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Thrown Under the Shuttle

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2017 @ 6:11pm by Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot & Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:25pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Zulu Base; Outside Holodeck 4
Timeline: 2388/08/18 0828 (August 18 2388 0828)


Rachel was left standing there for a moment with her mouth agape, after he kissed her deeply before releasing her and turning on his heels and leaving. When she finally came out of her daze a moment later, she shook her head. "Computer, end program." she said, as the scene disappeared and the holodeck grid reappeared and she too left the holodeck. It was going to be very interesting the next time they met...she thought as she walked out.


As Rachel stepped out the door, she stepped face to chest with the base Chief of Security and the Cadet Liaison Lieutenant Micah Nilan. Neither man looked happy as they stood outside the door, arms crossed in front of them looking on as the pair of miscreants left the holodeck that they'd left running all night long.

"I believe we've found your missing cadets Lieutenant." Adam growled as Liam joined the girl. "I'm going to assume you are Rachel Gallagher and William Pardot." He took a step back and leaned down enough to be eye to eye with the girl.

Rachel swallowed hard, her voice trembling slightly as she nodded, "A...Aye Sir." she said, knowing she and Liam were in a good deal of trouble.

"Depends on who's asking." retorted Liam as he shoved his hands in the pockets of his shorts and eyed the two men with interest.

Adam's brow arched. "How about the Chief of Security? How about the Cadet Liaison?" He looked at the young man. "How about the Base Executive Officer?" This one was a bit cocky for the trouble he was about to face. "You two do realize that you missed curfew, don't you?"

"Aye Sir. I...Im sorry Sir." Rachel answered, swallowing hard again as she looked at Adam. She was trying to be as cooperative as she could possibly be right now. She realized how much trouble she was indeed going to be in. Her mind raced as she imagined what her cousin Julianna would say when she found out.

"So we accidentally fell asleep in there." Liam shrugged, "It's no big deal...we'll try not to let it happen again." he added, really not seeing how much trouble that they were really in.

Micah jumped in, "Accidently falling asleep in a place you don't belong, missing curfew and bed check less than a week before you're scheduled to leave for the Academy IS a big deal Cadet...and there will be consequences." The Trill officer reminded his charges.

"Let's go you two. We can continue this in my office." Adam tried not to grin at Rachel's reaction but he had to be firm with all the cadets. These two had broken a few key rules and Cadet Pardot didn't seem like he was too bothered by that fact. He gave them both a nudge along as he headed them toward the security offices.

"Aye Sir." Rachel said, walking toward the security offices. She could only imagine as well, how her family would view this...not even at the Academy campus yet and already she was in trouble.

"Whatever." Liam said under his breath and followed along after the other men.

This one reminded Adam of his sister Kacey. He shook his head as the four walked in silence to the security office. Once in side he shut the door and turned on the two. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" He asked in the best Klingon demeanor he could muster. He needed to be hard on them.

Micah sat back and waited for his turn. As Liaison, he would set any punishment that would occur off the base and follow the cadets to Magellan. Their first days on Magellan wouldn't be as fun as they had hoped.

Rachel nearly jumped out of her skin at Adam's tone. "I...I wasn't...thinking." she answered, trying her best not to tremble as she stood by the door next to Liam.

"Come on man!" Liam replied, not phased at all by the verbal assault, "You know how it is when a chick really digs you...can't let her down can you? Surely you've shown a girl a good time before?" he winked at Adam.

"More than my share, but I didn't break the rules doing it." Adam looked the young man in the eye. "And if I did...I wasn't foolish enough to get caught." He pointed to the chairs in front of his desk. "Sit!"

Rachel didnt argue, but quickly took a seat on one of the chairs.

Even Liam jumped a little as Adam barked the word 'sit' and silently took a seat wondering when he should make the call to Uncle Dennis.

A smug grinned plied his face when Adam saw the young man finally realize what he might be facing. "Better." He took a seat and picked up a PADD. "Who gave the two of you permission to utilize Holodeck 4? It's standard procedure and knowledge that cadets have access to holodeck six only and that you are allotted two hours of recreational time in that holodeck each week." He looked at either of them for explanation.

"Don't look at me...she programmed it." Liam pointed at Rachel.

Rachel looked at Liam and glared, "It be just as much your idea as it was mine....I didne hear ye speak up." she said, appalled that he would throw her under the bus so to speak... like he just had.

"I thought you had clearance." Liam replied indignantly.

"You should've known I didne have it... Im just a cadet...same as you." she said. She couldn't believe the audacity of Liam to think she actually had clearance. She wasn't anymore high on the chain than he was.

"Well you never said anything." Liam replied, in full survival mode which roughly translated into 'everyone for themself'.

"N? raibh t?! (Translation: Neither did you!)" Rachel retorted. It was clear he had no intention of covering for her, only saving his own skin and that was fine with her, as she turned to face the Security officer again. "I made a big mistake Sir...and Im willing ta accept the consequences...but it wont be happenin again. You have me word." she said.

Adam was chuckling. "I'm sure it won't be. You have almost a week left on the station and in that time, you'll be confined to quarters. And so you don't get bored, you'll find a research assignment on these PADDs... to be handed in before you're allowed to board the shuttle." He figured that would keep them out of trouble.

"Oh, I think it goes much deeper than that Commander." Micah stood to face his cadets. "Once you arrive at Magellan, you'll be confined to the cadet compound for two weeks and you'll be reporting to the Chief security officer there, each and every day." He folded his arms. "That's for breaking curfew. You've used all your holodeck credits for a we'll have special exercises for the two of you during your free time until you earn your credits back so we can keep you out of trouble."

"I suggest you make friends again because the exercises will be more like cleaning chores and you'll be doing them together." He added with a grin. "I won't put any permanent marks in your records this time...but I suggest keeping your noses clean for a while."

Rachel gave Liam a sideways glance. She hated the idea of being stuck with him for two weeks...she'd seen his arrogance before and it had made itself even more clear here. Still...she didnt want to make a scene and just wanted to get this punishment over and done with. She turned back to Micah, "Aye ...Sir." she said, a disappointed sound to her voice. This was not going to be fun.

"Yes Sir." Liam slouched back in his chair and pouted. Assignments and cleaning? Puh-lease! He shook his head in disbelief.

"For now I'll have the two of you escorted to your respective quarters. Lieutenant Micah will check in on you twice a day to see if you need anything. Your computers will be blocked to only level 2 clearance which will give you the ability to complete your assignment and some light recreational reading, music, and movies." Adam stood up. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here on Zulu." He grinned smugly. "You two are dismissed."

Rachel just nodded, "Aye Sir." she simply said, not looking at Liam. She was as pissed as could be at that boy for essentially throwing her under the bus so to speak. She would just have to get through this punishment as quickly as possible.

Without any acknowledgement to the senior officers, Liam stood and headed to the door, wondering if restricted access also included calls to family because he felt to call to Uncle Dennis coming on.

Standing as well, Rachel headed to the door without so much as any further acknowledgement to Liam. She'd had enough of his least for awhile.

Adam grinned as he watched the pair leave.


Cmdr Adam Macum
Chief Security Officer - SB Zulu
NPC'd by Lil

Lt. Micah Nilan
Cadet Liaison - Magellan Academy
NPC'd by Lil

Rachel Gallagher
Cadet Freshman Grade
Magellan Campus

Liam Pardot
Cadet Freshman Grade
Magellan Campus


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