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Get the Cell Out of Here!

Posted on Mon Oct 10th, 2016 @ 7:14pm by Fleet Admiral Gregory Maddock & Captain Carter Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Cadet Freshman Grade Waco Houston
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:38pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Starbase Tiberius/Beta Quadrant
Timeline: 2388/07/02 0008 (July 2, 2388 0008)


"It's too late." Carter looked over at Austin with his hard, purple eyes. "We're weeks away. He'll never make it on time...", and at Ben's expression, he continued, "But the Armstrong is to report to Star Base 893, which is the new SCE hub out in the Delta Quadrant. It's a Colony-class starbase on a Class M planet where Starfleet recently built the new academy campus, which is, " he gestured out a hand to Ben, "meant for those on this side of the wormhole in the Beta Quadrant, as well as potential cadets already living in the frontier. Word is extended testing is being done at Starbase 659, just on the other side of the wormhole..." and then it hit him like the blinding light of a supernova, and he turned and stared back to Austin. "You said earlier at the bar...Waco's on Risa..."

Shaken from his daydream, Austin wasn't paying attention, but he caught the last bit, "Huh? Oh. Uh, yeah, they're on Risa. Surely you don't think we should drop your nephew off there? I mean, Betrice nearly killed me once before, I don't want to give her cause to carry out her threats to skin me with a spoon.."

Carter continued to stare at him, then shook his head. Obviously, all through his explanation, the good doctor had still been with the secretary. "No," he smiled, "we'll be picking up Waco."


Austin tilted his head, then winced as his bruises protested, "Wait, are you saying you're going to approve my request for Waco to join me on board? Wow, I was not expecting that!"

"No.." Carter said with forced patience, "We pick up Waco, and then drop both of these..," he searched for a word that wouldn't insult the 'innocent' Waco but wasn't too nice for the arrogant Ben, finally he settled on, "kids at the new academy."

Ben looked between the two, feeling a little shocked that he was getting what he wanted. Although he didn't care for the 'kid' reference, he forced it aside. "Who's Waco?"

Austin squinted, trying to understand, then winced as his bruised eye socket protested the movement, he started talking slowly, putting it together in his head as he spoke, "Wait a minute.. We can get Waco away from Mushi, and it's not an insult because he's not going to me.. he's joining Starfleet Academy!" The end was a rush, and he jumped to his feet, "Carter! That's... That's perfect!" He laughed and clapped Carter on the shoulder.

Carter smiled, and patted him on the side of the face, "Problem solved."

"Who's Waco!?" Ben demanded.

Austin turned to grin at Ben, "He's my son. And, if you both pass, your roommate at the academy!"

"Does he even want to go to the Academy?" Ben asked with a touch of defiance,"Or are you planning his future not caring what he wants, just like my family had been mine?"

Austin was taken aback, and opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out. What could he say. How could he explain to this kid that his son would probably see it as a welcome relief that his dad was planning his future, that it was much better than his Ferengi grandfather planning it, or even his mother. But Austin was absolutely going to make sure Waco was ok with this before implementing the plan. His son would be taken care of, even if he had to smuggle him aboard the Armstrong and hide him in his quarters! He was saved from having to say anything by Carter's next interjection.

"That's enough..." Carter began when he felt a familiar presence, more than one in fact. He stopped, then turned around slowly to see one of the Station's security guards enter with Admiral Greg Maddock, the Commanding officer of the Starbase. He was followed by the Armstrong's new Executive Officer, Rosalie De La Croix, and Antonio Chavez, the Armstrong's Assistant Security Chief.

Greg came in to stand before their holding cell. Just standing there and staring with a look of thunder rolling over his face. A dozen remarks passed through his mind before finally settling on one.

"I can't say I was entirely surprised when I heard there was a brawl. Not with some of the station's current guests." His eyes flickered for a second to Austin before going back to stare hard at Carter, "The surprise I did receive was finding out that not just one of the Armstrong crew was involved but seven. It's almost laughable except I'm not laughing." While in some situations his words could have been taken lightheartedly, his tone and stiff body language completely ruined that possibility.

"I am sure there is an explanation for this." He waved his hand to indicate them in the cell. " However I don't care."

"I'm glad to hear it, Admiral." Carter replied, stopping himself from clearing his throat as he returned his gaze. He had no desire, nor intentions, to explain what happened.

Rosalie stood behind Greg as she watched the exchange with interest and wondered if the Captain was deliberately trying to sabotage his career. Not that she cared of course. It served Old Grumpy Pants (As he was now known in her mind) right. A smug expression graced her face as she watched them and waited for the Admiral to go for the jugular.

Greg resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose and replied deadpanned, "I am so relieved to know you feel that way Captain. It should also relieve you to know that I've decided I want the whole lot of you off my starbase. All personnel will be recalled tonight. Escort will be provided of course." He finished with a glare.

He glanced over at Austin again, "One more of these incidents from you Commander and you'll be banned, permanently."

Austin touched his chest and put on his most innocent expression, "Me? You got it all wrong! I'm innocent this time! Well.." he grinned a little, "Mostly innocent.. But I can assure you that I am SO not at fault here!" He couldn't help the quick glance at Ben, though he wasn't trying to get the kid in any more trouble than he was already in.

Ben kept quiet, he wasn't about to admit to anything.

"I take full responsibility, Admiral," Carter said. He took a step forward, placing himself in front of Ben and caught Rosalie's expression, before he continued, "Austin Houston's only guilt is being in the wrong place at the wrong time."

A snort accidentally escaped Rosalie's lips as she looked at the men behind the forcefield. If this was how it was going to be then she knew that she was in for a rough ride as XO on the Armstrong.

Antonio had shaken his head at what Carter said, not to discredit his co, but he had seen Austin's record, he knew what the man had a pension for. What had him more concerned was Rosalie's reaction.

"Be that as it may" Greg began in response to Carter, ignoring Rosalie's snort. "His 'wrong place, wrong time' has happened far to often. Now," Greg then nodded towards Ben, "he will be staying the night here before he'll be released. In the future I recommend you keep the domestics off my starbase."

Austin suppressed the urge to stick his tongue out at the first half of Greg's statement. Barely. He couldn't help it that trouble seemed to find him, especially when he was on this station.

"I have to stay the night here?" asked Ben, his hands now on his hips. One could see it on his face he was unhappy, surprisingly thrown off, and about to ask why when Carter turned to face him.

"I suggest you take it without question." Carter warned him.

Greg continued and turned to Rosalie as if neither Ben or Carter had reacted, "Commander I'll leave you to make sure the Armstrong crew depart. I'm certain you can handle arranging a smooth and amicable exit for them all." He tossed a glance at Carter and wondered if he was over estimating the Captain and his new XO's ability to find away to get along.

Carter stood there without expression, but there was a hardness to his eyes as he stared back to Rosalie.

Satisfied, as much as he could be in this situation, Greg looked to Carter once more. "Good luck Captain." He said with a slight nod and turned to head for the exit.

"Thank you, Admiral." Carter replied as the man left, his eyes remained on Rosalie.

"Shall we gentlemen?" Rosalie asked, nodding to the security guard on duty to drop the forcefield. Shooting Carter an equally as cold glare she couldn't resist saying "There's a ship full of people who need their Captain so it wouldn't be doing to spend the night here would it?" before anyone could react she turned to Antonio and asked "Can you see to it that everyone else gets back to the ship?"

"Yes, ma'am." Antonio replied, looking over to Carter, who gave him a nod in return. One last look between Carter and Rosalie, he breathed in and exhaled a deep breath, and then left.

Rosalie crossed her arms and waited. She wasn't going to leave Carter's side until he was back on board his ship.

With a pretended air of indifference to her words and the situation, Carter took his time, standing to the side and gesturing for Austin to go first.

Austin didn't waste any more time standing in this familiar prison cell, as he stepped out he took a deep breath, "Ah freedom!" Then with his eyes twinkling, he looked at Rosalie, and in a stage whisper said, "If you're quick, you can slam that door and get rid of your problems.." He smirked, then looked back at Carter and gave him a quick salute, "See ya on board, Cap'n! Try not to get into any more altercations on the way back! And uh, try not to go through the women's detention on your way out. SHE might still be after you." He smirked, turned on his heel and whistled happily as he left, until he was out of sight, then he rubbed his split lip and muttered an "Ow.." because he'd opened it up again.

"She?" Rosalie raised an eyebrow and looked pointedly at Carter.

Following Austin out of the cell, Carter stared at him unappreciatively before turning to her. "She." he stated as merely a fact returning her gaze, "Anymore questions can wait." he turned back to Ben, "Make sure you're on the Armstrong as soon as they release you."

Ben, leaning forward with his hands pressed together as he sat on one of the slide out bunks, stared over at his uncle sideways with narrowed eyes, and nodded.

Looking satisfied, Carter ignored any looks from Rosalie and headed out. He needed to catch up to Austin, before the good doctor got himself into any more trouble.

As they all left him, including a station security guard who gave one shake of his head before leaving, Ben raked his hands through his hair then ran them down his face. An overwhelming feeling had gone through the young Xenexian as reality sunk in. He really was getting what he wanted, a chance to join Starfleet.


Captain Carter Hall
USS Armstrong
Played by Kim

Doctor Austin Houston
USS Armstrong
Played by Andrea

Ben Hall
Carter's nephew &
Future Academy Magellan Campus Cadet

Admiral Gregory Maddock
CO of SB Tiberius, transferring to the DQ too
NPC'd by Jen

Commander Rosalie De La Croix
Executive Officer
USS Armstrong
Played by Karen

Lieutenant Antonio Chavez
Assist. Chief Sec./Master-at-Arms
USS Armstrong
Played by Kim


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