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Trouble conclusion

Posted on Mon Oct 10th, 2016 @ 6:34pm by Captain Carter Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane & Cadet Freshman Grade Waco Houston
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:36pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Starbase Tiberius/Beta Quadrant
Timeline: 2388/07/01 2203 (July 1, 2388 2203)


Over at the bar, the young Xenexian moved towards Mina, making eye contact as he eased onto a barstool next to her. "You do realize he's Xenexian", he said, referring to Carter.

"And that matters why?" Mina asked, "He's gorgeous." she sighed dreamily as she looked over at Carter, "That's all I care about." then she frowned and added "Why do you care anyway? Not jealous are you?" she looked him up and down.

"Jealous? no," he half smiled, and looked away amused as he finished off his beer. Good looking himself, with medium brown hair and intense grey eyes, he appeared to be human with the exception that his skin had an almost leather-like texture. After waving Seg over for another, he looked back to her, "He'll only treat you like you're a piece of property."

"I'm not after a husband you know." Mina replied, "Can't a girl find herself a good time with no strings attached?" she chided the younger man.

At the wave over, Seg filled a glass with beer and brought it over. Eyeing the Xenexian warily, trading a cautious glance with Mina before moving off to take care of another customer.

"So you expect to have a good time?, " the young Xenexian chuckled, then looked over at Carter, who was staring back with a dangerous look in his eyes. The young Xenexian's brows furrowed with a baffled expression, "And you actually find him gorgeous?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Mina looked at the younger man, "Besides...that man knows how to pleasure a woman, I just know it." she added as she resumed her watch of Carter, her body tingling with anticipation.

He continued to stare at Carter along with her. His eyes narrowing, his own features beginning to match the older Xenexian, he scoffed, "Xenexian men from his generation only care about pleasuring themselves." Suddenly feeling an intimidation from Carter's glare he hadn't known since he was a child, one he would never admit to, he looked over at her, and with a cocky smile said, "I can show you a better time."

"You really think you can handle me?" Mina looked at him doubtfully, "You realise that I'm a whole lot of trouble right?" she purred looking from the young man to Carter and back again.

He raised a brow and turned towards her, "I believe there is a saying, trouble attracts trouble"

"Hmmmm..." Mina tapped her lower lip as she thought, "What to do, what to do." she sighed dramatically, "Does a girl pick stamina or experience?" Then she eyed the young man and said "I don't suppose you'd allow a girl to have her cake and eat it would you?" she pointed between him and Carter and back again before flashing him a sultry smile.

His raised eyebrow lowered, then furrowed with the other one, "The three of the same time?"

"I'm game if you are." Mina leaned over to whisper in his ear before nipping his earlobe suggestively.

"He would never go for it. " The young Xenexian breathed out forcing back a moan.

"Well we wouldn't know now would we unless we ask?" Mina purred seductively.

"Good luck," he managed to get out, raising his beer up towards Carter, "You can ask him, but I'm telling you," he turned back towards her, "I am all you'll need, and besides," he brought his face in closer to hers, "you can teach me what I don't know."

"That a fact?" Mina grinned pulling him in and landing a passionate kiss on his lips before pushing him away again.

He smiled as he stumbled back, accidentally falling back into someone...a big someone.

"Hey! do you not know how to work your feet. Or eyes?" A deep disgruntled voice demanded from the hulking man. Steel eyes glared down at the younger man from a remarkably scarred face.

The young Xenexian returned the glare a second before rolling his eyes upward. A sarcastic response formed on his lips, "I do, unfortunately they burn from the smell coming off you..."

"Now now boys." Mina stepped between the two men and held her hands open in surrender, "How about you make nice and leave each other alone?" she suggested facing towards the older man.

Still staring, the hulking man grunted and smirked. "You're right" He glanced at Mina before turning to sweep his gaze over the Xenexian with disdain. "Why waste my time?" He asked rhetorical, the stench of inebriated breath washed over them.

The look he turned once more on Mina was filled with lust, "When there is much more alluring distractions to give my attention too. " Reaching up to grab her arm.

"I don't think so.." The young Xenexian quickly blocked him only to find himself suddenly being lifted up and shoved backwards unceremoniously over a stool. The bigger man then just as quickly grabbed Mina pulling her to him.

"What are you doing?" Mina looked outraged and began to struggle as she said "Get your damn hands off me! I've made my own plans for tonight."

Austin turned his chair so he could watch what was going on at the bar and still converse with Carter, IF Carter's attention could be diverted.. "That little guy doesn't know what he's getting himself into.." he muttered. To Carter he said, noticing the large guy moving slowly behind on the Xenexian and the woman, "Why do I have a feeling this is not going to end well?"

"Recall those idiots I told you about, the ones who use the weapons hung on the walls of Xenexian taverns to pick fights they don't need to? He's one of those kinds of idiots..." Without moving his eyes from the situation, Carter said, "What about school?"

Austin had no difficulty following both lines of conversation, "Yeah, he's going to get his hindquarters handed to him before the night is over.." With a sigh, "If they were on Ferenginar, Waco could try to enroll at P.U. But then again, the constant rain plays hell with his human sinuses.."

Carter's jaw tightened, "P.U?"

"Profit University," he gave a half smirk, "It would be something anyway. Come to think of it, his grandfather probably ruined his chances of being accepted there before he died, the old bastard." Taking a moment to slide his hat off his head and onto the table, Austin added, "This isn't going to be the quiet night we were thinking of, is it?"

Carter didn't answer the question. Instead, sat his beer away from him. "Where's he at?" he asked referring to Waco.

Austin drained his glass and set it aside then flexed his fingers as he answered, "Risa at the moment. Don't know for how long." As things escalated across the room, he added, "Well, shall we join in on.." his last word trailed off as Carter was already on his feet, "..that.. Guess so." He couldn't help the grin as he rose from his seat. Quiet nights out always seemed to end this way.

The young Xenexian had immediately jumped back onto his feet and lunged back at the large ugly man only to have someone from behind slam him with a stool. The last thing he recalled before passing out was Carter Hall dragging the one responsible on down the counter top of the bar.


Captain Carter Hall
USS Armstrong
Played by Kim

Doctor Austin Houston
USS Armstrong
Played by Andrea (Waco)

Owner & Bartender
The Haggard Mermaid
Starbase Tiberius
NPC'd by Jen

The Haggard Mermaid
Starbase Tiberius
NPC'd by Andrea

Bajoran Minx
NPC'd by Karen

Young Xenexian Guy
Cocky bar idiot
Played by Kim

Big Ugly Guy
NPC'd by Jen


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