body appeared to react to him.

He smiled a bit loving that he seemed to get to her every bit as much as she got to him. And then he shook his head ruefully, "You don't know me well so I'll let that go, but when it comes to woman I never say what I don't mean." Sincerity rang in his voice. In his mind it was nothing but true. They were to amazing to lie and she was a special one.

"If you keep looking like that I may be tempted to misbehave.." He said with an evil grin and his eyes alight.

"And just what does that mean?" Phoebe challenged him, her own eyes sparkling as she met his gaze, "How exactly are you going to misbehave?" she added, her gaze never wavering as she took a step closer.

He smiled then. This smile was slow and full of a sensual promise. His held a heat all their own, "Oh I don't know.." he said softly, "Maybe just like this...". He lowered his head slowly so as to give her plenty of time to pull away when she didn't, he did a mental "YES!" even as he told himself to be cool. When their lips met, fireworks went off in his brain. His lips expertly teased hers, unlike some he realized one simply didn't smash ones lips against another. There was an art and almost constant motion to get things just right, to hit all the best spots. There was a flow to it, an interaction he craved. His arms went around her as he teased her to open her mouth just a little.

Phoebe melted into his arms. From the moment that they had met, she had felt an overwhelming attraction to him and deep down she had wanted this from the get go. Opening up to him like a flower to the sun, she welcomed his probing, the taste of him intoxicating as she submitted to the tenderness of the kiss.

Jondar's arms tightened around her but gently as he deepened the kiss, a sensual fencing match that seemed to engage their whole bodies. The stars continued to shine around them as space seemed to enfold them in their little cocoon. The moment seemed timeless as Jondar lost himself in it and didn't care. One hand gently rubbed the small of her back as he deepened the kiss, becoming a little more demanding matching her passion with his own.

Never before had Phoebe felt the way that she was feeling right now. Her entire body was alive and seemed to light up from his touch. A delicious ache set up residence within her and she never wanted it to end. Gasping as the kiss broke, she gazed up at him, her ice blue eyes darkened with passion.

Jondar was floored as all senses focused on the moment. He could see his feelings reflected in her eyes as he managed to get out a "Wow..."
that was almost reverent.

"Yeah." Phoebe replied, her legs like jelly as she held on to him. Never had she experienced a kiss like that and it had shaken her to the core.

Jondar started to speak then cleared his throat. "Well unless you're wanting more aspects of misbehaving maybe we should rejoin the party downstairs.." He said even though it killed him to make the offer. He knew the signs, he was in but she was special and he owed it to her to give her a chance to pull back. He quietly shifted, a little uncomfortably. His tone said that wasn't his first choice but up to her. He waited quietly as the stars shone down upon them.

The young woman watched him for a silent moment as she battled with herself. Her body ached for more than just his kisses but did she really want her first time to be a hurried quickie in a place where they could be discovered at any moment? With a reluctant sigh that revealed her inner torment she said "Yeah...guess we should go before someone notices we're missing."

Jondar sighed then grinned evilly, "Just a minute.." Actually it was several minutes and a number of kisses later before they made their way back toward the cadet gathering, all the while stuff like this is going on in Sito's head:

"Why did you stop you were in? Because she's special now shut up. Make me, you shouldn't of stopped, idiot. You shut up..." Then he looked at her and that was enough for now.

He kept his arm around her as they walked, letting her set the pace.

"So..." Phoebe said, looking suddenly nervous as she plucked up the courage to say something, "Do you want know...maybe go out sometime?" she finally managed to get out, her face flushing red.

Jondar could have laughed but did not. He was a little nervous too and to repeat, not an idiot. He kept his face innocent but did smile a gentle smile, "Anytime Lady Mine..." He quipped and nuzzled her neck just a little at they walked back into the cadet party.


Phoebe Cavendish

Jondar Sito


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