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A New Start

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2017 @ 8:36pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Commander Zoe Eckhardt M.D.
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:43pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Zulu Base Medical
Timeline: 2388/08/18 1300 (August 18 2388 1300)

Zoe yawned and then sighed. It was only the afternoon and yet already she was exhausted. Thinking herself alone in her office, she placed a hand on her still flat stomach and said "See what you're doing to me? It's not on you know, Mummy has to work." A soft smile graced her features as she thought about the small child within. As each day went by she was adjusting to the fact that she was going to be a parent and it was growing on her more and more.

"Zoe..." Brady stood in the doorway smiling at her.

"Oh!" Zoe jumped at the sound of Brady's voice and flushed red, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."

"No, that's..that's perfectly fine." he replied quietly, looking at her as if he loved what he was seeing. "Is this a good time?"

"Other than catching me talking to my unborn child?" Zoe said with a wry smile, "Yes it's fine, come on in." she gestured to the chair in front of her desk.

"Why thank you." Brady smiled, matching hers as he took the seat offered. "So, how have you been feeling since we parted ways this morning?"

"Tired, tired and oh yeah, tired." Zoe replied with a weary smile, "Pregnancy isn't all it's cracked up to be." she added as she shifted in her seat.

Brady leaned on the his chair's armrest, and cradled his face in his hand as he stared at her. "A nap would help."

"Yeah well Chief Medical Officer's on board busy stations don't get those luxuries." Zoe replied curtly before shaking her head and sighing, "I'm sorry, that was my hormones talking not me." she rubbed the back of her neck, surprised at how tense her muscles were.

"No problem..." Brady rose out of his seat and walked around to stand behind her, directing her not to try and look back at him, " and Zoe, that's not true." He opened his hands wide and placed each one on her shoulders. "You have a full staff, and last I knew, an assistant chief." And pressing his thumbs into her back, he moved them in a circular motion, keeping his eyes there and focusing on what he was doing.

"So I'm a control freak." Zoe groaned with pleasure as he kneaded her tight muscles, "And where did you learn to massage a girl like that?" she sighed happily as the tension ebbed away.

"Stubborn is more like it." Brady smiled as he continued, and not answering her question, he asked instead, "What's it going to take for you to accept my advice."

"Probably when it becomes an order." Zoe replied, leaning her head back so that she could look up at him, her eyes twinkling as she teased him.

Oh I see.." he smiled back down to her, and then stopped his ministration, although his hands remained on her shoulders. "All better now?"

"Much." Zoe sighed happily, "You know, I might put in a request to hire you as my own personal masseuse." she added, her eyes full of mischief as she gazed up at him.

"I could take it as a side job..." Brady said quietly, and looking down on her fondly. Then he smiled and looked as if his mind had gone elsewhere, "I haven't told you yet what happened at the meeting this afternoon."

"Oh yes!" Zoe smiled, "What did they have to say?" she looked at him with interest.

He grabbed a chair and moved it to take a seat next to her, angling it towards her. "I was given these." he said pointing to the two new pips on his collar.

"They made you Captain?" Zoe's eyes widened before she threw her arms around him and squealed "Congratulations!"

Brady's eyes widened too and he hugged her back without thinking. "Yeah..thank you. I'm still in awe about it myself...and that isn't all they gave me..."

Pulling back so that she could look at him, Zoe asked "Oh? What else?"

His eyes taking in hers, Brady answered with a quiet voice, "The Solace. Zoe...I'm her new commanding officer."

"That's wonderful news!" Zoe replied, a sinking feeling in her stomach at the thought of losing her friend.

" is.." he said watching her. "At the meeting I told them I needed to think about it. At first it was just a lot to take in. So I...took a walk around the station to clear my head, and suddenly, I don't know... it just felt right..." His brow furrowed, "Am I being too impulsive? I know that sounds funny coming from me, but...what do you think?"

"I think that this is just the change that you've been looking for." Zoe smiled, "You'll make a fine Captain,'ll care for your crew." she added before hugging him again and adding "I'm going to miss you so much."

"Maybe you won't have to." he stated, smiling over her shoulder.

"You turned them down?" Zoe pulled back looking shocked.

"Oh, no," Brady chuckled lightly, "I'm confusing you, aren't I?"

"You are being a bit cryptic I'll give you that." Zoe replied with a sheepish smile, wishing she knew what 'maybe you won't have to' actually meant.

"Okay..sorry." Brady looked sheepishly back. Lately, it seemed, he had become pretty good at confusing people. He took in a deep breath before explaining. "The powers that be are allowing me to make my own recommendations as to who I want as my first officer. Doctor Eckhardt," he looked intently into her eyes, "would you do me the honor of being my 'number one'?"

Zoe's mouth actually dropped open. She had imagined a lot of things but that wasn't one of them. Finally regaining the ability to speak she said "But...but...I'm pregnant."

"Yes," he smiled and nodded, "you are." and at her continued expression, furrowed his brow, "And I don't recall a clause in the Starfleet handbook of rules and regulations that one's executive officer couldn't be..."

"And you wouldn't mind?" Zoe looked at him wide eyed, trying to take it all in. Had she just been offered a promotion? XO...and on a medical ship too?

Brady looked confused as he teased her, " was my idea, and why...why would I mind? We make a good team." he paused, and looked at her thoughtfully, "A new start, Zoe, and the next step up for you. You deserve this opportunity."

A slow smile began to spread across Zoe's face as she considered what she was being offered and best of all, she wouldn't have to lose her friend. Brady had become so much a part of her life over the last few months and a few moments ago when she had thought he'd be leaving her it had left her bereft. But here was a chance to ensure that friendship continued as well as a fresh start for herself and her child. Finally realising that she hadn't said anything, Zoe finally said "Then I accept. I'd love to be your number one."

"Thank you. You're like icing on the cake, Zoe, " Brady said softly, and then tilted his head down as he added carefully, "but you do know this means on occasion you'll be taking orders from me?"

"And you do know that there will be occasions where I need to act as your voice of reason?" Zoe countered as she shifted to re-engage eye contact with him, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yeah, I do." he smiled, and put out a hand, "So how about we seal this agreement?"

"Works for me." Zoe grinned back as she held out her hand to take his, "Thanks Sir." she added with a respectful nod before shaking his hand.

"" he furrowed his brow. "How about only in front of the crew, and while on duty? And you're welcome."

"I think that I can handle that." Zoe chuckled, "Other than that you'll be Uncle Brady, godfather to my baby." she added, her smile fading and becoming serious as she added "Oh and I'm serious about that part...that's if you'd like to be."

"Godfather?" Brady was totally surprised. "Wow..ahh.." he grinned widely, "Yeah, I mean, I would be honored." and the grin never leaving, yet still as if he was shocked, he rose out of his chair. "I should let you get back to work.." he said, starting for the door, and then looked back to her questioningly, "Dinner tonight?"

"Of course." Zoe smiled, "My place...I'll cook." she added with a wink.

Brady nodded, looking and sounding totally uplifted, "Sounds good. I'll see you later." and was out the door.


Lieutenant Commander Zoe Eckhardt
Soon to be former Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Zulu

Captain Brady Dering
Soon to be former Zulu Fleet Psychiatrist
Temp assign - Magellan Campus


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