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Trouble part 2

Posted on Mon Oct 10th, 2016 @ 6:31pm by Captain Carter Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane & Cadet Freshman Grade Waco Houston
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:33pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Starbase Tiberius/Beta Quadrant
Timeline: 2388/07/01 2138 (July 1, 2388 2138)


Carter shifted in his seat at Austin's words and leaned forward. He appeared to be relaxed, yet one hand was pressed on a leg; he was ready to spring into action if he needed to, his sixth sense telling him he would be...

At the bar, Seg watched as another troublesome patron came walking through his doors. Closing his eyes, he pinched the bridge of his nose; first the cowboy along with the vibe coming off of his companion, one of the men at the bar, and then the one Seg had dubbed 'the headache'. The man was one warning away from getting himself banned.

It would be an understatement to say Seg was unhappy. He could feel trouble brewing in the air; years of experience and intuition screaming at him.

Pulling aside Merissa, a buxom blond built like a Valkyrie, Seg whispered for her to put some of the nicer bottles of their more exotic stuff in the back, quietly.

He was not going to risk any of it. Seg's eyes subtly flickered between the men as he continued to polish a glass.


Seeing the look in Carter's eyes, Mina sashayed over to where the men were sitting, oblivious to their concerns regarding the man at the bar. "Hello boys." she purred before asking "Mind if a lonely lady joins you?"

Austin's eyes traveled up the 'lonely lady' from ankle to face in an appreciative, yet non-lingering way, his eyes crinkled as he smiled at her, "Well now, I wouldn't dare think of objecting, now would I?" The smile turned to a grin as he pushed his chair away from the table. A table chosen because it had only two seats and Carter generally shunned extra company. Austin was aware that even he wasn't wanted half the time! Still, limited seating could serve a purpose occasionally, "As you can see, there's only one place to sit, my dear," he patted his thigh and winked, knowing that if he were a real gentleman he'd grab a chair from the next table and bring it over for the lady. Ah, but was she a lady, that's what he intended to find out, his troubles fleeing his mind for the moment.

"Is that a fact?" Mina purred as she gracefully planted herself onto Austin's knee and asked "So...what brings you boys to a place like this?" As she spoke, she snaked an arm around Austin's neck, her gaze planted firmly in Carter's direction.

Carter stared down at his beer, and raised both eyebrows. "My friend and I have something important to discuss alone," he said, his eyes going back up and returning her gaze. "Wait for me at the bar..." raising his beer to his mouth, he looked over at Austin, "...and I will join you shortly...alone."

"Of course." Mina said as she stood up and then stepped closer to Carter. Reaching out to caress his cheek she said "Don't keep me waiting too long gorgeous." And with that, she retreated back to the bar where she ordered another drink.

"Wh... Hey... well!" Austin frowned as Mina walked away, but that didn't stop him from admiring her walk. The look he turned on Carter was one of a wounded puppy regarding the person who'd swatted him with a newspaper, "What the hell. I have a feeling that even though she was on my lap she was more interested in.." But he was cut off before he could finish that sentence.

"About Waco," Carter finished his beer, "What are you going to do about him?" His jaw tightened, but it wasn't aimed at Austin. Suddenly there was music, and the young Xenexian at the bar was moving towards Mina.

"" he finished his previous sentence lamely, then sighed. "Carter. I just don't know. I'd bring him here, if the ship didn't have that stupid no families rule," he lifted a brow and half quirked a smile as he said that, then shook his head, "I'd send him to my brother, but that would just insult Mushi, and then she might dig in and try to keep him from me completely, even subspace. I need a solution that doesn't upset her but gets my son away from her at the same time!" He growled, then noticed Carter's distraction. "What the hell, if you can't have her, no one can?"

"His attention shifted from me to her the moment she left this table." Carter's purple eyes flashed as he opened his other bottle of beer. Though Austin had his attention, Carter felt the pull of vague familiarity of the other Xenexian. "You're right...this is personal."

To Be Continued...


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