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Cadets Amok part three

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 11:02pm by Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot & Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan & Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:08pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: ZuluBase
Timeline: 2388/08/17 1920 (August 17 2388 1800-2000)


Devin adjusted his position at the bar and tapped at the PADD in his hand for a moment. Taking a sip of his wine, he nearly choked when Red Right Hand started to play.

"He's a god, he's a man, he's a ghost, he's a guru. They're whispering his name through this disappearing land, but hidden in his coat is a red right hand."

He gave a smile and looked at the wine glass in his hand and thought the song highly appropriate before turning his attention back to other cadets.

Looking up when the new song came over the speakers, Rachel smiled, "That be an interestin song ta play....good....but interestin." she said as she asked for another coke, glancing over at Devin for a moment.

"S'ok." Liam commented before following the direction of Rachel's gaze and asking "So who's the stiff in the suit?"

Rachel looked at Liam and shrugged, "No idea...I just want ta be stayin out of serious trouble. Me father would skin me alive If'n I be gettin inta too much trouble." she told him, giving him a sideways smile. "We can still be findin a way ta have some fun can't we? Know any good songs they can be playin?" she asked him.

"Trust me, no-one here would like anything that I call good." Liam grinned at her, "And for the record, there's nothing wrong with living on the wild side." he winked at her as he considered what the best way of getting hold of some alcohol was going to be. Maybe the station had some seedy establishment somewhere that didn't ask questions and wasn't regulated by a bunch of stiffs in suits.

Rachel laughed, "I dunnae mind havin a little fun. What do you consider good music?" she asked then smiled, "I play the piano...I usually play classical but can probably be playin anything ya would like ta hear." she told him with a broad smile.

" offence but I doubt you could play the stuff I like on a piano." Liam shifted awkwardly.

Rachel raised an eyebrow, "Whatever. I know what be able ta do." she said before moving away, rolling her eyes as she walked back to the bar for another cola. His disbelief annoyed her but she felt she was used to that.. she'd had to prove herself before and his cockiness was starting to get under her skin a bit.

"Something I said?" Liam grinned before pushing himself away from the bar and sauntering over to the door. Now where to find a drink and perhaps a girl...

At the last minute Gwen changed her mind and headed for the man in the suit. She was curious and was trying to be brave, a little shyly she walked up to him. "Sir." She said politely, "Are you an instructor?"

Devin looked up as the shorter brunette woman approached him and noted her body language. He set the PADD down on the bar and gave her a friendly smile. "Yes, I am, but don't let my presence spoil your fun."

Gwen smiled a little, "Well to be fair I'm not that exciting." She tilted her head a little as she looked at him curiously. "What do you teach?" Her eyes were polite as she attempted to identify occupation, a game she would play with her dad when they stopped in various ports.

Devin returned the smile, wondering how fast she would migrate away from him when he told her. "I'll give you a clue, which is all you need, to determine your opinion of little old me. I start in the shadows and not from the front. I value information over being a grunt."

Gwen smiled, her mother was a cultural anthropologist and was heavy into linguistics. Word games were popular on the Morgan ship, instead of answering she game one of her own spun off the top of her head, "A Clue as wide (obvious) as the Saragossa Sea but an interesting puzzle for little old me. For you, white can be black and black, white but you know there are many ways to fight...". She smiled again a quiet pleasure in the game. She looked at him with a curious interest. "I look forward to your classes, Spy Master..." she said her eyes held a hint of humor but also interest. She nodded a goodbye and headed off. She hadn't been aware they updated the curriculum to include intel, she wondered at the dangers Starfleet thought they would face that they included such.

Devin gave a chuckle at the young lady and marked her in his memory before looking at the PADD in front of him. He activated the personnel roster and sorted through the cadets until he came to her. He added a personal note to his file to keep tabs on her before saving it and taking a sip of his wine.

A few minutes later, Kelly, a diminutive young brunette female came in wearing a horizontal striped red and black t-shirt that emphasized her assets, a pair of black Capri's, black running shoes, and a smile on her face. Looking around, she headed over to the bar. "Isoberry juice, please." She noted there was a large number of cadets there, and she wondered how many of them would be taking Flight Control like she planned to.

Looking over as a new cadet walked in, Rachel gave a friendly smile as she sipped her cola and leaned on the bar, listening to the music, wondering if they'd play anything good would come over the speakers. Just then a new song came on, Roar , and she smile broadly.

Kelly returned the young woman's smile at the bar and after getting her juice, headed over. "Hi, I'm Kelly. Or Kel if you prefer," she said, offering her hand.

Rachel smiled back, "Hello... me name is Rachel. What are you planning ta study?" she asked curiously, while sipping her cola, looking at the other young woman as she offered her hand in return.

"You have a nice accent, Rachel," Kelly said, shaking the other young woman's hand. "I'm taking Flight Control. You?"

"I be from Ireland...thats where it be comin from." Rachel replied, then smiled, "Im Pre-Med." she answered.

"Cool! I always wanted to go there, but Big, my Dad," Kelly started. "We never had the time. So what brings you all the way to the Delta Quadrant to go to Academy?"

Rachel chuckled, "Me mother...she be a doctor so I kinda wanted ta follow in her footsteps." she explained, smiling. "I call me father's Dad in me language." she said, without a flaw in how she pronounced the word.

"She's assigned here, too?" Kelly asked.

"No...she be back on Earth." Rachel said sadly.

"So why are you here in the Delta Quadrant?" Kelly wanted to know. "I mean, it's only seventy light years from Earth..."

Rachel looked at her for a moment. It was a fair question. "I be wantin the challenge of somethin like this...even if it be far away from me mum and daid (dad). I have me cousin here...she be a medical doctor at the Academy we be goin ta." she explained.

Kelly nodded. "For me, it was the whole 'final frontier' thing," she said. "I wanted to go where no one in my family had ever gone before."

Rachel grinned, "That too....she said looking at her. I hope they be havin a flight team there...I be dyin ta get into one of those things." she said as she downed more of her cola.

Kelly took a sip of her juice, staining her lips and tongue blue. "As soon as they give me a chance, I'll take you for a spin."

"That'd be great....but I be havin an itch ta fly one of those babies. Call me a doc in trainin with a flygirl attitude." Rachel replied.

"We'll see how well you do when we actually get up there," Kelly said with a mischievous grin.

Rachel laughed, "Yes we will.....maybe we should have a race." she said with an equally mischievous smile.

"You're on," Kelly said, rising to the challenge, her brown eyes sparkling.

Rachel grinned, "Brilliant!" she exclaimed, the thickness of her accent really coming through when she was excited.

Finishing her drink, Kelly looked around, her eyes going wide at the impressive spread laid out for the cadets. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Let's eat."

"Me stomach is growling too." Rachel said, nodding in agreement, motioning to the spread. "Lets get somethin ta eat b'fore anyone else does shall we?" she suggested.

"Sounds good," Kelly said. "I'm hungry enough to eat a Romulan mollusk."

Rachel's jaw dropped, " too." she said as she walked over to the spread of food, eyeing just about everything. "Wow...they be goin all out aren't they?" she said.

"Mmhmmm," Kelly said as she headed towards the spread before a squeak came from her. "Oh my gods! Look! Brownies! Oodles of them!"

Rachel bust up laughing as Kelly let out a squeak when she saw the brownies. "You really be likin the brownies hmm?" she asked as her own eyes widened when she saw chocolate chip cookies. "Wow....fresh too!" she said, her green eyes sparkling.

"I love brownies!" Kelly exclaimed as she grabbed a plate and put half a dozen brownies from different cultures on it, ignoring everything else.

To Be Continued...


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