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Welcome Doctor

Posted on Sat Sep 23rd, 2017 @ 11:23pm by Captain Madeline Sanchez & Lieutenant Julianna O'Brien
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:47pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Faculty Staff Private Beach
Timeline: 2388/08/18 1700 (August 18 2388 1700)

Maddie's daily walk along the beach had become almost a ritual in the short time that she had been at the Academy. She guessed it was because of how much it had reminded her of the times she had spent on the beaches of Puerto Rico as a child. And besides, it was fast becoming a place where it was good to think and reflect.

Reaching a rocky outcrop, she perched up on it and stared out to sea, the familiar feeling of relaxation washing over her at the sound of the ocean lapping the shore.

Walking along a shoreline near a rocky area, Julianna stared out at the water for a moment, enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on her face when she soon came up on someone else there as well. Not recognizing the dark haired woman she smiled, "I surely hope Im not interuptin anything." Julianna said, trying not to startle the woman who seemed to be enjoying the view.

"Not at all." Maddie turned and smiled at the new arrival, "Just out for my daily walk." she explained before looking back out over the sea.

Julianna smiled, "I cant blame you there...its gorgeous here." she said as she looked at Maddie before looking out across the sea too.

"Yes it is." Maddie agreed, "And good for the soul...this is my relaxation place." she smiled.

Julianna smiled, "I can see why....its gorgeous here." she said looking out again, taking a deep breath to breath in the warm salty air.

"I'm sorry...I didn't introduce myself." Maddie smiled and held out a hand, "Madeline Sanchez, Assistant Dean."

Julianna smiled, "Oh. A pleasure to meet you. Im Julianna OBrien...Medical Officer." she said, extending a hand to the woman.

"Ah the woman who will be continually chasing me for my medical huh?" Maddie chuckled as she teased the doctor.

Julianna smirked, "Maybe....but only if its necessary Ma'am. And Im not the Chief Medical....just one of her many assisting doctors." she said giving a chuckle.

"All doctors have the same remit so I'm sure if it's not you it'll be someone else." Maddie chuckled, "So how are you enjoying being here so far?"

Julianna laughed then smiled, "Its beautiful here...I like it already." she said.

"Whether we'll think the same when we're overrun by cadets is another matter." Maddie chuckled.

Julianna laughed, "That's true... we may have ta take advantage of these locals once the cadets's curfew time passes." she said with a smirk.

"It's just as pretty out here after dark so I can handle that." Maddie replied.

"Me too...might be even prettier with the moonlight." Julianna answered with a smile. "If...I had anyone ta enjoy it with...but might be peaceful by meself as well." she added.

"Do I hear regret there?" Maddie turned to watch the younger woman.

Julianna looked back at the woman, "A bit....but I canna (cant) let that be keepin me down." she said quietly as she turned back to watch the waves of the water wash against the shoreline and the rocks.

With a nod, Maddie decided that it was none of her business, after all she had just met the other woman and so instead she said "A good attitude to have...the universe has a habit of giving hard knocks now and again."

"Right....It does indeed." Julianna replied, looking over at Maddie. "Thank ya...I try." she added.

"As do we all." Maddie replied with a bittersweet smile, her own problems springing to mind.

She nodded, "Aye..." she replied with a slight smile.

"Well welcome to the Academy doctor." Maddie pushed herself away from the rock she had been resting against and stood up straight, "I'd better get going...setting this place up is an administrative nightmare." she smiled.

Julianna nodded, "I should be returning to the Sickbay meself...Im sure the Chief might need some help settin up." she said, chuckling. "I bet....I wouldnt want your job Maam." she said.

"Oh it's better than the last one." Maddie replied with a bittersweet smile, "Have a great day." she added with a smile that she didn't feel in her heart.

Smiling back, Julianna kept wondering if the smile Maddie was giving her was genuine or not. She did have at least some counseling training during her medical training and learned how to read body language to determine how a person truly felt but for some reason couldn't tell for sure with Maddie so she just nodded. " too Ma'am." she said, standing upright again herself as she turned and headed back for Medical.


Julianna O'Brien
Medical Officer
SF Academy, Magellan Campus

Captain Madeline Sanchez
Assistant Dean
Magellan Academy


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