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Spunk and Charisma

Posted on Sat Sep 23rd, 2017 @ 11:30pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:25pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: ZuluBase Sickbay
Timeline: 2388/08/18 0800 (August 18 2388 0800)


It was the changing of shifts, the ending of gamma and beginning of Alpha, and Brady walked through the main medical center of Zulubase. Although personnel were at work, the atmosphere was calm and quiet, and Brady soaked it in, his own mood a bit reflective.

He was on his way to check on Kelly, and when he looked into the small private room she had been moved in to, he found her asleep. After quietly grabbing a nearby stool and setting it next to the end of the bed, Brady picked up the padd on the tray at the bottom of her bed and began to look it over.

As Kelly lay on the bed, her eyes moved rapidly back and forth under her eyelids and her right hand twitched. She tucked her chin down in her chest, a frown forming at the corners of her mouth. A moment later, she gripped the sheet with her right hand and sat bolt upright in bed.

"You can't have my M&M's!!" she screamed before she opened her eyes, her chest heaving as she sucked in air to defend her chocolatey goodness again. Seeing Doctor Dering there at the foot of her bed, she wondered why he was in her dream and where the candy was, then realized she was awake. "Oh...sorry Doctor..."

At first slightly startled, Brady smiled at her, "No problem. That must have been quite a dream."

"Err....heh," Kelly mumbled, her face flushed with embarrassment at getting caught dreaming about chocolate. "No one takes my chocolate and gets away with it." She glanced over at the stand by her bed and was disappointed to see that there was no chocolates waiting on her. Then again, with her symptoms indicating that her arteries were clogged up and causing her major issues, they probably wouldn't allow her to have any. She sighed and leaned back. "So what's the prognosis?"

Brady lowered his head at her and cheerfully replied, "It looks good." He then got off the stool as he explained, "You're responding well to treatment." as he moved it and himself closer to her near the head of the bed on the opposite side of the tray. He sat back on it and locked his eyes onto hers, "We have every reason to believe you're going to be okay, but Kelly, it's going to take about a month worth of treatments."

"A month?" She groaned. "Does that mean that I'm not going to be able to enter the Academy?" Her face fell like it was the end of all of her dreams.

"I don't know." Brady replied, and looking at her face, it suddenly hit him that walking away from this job, he would be leaving a part of himself behind. It wasn't going to be as easy as he had been trying to convince himself it would be. "I can't say for certain," he continued, "but I'm going to do everything I possibly can to get you there."

"You don't know?" Kelly's voice rose an octave at the end. "Do everything you can? What exactly does that entail? Is there an estimate, a guestimate, a wild chance? Should I write my Papa and tell him I'm coming? Can I get some real chocolate at the very least?" Her voice broke at the end and she inhaled deeply and held it, her eyes filling with barely contained moisture.

Brady looked at her firmly and his voice matched with determination, "Kelly, when I leave here, I'm going to contact the Dean of Magellan Campus. I'll explain the situation, and then I'm going to come right back here..and," he raised an eyebrow, "I'm going to bring you back some chocolate."

The moisture that was in her eyes vanished slowly and she took another deep breath and locked her eyes on his. "Make it so."

"Aye, Captain. Captain Khan." Brady smiled, "Has a nice ring to it."

Kelly laughed and gave him a cheeky grin. "Make that Admiral Khan and we'll see eye to eye, Doctor."

"Okay," he chuckled shaking his head. He put his hand out for her to shake, "You have a deal, Admiral Khan."

Shaking his hand, Kelly offered a conspiratorial smile. "Do a good job and I'll see about getting you a promotion. Get me chocolate and I'll see that you go down in history as the greatest doctor ever."

Chuckling inside, Brady smiled, and then released her hand. "You got it." he said, pointing a finger at her before heading for the door. He glanced out of the room before looking back to her, resting one hand on the doorframe. "I'll do my part, Kelly, and I need you do yours. It looks like they're bringing you breakfast."

"I hope it's not creme de meh again," Kelly muttered. "One more helping of any type of meh will result in me going for a jugular vein. Anyhoo, do what you can and I'll hold up my end of the bargain, Doctor. See you soon with that real chocolate."

Looking amused, Brady gave her a nod and walked away.


Kelly Khan
Magellan Campus


Lt Commander Brady Dering
Zulu Fleet Psychiatrist
Temp assign - Magellan Campus


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