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Wakey Wakey

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2017 @ 6:05pm by Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot & Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:25pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: ZuluBase
Timeline: 2388/08/18 0816 (August 18 2388 0816)

The next morning, Rachel woke up next to Liam. They were still on the holodeck she figured as her eyes scanned the surroundings...on the Risa program they'd started the night before. As she looked down at herself she discovered they were both unclothed, their swimsuits next to them in a pile, leading her to believe that they'd obviously had a good time. Blushing she smiled a bit. She'd never slept with anyone in her life, but clearly that's what had happened...not that it bothered her. She turned her attention to a very sleepy Liam who was still out like a light and smiled. Leaning over, she kissed his cheek and gently shook him.

"Hey wakey wakey sleeping beauty." she whispered into his ear, running her hand down his bare back, shaking him again. "We should probably get out of here..." she said, a little louder when he didn't stir the first time.

An unintelligible mumble was all she got in response as Liam rolled over and snuggled back down, only to take in a noseful of sand which left him coughing and gagging as he sat up hurriedly rubbing at his face and sneezing.

Rachel giggled, "Careful...or ya will end up with sand up yer nose." she said, smiling at him as she sat next to him on the holographic Risa beach.

"Thanks for the warning." Liam grumbled as he tried to clear his nostrils. Clearly mornings weren't his strong point. "We fell asleep here?" he commented as he looked around at Rachel, his eyes sweeping her body.

Rachel nodded, "Aye...that we did." she replied, looking over at him as her eyes looked him over as well. It'd been quite a night. "That was some night." she commented aloud.

"Yes it was." Liam grinned, "And you lady are one sexy woman." he added, really quite proud of himself for bagging such a gorgeous woman for the night.

She chuckled, "You're not so bad yourself Liam." she told him, looking back at him.

"Glad you think so." Liam replied as he stood up and looked for his shorts, "Guess we'd best get outta here before someone finds us." he commented as he bent down to pick them up.

Rachel nodded, "Aye ...we should." she said, finding her bikini and pulling it back on, retying the ties, standing up again.

Once he was dressed, Liam said "Well...uh...thanks. Last night was great." He shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other as he watched her.

"Yeah.... it was." she said softly. Then, looking at him she paused a moment, "You aren't going to consider me just a conquest ....are you?" Rachel asked, looking down for a moment, wondering if he was that type to consider girls just a notch in his belt.

Running a hand through his tousled locks, Liam shifted again and said "I...uh...what do you mean? Conquest?" He looked at her with an expression of hurt as if she had wounded him.

"Um....I be arent going ta think of me as just a one night stand are you?" Rachel asked, looking up at him. "I dunnae mean ta hurt your feelings... its just...I'm not the type ta just sleep around." she added, hoping she hadn't wounded his feelings.

"Course not." Liam snorted, "What gave you that idea?" he added for effect, as he suddenly found his feet to be very interesting for want of a distraction.

Rachel raised an eyebrow slightly. "Oh....I dunno. The fact that you cannae look me in the eyes." she said, giving him a bit of a smirk. Was it all boys that behaved this way...or was it just Liam? she thought to herself as she ran her hands through her auburn hair.

"Can too!" Liam raised his eyes to look at her determinedly thinking that this wasn't like his usual crack of dawn exits where the girl wasn't even awake yet.

She looked back at him, her emerald green eyes sparkling in the early moonlight of the simulation. " you are." she replied, giving him a coy smile.

"Yes I am." Liam nodded, a bit of his usual cockiness beginning to come to the fore again as he squared his shoulders and added "And right now I'm going to kiss you and then I'm going to go." he nodded confidently as he reached out, pulled her into his arms and kissed her thoroughly then let her go, turned on his heel and left.

Rachel was left standing there for a moment with her mouth agape, after he kissed her deeply before releasing her and turning on his heels and leaving. When she finally came out of her daze a moment later, she shook her head. "Computer, end program." she said, as the scene disappeared and the holodeck grid reappeared and she too left the holodeck. It was going to be very interesting the next time they met...she thought as she walked out.


Rachel Gallagher
1st Year Medical Cadet
Starfleet Academy, Magellan Campus

Liam Pardot
1st Year Cadet
Starfleet Academy, Magellan Campus


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