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Unexpected Expectations

Posted on Sat Nov 10th, 2018 @ 11:43pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S. & Lieutenant Taryn Madison

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Phlox Medical
Timeline: 2388/08/19 1400 (August 19 2388 2:00pm), Right after 'Unexpected First Impressions'

After having them beamed down to Phlox Medical, and then directed to a semi-private exam room, Brady gently directed Taryn to a biobed, "You know the drill, Lieutenant," he smiled.

"Of course Captain." her salute was wry and accompanied by a cheeky grin as she climbed onto a biobed.

A little amused at her actions, Brady inwardly chuckled and then turned as the door suddenly swished open. A nurse walked in introducing herself, and then went to asking the usual questions. She took Taryn's vitals, and updated her medical record, all with great efficiency, before excusing herself with a politesmile, assuring them that the doctor would be there shortly.

Noting the time, Brady turned back to Taryn. "I'll be staying until the doctor arrives, if that's okay with you."

Pressing her fingers to her temples in an effort to stay the sharp pain that was now flashing between them. "I'll never say no to company sir."

"Okay..." Brady breathed in deeply and not caring to wait any longer for whoever the doctor on duty was, leaned in towards her, "Taryn, I'm going to give you something for that headache now." He pulled away, picking up a medical tricorder, and looking around for a hypo, when the door opened.

In walked Cole, and his expression was serious, "Hey...Brady." While he was happy to see his brother, Taryn's medical record had him concerned.

"Cole." Brady exhaled, looking at him impatiently, and then turned towards Taryn. "Doctor Cole Brady, this is Lieutenant Taryn Madison." He nodded at the datapad in Cole's hands, "You read her file?"

As Brady had talked, Cole had grabbed onto a stool, sitting on it as soon as he placed it down before her. "I did," he replied, his eyes remaining on his patient. "And it's nice to meet you, Taryn. I was expecting you today, but not as a patient."

"It wasn't my idea I assure you sir." the young woman managed a smile for the two men despite the agony in her head. Briefly she wondered what they looked like as she sat with her eyes tightly shut.

Pulling a hypo out of his lab coat pocket, he responded with, "I don't doubt it," then placed it on her neck, releasing it's contents, and watched her as it took effect.

The release in tension in her body was subtle, but it was the smile that told them that the pain relief had been effective. "That was not the normal formulation of analgesic" she half observed half asked, after the pain vanished and she felt slightly giddy.

"Morphenolog, used in combination with asinolyathin," he said, still watching her intently. "So how do you feel?"

She giggled and clapped her hand over her mouth at the highpitched joyous sound. Taryn's cheeks colored behind her hand, setting her scars into dark relief white on red. "Wow..."

Cole held back a smile, barely. "Ah. Well, let me reassure you what you're feeling right now is a normal and brief side-effect." He spared a glance at his brother, who was now leaning back against a counter with his arms folded and a raised eyebrow. "Are you feeling any dizziness?" Cole asked her, expecting her not to be.

"No, I just feel high. Like I've never been happy before" her brilliant smile shown behind her hand, and she rubbed her face. "It's really nice."

"Okay," he smiled, not hiding it now, "and that too should pass within the next two minutes."

Having been quiet, Brady shifted where he stood, and said, "What I'm concerned about is this happened at all."

Cole nodded, "Yeah, same here..." He looked thoughtful.

"Old implants, they do this from time to time." Taryn shrugged for she was used to the effects the blasted things had.

Brady pulled away from the counter, "I have to be leaving now, but Taryn," he placed a hand on her upper arm, "I'd like to check up on you later, if that's alright?"

"Of course it's alright. You'll have to deal with my rowdy children though when you do." She offered a smile for the man and clasped her hand over his gently.

"I'm looking forward to it," Brady smiled back down to her, liking the idea. "And take care of yourself," he added pulling away to pat Cole on the shoulder as he headed towards the door. With one hand, he held the door open, "I'll see you tonight," he directed at Cole, gave Taryn a final wave, and left.

Taryn's eyes fluttered closed after she waved back to the Captain. What an introduction to the command staff.

Cole having nodded an affirmation to his big brother, released a breath before turning his attention back to his patient. He looked at her thoughtfully and said straight forward. "Taryn, I think it's time those implants were replaced. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Have you ever done that procedure before sir, or read my rather unique casefile?" she smiled softly at him, taking the heat out of her words with it.

"No, I haven't and not all of it, at least not yet," he admitted. "But I'm not the only surgeon on staff." He raised an eyebrow. "And I'm sure you're aware of that. What I would like to do is discuss this with our new CMO when she gets here. If you are willing. Will you think about it?"

"I will." she promised softly her eyes flickering away from him "It's hard to trust that it will work though when surgeons before have told me it won't."

"Medical advancements are always being made," he replied. "I don't know how it was presented to you before, but please try to never give up." he smiled and sincerely. He felt confident something could be done to make things better for her.

"That's true enough." shrugging her shoulders and wincing a little from residual stiffness Taryn simply sighed. "I have not given up I promise you- just gotten used to the pain levels."

"Good and..." he shook his head, "you shouldn't have to deal with them. Right now, I'd like you to get some rest. If the headache returns, I want you right back here. Otherwise, I'll see you in two days for your first shift. Understood?"

"Two whole days of rest...lets hope I can negotiate that with my children." There was laughter in her voice as she slid down from the bed. "Thanks boss."

Thanks boss? That's my line, Cole thought curiously. "You're welcome...and I certainly hope so," he smiled, and continued to watch her, lifting one eyebrow again as she went out the door.


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